Highlights of this newsletter:
- March for Life Wrap-Up
- 40 Days for Life Kick-Off
- Walking with Moms in Need
- A Growing Threat to Life: Chemical Abortions
- A Prayer for Pregnant Mothers
Once again, parishes, schools and ministry coordinators across the Diocese of Rockville Centre made an outstanding effort to bring the message “Life Is Sacred” to our communities here on Long Island. To mark the grim anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, our local/virtual March for Life included Masses for the legal protection of the unborn, Adoration, Rosaries, witness in the public square, special presentations, and two rallies—an amazing effort by all organizers and an exuberant response by all participants across Nassau and Suffolk counties. See more here.
We did not miss the energetic presence of the young demographic which usually dominates in Washington, D.C. In fact, busloads of students from every Catholic high school in our diocese came to St. Agnes Cathedral for a special rally marked by Mass with Bishop Barres, Adoration, inspirational talks with a mini-rally including prayer on the lawn (our own Mall!), and even a march through the neighborhood! This showcased the best of our youth and represents our hope to build a true Culture of Life.
To all participants: I am grateful for your faithful witness to the sanctity of life which demonstrated a great tenacity and resourcefulness in the pall of COVID-19 restrictions. In the face of adversity, your witness was not diminished, but rather magnified in places where the message is often not heard on this somber day. In some ways, the difficulties of the last two years are a metaphor for a mother facing a challenging pregnancy: do not succumb to fear, hopelessness or despair, for together we can help each other and accomplish more than we can do alone. We are united in Christ Who gives us life! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who made this a successful local March for Life as well as all the work you continue to do throughout the year to ignite a passion for life in the hearts of Long Islanders! Read more
You will see all the activities, videos, photo gallery and more importantly what is happening After the March!
Hundreds of Catholic High School students in the Diocese of Rockville Centre participated in the Rockville Centre based Youth for Life Pilgrimage.
The one-day pilgrimage for high school teens blended prayer, catechesis and witness as an alternative to the annual March for Life in Washington DC. While the annual March for Life did take place in DC, Covid-19 restrictions limited high school student participation. The Youth for Life Pilgrimage enabled students to express support of life closer to home in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
Students arrived at the Cathedral by bus and were greeted by the Very Reverend Michael Duffy, Cathedral Rector. Brother Richard Contino from St. Anthony’s High School spoke on the topic of “Life is Beautiful.” Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and praise and worship music followed Brother Richard’s talk. Bishop Barres was the principal celebrant of the Mass, while Kellenberg Memorial High School Alumnus, Father John Crozier was the homilist.
Following Mass, prayerful witness took place outside the Cathedral on the adjacent lawn. Students braved cold temperatures to pray the Angelus, the Rosary, and listen to a witness talk by Mary Russomano, religion teacher from Holy Trinity Diocesan High School.
Thanks to all who made this possible!
“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Th. 5:17
“Recognizing the Divine Spark in Every Child Yet To Be Born”
Homily given by Fr Brian Ingram, Pastor, St Lawrence the Martyr
A. A Tragic Anniversary
for most of us, the word “anniversary” connotes something festive, some-thing happy, something that invites celebration
but not all anniversaries are happy occasions; take for example, the one we observe today—the 49th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, which made abortion legal and easily attainable under almost any circumstance throughout the United States
it is an anniversary that hundreds of thousands of people remember each January 22nd, but their mood is certainly not celebratory
any year that wasn’t overshadowed by COVID-19, enormous numbers of men, women and children—including some of you right here—would be making their way to Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life, hoping that their persistent, non-violent, prayerful witness would chip away at the staggering blindness that afflicts our country, a blindness that refuses to see an unborn child as fully human, and deserving of legal protection and care
having been on one of those buses a few times over the years, I have tremendous admiration for the marchers—Catholic and non-Catholic alike: they realize it’s not enough simply to say that you believe this or that; sometimes you have to take a step further and do something; you have to find a way to give witness to what you claim is in your heart.
B. Jeremiah
- but that’s not easy for many of us . . . whether we want to admit it or not, we often have a great deal in common with the prophet Jeremiah, whose call was recounted in our first reading
- like Jeremiah, we demur . . . we protest that we’re too young, (or too old!), that we don’t possess any great eloquence or depth of knowledge; we don’t have all the statistics at our fingertips; we don’t want to anger our own friends or family; we’re frightened of finding ourselves opposed or ridiculed
but when God has his sights on us—as he did on Jeremiah—there’s no persuading him that he’s chosen the wrong person: “To all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord.” Read more
Office of Human Life, Family and Bioethics, will begin a monthly Rosary for Life, beginning on March 25th at 3 pm.
