Dear CIM supporters,

Happy belated St. Brigid's day, also known as the ancient Celtic festival Imbolc. St. Brigid's day marks the coming of spring, the hope of new life, and longer, warmer days.

This week our Spring Term is off to a great start. The hallways have been buzzing with students and teachers playing tunes together and volunteers receiving and preparing donations for our silent auction.

The CIM zoom rooms are also buzzing, with more than 30% of our lessons and classes being taught online to students across the country. Like many nonprofits, the Center for Irish Music's entire business model has changed during COVID. We are honored to be serving our online students and instructors. Here's a shout out to you!

We're excited to come together in support of the Center for Irish Music at our annual fundraising event, Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event, on February 26th at 7:00pm. Did you know that Éigse is free to attend this year? See the the ticket options below, and stay tuned for very exciting news coming soon.

Purchase your VIP ticket now to receive your box of edible & festive goodies to enjoy while viewing our virtual musical program - including locally-sourced food from Kieran Folliard's Food Building There are just 30 Gaela-in-a-Boxes left!

At the school, we are heading into our busiest season with Éigse, spring term, St. Patrick's Day season, Midwest Fleadh preparations, spring recitals & concerts and the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend all coming in the next 5 months. See the important dates below in this newsletter.

Thanks for being a part of it all. We wouldn't be here without you.

Norah Rendell
Executive Artistic Director
Center for Irish Music

*CIM students: The "students" webpage is updated on a weekly basis. We request that current students bookmark this page and check in regularly to find out about upcoming dates, deadlines, events and student-related announcements. Thank you!
Spring term runs from January 31st through June 6th. Check out the late-start classes that begin after St. Patrick's Day marked with a star, like Celtic Cuties (Friday & Saturday mornings), Uilleann Pipe tunes with Seán Gavin, and more.

We are offering group classes and private lessons both virtually and in person. Please email Lily Gaetgaeow, Registration Coordinator, with questions or for more information on private lessons.
The school calendar that we released in August 2021 has been updated and many dates and events have been added or changed. Follow CIM’s google calendar for live updated info.

**Outreach performances for the IMDA events, and other St. Patrick's Day celebrations will be shared with ensemble members soon.**

A partial list of important school dates is listed here.

  • February 11 - Fleadh information meeting for anyone who is planning to compete, or who is interested in learning more via zoom.
  • February 26 - Éigse CIM
  • March 13 - Day of Irish Dance (IMDA event, Landmark Center)
  • March 17 - St. Patrick's Day Celebration (IMDA event, Landmark Ctr.), CIM closed
  • April 4-10 - CIM closed for spring break
  • April 23 - Practice Fleadh, 2:00-5:00pm
  • April 29 - Duets & Trios night, 7:00pm (open to anyone!)
  • May 6 - Spring Adult Student Open Mic, 7:00 pm
  • May 8 - Spring Youth Recitals 1 & 2, 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm
  • May 13-15 - Midwest Fleadh in St. Louis
  • May 22 - Spring Youth Recitals 3 & 4, 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm, AYE auditions (option 1) in the morning at 11am.
  • June 9-13 - Minnesota Irish Music Weekend
  • July 18-22 - Irish Music Summer Camps (9am-3pm), more info coming soon!
The Center for Irish Music and emcee Máirtín de Cógáin invite you to cozy up and join us online for Éigse CIM, a Virtual Gaela Event! Éigse [eg-shuh] is an Irish word used for festivals celebrating traditional Irish arts and culture. It is in this spirit that we gather for an evening to raise funds for The Center for Irish Music, Minnesota's only traditional Irish music school, dedicated to handing down the tradition.

Register now and you'll enjoy a Celtic-art themed virtual silent auction (starting February 19th); a live, professionally-broadcast streaming music program on February 26th; and a series of digital party favors delivered to your inbox.

We hope to see you there!

Access to our virtual silent auction, streaming gaela program and concert. You'll also receive a collection of digital party favors to thank you for your support! Tickets are free, but pre-registration is required.

Access to our virtual silent auction, streaming gaela program and concert, plus a "Gaela in a Box" filled with delicious treats and recipes (enough for two people!), delivered to your doorstep or available for pickup at the Center for Irish Music. Orders must be in by February 11th to receive a "Gaela in a Box".

Support the Center for Irish Music with a Virtual Table Sponsorship. Whether you host an in-person watch party or invite your friends to join remotely, your sponsorship will help us hand down the tradition. Includes access to our virtual silent auction, streaming gaela program and concert, and one "Gaela in a Box" for two people. Orders must be in by February 11th to receive a "Gaela in a Box". Please note that your guests must register for a General Admission ticket if they would like to participate in the silent auction.
Thank you to our sponsors:
JUNE 9-12, 2022
Join the Center for Irish Music for the 14th annual Minnesota Irish Music Weekend @ Home!

The Minnesota Irish Music Weekend is a unique festival that pairs world-class traditional Irish musicians and teachers with learners of all ages for a weekend of workshops, lectures, sessions and concerts.

Each of our visiting artists is recognized for their musical mastery, and will offer insights and techniques to help learners tap into the deep roots of traditional Irish music. Stay tuned for artist and programming announcements, coming soon!
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 | 3:30-5:00 PM
The Power of Indigenous Languages with panelists Dáithí Sproule, Mike/Migizi Sullivan & Margaret A. Noodin

Talisk with the Northerly Gales

From the Stage to Your Heart accompanied by The Two Tap Trio (Mary Vanorny, Norah Rendell, Brian Miller) w/Eric Carlson

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 | 5:00-10:00 PM
Éigse CIM, a Virtual Gaela Event

MARCH 4-6, 11-13 & 17
O'shea Irish Dance - Kickin it Irish
Accompanied by Todd Menton, Brian Miller, Cormac O'Sé & more
SATURDAY, MARCH 12 | 7:30-9:30 PM
Lúnasa with special guest Daoiri Farrell

Irish Music and Dance Association (IMDA) Day of Irish Dance - Featuring CIM Student & Instructor Performances

Irish Music and Dance Association (IMDA)
St. Patrick's Day Celebration - Featuring CIM Student & Instructor Performances

MARCH 27 | 7:00-9:30 PM
JigJam in Concert

This is not an exhaustive listing of all events in the Twin Cities Irish community. For more listings, visit the IMDA Event Calendar and the Celtic Junction Arts Center.
The Minnesota Coordination Center (MCC) has updated their COVID testing process - and now INDIVIDUAL results are available for each person, every time they test at the Celtic Junction Arts Center!

We highly recommend that all persons attending in-person at Celtic Junction take part in regular testing, especially considering the contagious nature of this variant and the breakthrough infections. CJAC will be running this program through June.

The program is FREE, private, and open to all members of our community and partner organizations including students, family members, donors and supporters. Feel free to share. To register, fill out this form.
The Center for Irish Music is a 501c3 nonprofit, and we depend on your support to continue passing down the tradition of Irish music and song. Please consider joining us as a volunteer or making a gift to the CIM today!
This activity is made
possible by the voters of
Minnesota through
a Minnesota State Arts
Board Operating Support
grant, thanks to a
legislative appropriation
from the arts and
cultural heritage fund.