Call for Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) Director Nominations and Proposed By-Law Amendments
*Nominations for election must be received at the CSA by March 25, 2022
A total of three CSA Director positions will be open in three regions as follows:
Terms expiring include: Alberta (one seat) Roger Deeg (serving second term, not eligible for re-election); Saskatchewan (one seat) Marlin LeBlanc (serving second term, not eligible for re-election); Ontario (one seat) Shane Williams (serving first term, eligible for re-election).
Election Timeline
*March 25, 2022: Nominations for election of Directors shall be received by the CSA one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
April 24, 2022: Ballots shall be mailed to eligible CSA Members by regular mail at least ninety (90) days prior to the AGM.
May 24, 2022: Members must return their completed ballot to the CSA by mail postmarked at least sixty (60) days prior to the AGM.
June 8, 2022: The valid ballots received from Voting Members shall be opened and counted forty-five (45) days prior.
July 23, 2022: Newly elected Directors will assume their responsibilities immediately following the CSA Annual General Meeting.
To be eligible for nomination and election to the CSA Board as a Director, the nominee shall:
a) Be an individual
b) Be a resident of the region for which the Director is being nominated to represent;
c) Be an Active Member in good standing or a representative of an Active Member in good standing;
d) Be 18 years of age or older
e) Not be an employee or contractor of the CSA; and
f) Be a Canadian citizen.
Nominations for any election of Director shall:
a) Be received by the Association no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
b) Each nominee will be required to provide a brief factual statement of her/his service and qualifications that will be included with the ballots.
Making, Amending and Repealing By-Laws
1. The By-laws of the Association may be made, amended or repealed by special resolution of the Voting Members by mail-in ballot.
2. Notice of all proposed amendments by a Member shall be given to the General Manager in writing one hundred and twenty (120) days in advance of a General Meeting and they shall be included in the mail-in ballot package; otherwise they shall have no power to deal with same.
For the 2022 CSA Director Nomination form click here.