When: Every 4th Friday of the Month, 3 pm.
Meeting ID: 856 4708 7922
Passcode: 677757
Call In Number: 1 (646) 876-9923 (New York)
Join in whenever you can.
You are free to email dcrean@drvc.org if you would like the link each month otherwise it will be the same link each month. There is so much to pray for and we thought it would be a good idea for us to join together as a community in this Mission of Defending, Protecting and Respecting the Dignity of Every Human Person. In order to transform and heal the troubling times in our families, country, Church and world we are called to radical holiness, in which only by prayer and fasting can be obtained.
“Holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” Tit. 1:9
A Bit of Bioethics
The Ethics of Pig to Human Organ Transplants
Early this year, a Maryland man suffering from severe heart failure underwent a new experimental procedure, receiving a pig heart transplant. His medical team had determined he would be a poor candidate for a human heart transplant or for an artificial heart, so he was offered the opportunity to participate in a novel treatment using a genetically modified pig’s heart.
The pig had been specially bred and modified with DNA edits to increase the likelihood of successful transplantation. Three genes of the pig that contribute to the rapid antibody-mediated rejection of pig organs by humans were “knocked out.” Six human genes that would produce “human protective proteins” and improve immune acceptance of the pig heart were also inserted into the pig’s genome. An additional gene knockout was done to prevent the pig’s heart from becoming too large.
The transplantation of animal organs into humans is known as “xenotransplantation” and is a new field that appears poised to expand rapidly in the future. Xenotransplantation can be ethical as long as pilot studies are performed in animals ahead of use in humans, safety issues are carefully addressed, the benefits of the transplantation procedure outweigh the burdens, and risks are reasonably limited.
While we have a duty to treat animals well and should try to avoid causing them undue suffering, it’s also clear that human beings have been given by God a legitimate dominion over members of the animal kingdom. Animal trials have always been key to launching new therapies in humans. Read more
FAQ on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Exemptions
See below for a list of current issues for you to learn more and to take action.
“All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” Col. 3:17
Our story began at 4:30 am on Friday, January 20th, one of the coldest days of winter. Forty pilgrims, sponsored by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, traveled to meet 150, 000 fellow Americans. It was love that moved us, and courage that saw us to Washington DC.
After a coffee stop, and a rosary prayed by the entire bus, we arrived in DC to the warmth of an Irish restaurant. AOH friends from all over the northeast joined for breakfast and speeches by faithful Catholics, upholding the fight for truth and life.
Next, our travels took us to the National Gallery of Art. Consider, though, the works made by the hands of men compared to a baby. A baby is made in the image and likeness of God. A baby has a soul. Outside, the crowd was growing, and our mission to pray, stand witness and march for the unborn pressed us onward.
With signs, banners, and rosaries, we took our place on the sidewalk and entered the thousands. There were sisters, priests, families, and a sea of devoted school and college aged students. This is the longest standing peaceful protest in our country, the 49th annual March for Life. One gains a sense of gratitude and unity from the streets of DC. There’s a spirit of thankfulness to God for bringing us here, for our own life, and the chance to stand for the unborn.
Back to the bus, one man shared news of a young lady who had considered abortion and was working through real challenges. In a moment’s time, 40 generous souls pooled $800 on the spot. What matters is that we live the March for Life in our daily lives. We must be a people of support and love, listen well, and consider the plight of mothers facing abortion. Every person, even the littlest ones yet to be born are infinitely valuable; that value is a soul. We are children of God, and that is worthy of protection.
Thank you AOH for sponsoring a bus to take us to Washington DC, and Mr. Spero for organizing this effort. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the March for Life, and will take place on Friday, January 20, 2023.
Lauren Warnes
40 Days for Life, Spring Campaign Leader, Patchogue
Stay connected to prayerful vigils on Long Island with 40 Days for Life from March 2-April 10 in Hempstead, Massapequa, Patchogue, Riverhead, and Smithtown.
Her Parents Chose LIFE!
This is Brianna on her first trip to Washington, DC for the 2022 March-For-Life.
Her mother had a difficult pregnancy and at 27 weeks had to deliver Brianna against the advice of some doctors realizing there may be some health problems.
Brianna made her own sign for the March and included her photograph as an infant in the NICU at Winthrop hospital. Born at less than 1 pound she was given a 50% chance of survival after surgery on her intestine. The photo was taken at the hospital 27 weeks after conception.
She is now 10 years old, Full of Life, a Girl Scout and taking Step-Dance lessons. Brianna is scheduled to start at Kellenberg Latin School in September 2022. God bless this family!
