We Invent, Manufacture, and Customize Unique Lighting Accessories
Product Launch: Beam Control Accessories for ETC LED Series 3 Fixtures
City Theatrical has launched 20 new beam control accessories thus far in 2022, many of which are designed to fit ETC’s Source Four LED Series 3 lighting fixtures. Our beam control accessories that fit these lenses include: Adapters, Barndoors, Beam Bender, Color Extenders, Color Frames, Concentric Rings, Cross Baffle Top Hats, Donuts, Drop In Boomerang, Egg Crate Louvers, Image Multiplexer, Mainframes, Stackers™ Tapered Top Hats, Stackers™ Tapered Half Top Hats, Standard Top Hats, and Standard Half Top Hats. To learn which Beam Control Accessory Size will fit your ETC Standard, EDLT, or XDLT Lens by degree and type, see our Beam Control Accessory Sizing for Source 4 Series 3 Lenses Chart.
Product Launch: QolorFLEX LED Tape Accessories
City Theatrical offers many QolorFLEX® LED Tape Accessories to help make LED Tape installations easier, including ribbon cables, mounting clips, extrusions, diffusers, connectors, and more. For 2022, we've introduced 10 new accessories, ranging from Terminal Block Connectors in Four-, Three-, and Two-Pin Male and Female configurations to complement the existing line of Six- and Five-Pin Connectors, 18 GA Ribbon Cable varieties, in Four- and Three-Conductor to complement the existing Six-, Five-, and Two-Conductor line of Ribbon Cables, and End Cap styles for Aluminum Extrusions for LED Tape installations.
Tech Support Tip: Multiverse Studio Firmware
In addition, if your Multiverse Studio Receiver freezes and you are looking to restart, you can power down the unit while it is frozen by pressing and holding the power button for 10 seconds, or until it shuts off. (There is no need to open it and unplug the battery!) To prevent freezing in the future, please make sure you’re running the most recent version of the firmware.
Tech Support Tip: DMXcat Flashlight
DMXcat® users: When you turn your DMXcat on and try to connect to your dongle, does it continually show that it is updating?
To get your DMXcat out of an "updating loop", simply make sure your flashlight button is off. You'll know this is your issue if your DMXcat goes through an entire 100% update, reboots, and then starts a new reboot cycle. This occurs if your flashlight button is stuck in, in the "on" position. The flashlight button works in conjunction with the power button, such that when it is held in when it is turned on, it automatically enters boot load mode. Simply rotate the button to make sure it clicks back out, and you'll get out of the loop.
How-To Reel: QolorPoint + Multiverse SHoW Baby
With the recent addition of onboard Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM 2.4GHz technology to QolorPoint® Wireless LED Uplighters for event lighting, we wanted to make sure all of our end users understand the three ways to control Qolorpoint Wireless LED Uplighters:
- Individually
- Parent/child
- Through a wireless DMX transmitter
February 2022 Custom Work
City Theatrical custom cut Dual White QolorFLEX LED Tape
Every month, we do dozens of custom projects for customers all over the world. These projects include entertainment lighting, architectural lighting, and OEM development projects for other companies. Custom projects give us a chance to use all of our experience, knowledge, and capability.
Tell us about your challenges, submit a custom order, and you could see your project in next month's newsletter.
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City Theatrical Ltd. (Europe)
+44 (0)20 8949 5051
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