Your prayers can save lives and change hearts. 40 Days for Life is a life-saving prayer campaign that will take place throughout our Diocese across Long Island starting on March 2nd and concluding April 10th . 40 Days for Life is a peaceful initiative consisting of 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil at abortion facilities, and educational outreach with the goal of protecting mothers and their children from abortion. More than 18,000 unborn children have been saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life campaigns. To learn more about the 40 Days for Life campaign, in your area visit: www.40daysforlife.com. Sign up for hours for each campaign.
"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.' Mt 25:40
May the Supreme Court overturn the tragic decision of Roe v. Wade.
Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be
God created the human person in His image and likeness as the pinnacle of all creation. Each of us bears an image of God’s glory. Through Christ, God further revealed to us the dignity of all human life. Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross powerfully demonstrates God’s desire for us to share eternal life with Him. The value of human life must be truly great for the Son of God to make it the instrument of our salvation. Human life, as a gift from God, is sacred and inviolable. Therefore, human life must not only not be taken, but it must also be protected with loving concern.
Since 1973, the laws of our nation have denied these truths and failed to protect vulnerable children in the womb. The tragic U.S. Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade has allowed for the destruction of millions of innocent lives through legalized abortion. The Supreme Court is now in the process of deciding a case that has the potential to weaken, or even overturn, Roe v. Wade.
As the Court prepares to release its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Christians across the country are uniting in prayer for this important case. Society as a whole must respect, defend and promote the dignity of every human person, at every moment and in every condition of that person's life. May we commit ourselves to urgent prayer and fasting, that the Court may act to uphold the dignity of unborn human life.
ACT (choose one)
- Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christians are praying together for the outcome of Dobbs. Pray a decade of the Rosary for this month’s intention (usccb.org/how-to-pray-the-rosary).
- Choose a favorite food or beverage item that you have regularly and give it up for a day. Consider abstaining from meat, giving up your morning coffee, or sacrificing snacks or desserts.
- Offer some other sacrifice or prayer that you feel called to do for this month’s intention.
Learn more about Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization in this simple overview: bit.ly/dobbs-overview. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently reviewing this case, which could weaken or overturn the Court’s previous decision in Roe v. Wade.
You can sign up to receive monthly prayer intentions and updates on the Dobbs case at PrayforDobbs.com.
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Please Call For Information About The Next Day Of Healing!
ENGLISH RETREAT: Rachel’s Vineyard: June 10-12, 2022
This retreat is not only for women but men, grandparents and siblings are welcome to come and receive God’s Grace, Mercy and Healing!
Do you know someone who is suffering after an abortion experience?
Project Rachel is a ministry about finding hope and healing after abortion.
It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness.
You are not alone…
Project Rachel confidential phoneline: 1-516-766-2538 (se habla espanol)
Toll Free number: 1-888-456-HOPE
If you need help please call our help line and someone will be happy to give some counsel over the phone to calm any fears or anxieties.
A Lenten Journey to Mercy
Journeying through healing from abortion can often feel like our own personal passion whether it is as the mother, father, sibling, or someone else who has been harmed.
Join us as we walk with Jesus this lent, as women, men and siblings share their own personal experiences in healing. Move with them through the acknowledgement of their sin, and their need of God, to repentance, and the love and mercy of Christ who died on the cross for our salvation.
Jesus waits for us and longs to bring us His forgiveness. Accompany Him in His passion from March 2 – April 17th as we provide Meditations from the daily readings relating to healing from abortion.
Along with the women, men and siblings who will share their hearts we will be blessed with meditations by Bishop Joseph Strickland, leader of the Diocese of Tyler in eastern Texas, as well as priests who we are blessed to work with in the Entering Canaan Ministry, the Rev. Mariusz Koch, the Rev. Fidelis Moscinski, the Rev. Francis Mary Roaldi, and the Rev. Lawrence Schroedel, from the community of The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.
Our journey will cumulate at the cross of Calvary with the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the ultimate act of love that conquered our sins. We will end immersed in the light of HIs Resurrection and promise of eternal life.
This beautiful season speaks of His forgiveness, love and mercy, listen and enter into it with us as He speaks to each of our hearts this Lent.
Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
Lisa A. Honkanen, M.D. – Director
Donna Crean – Assistant Director/Project Rachel Coordinator
Jamey Hutchinson BSN CFCP CFCE Educational Liaison to
Gianna Center for Women's Health & Fertility
992 No Village Ave . Rockville Ctr., NY 11570
Additional Informational Websites