February 2022


It is your responsibility to ensure your animals have the appropriate tests on file with the CSA office:
  • Natural Services Sires require a 100K (minimum) tested by GOF (Genotype on File).
  • AI Sires require to be 100K (minimum) Parentage tested (confirmed to both sire and dam.).
  • Dam must have SNP DNA on file prior to submitting SNP test on AI sire. If not, order a basic SNP test for dam and send samples together so lab can complete PV test on bull.
  • Donor Dams require a 100K (minimum) tested by GOF (Genotype on File).
  • Embryo Transplants require a basic SNP panel in order to register the animal.
  • Basic SNP tests – animals which were tested by basic SNP will need to be tested again (with new sample) by 100K or greater SNP test in order to qualify as an AI sire, herd sire, or donor cow.

It is your responsibility to ensure the bulls you purchase have DNA on file:
  • If your purchased bull becomes an AI Sire, make sure that his dam has DNA on file in advance, or that there is stored hair for full parentage verification. Without parentage verification to both Sire and Dam your bull will not qualify as an AI sire. 
  • Please be aware that the office will test all samples to the fullest extent possible.  This means if the animal’s sire and dam have DNA on file, the sample will be tested to the fullest parentage extent. 

Click here to read the CSA DNA Requirements

In accordance to CSA bylaw #22, Membership Fees must be paid by March 31st to remain an active member of the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) and Young Canadian Simmental Association (YCSA). We thank all members for keeping accounts current and in good standing. CSA accepts cheques, Visa, Mastercard and e-transfers.  

Data and Genetic Evaluation

The CSA conducts weekly evaluations through International Genetic Solutions (IGS). For those submitting calving/yearling data please be aware that new data submitted during the week is sent to IGS on Sunday nights. It then takes a week to conduct all of the edits/data checks and EPD calculations before the EPD are returned the next Sunday night and then loaded on CSA system on Monday mornings. If you have submitted new information, please be aware that it may take a few days before it is reflected in an animal’s EPD profile.


For those members interested in ultrasound or taking advantage of the CSA ultrasound/DNA rebate program, a list of certified ultrasound technicians can be found here.

At the November meetings the CSA Board of Directors decided that due to overwhelming support from the CSA membership, combined with numerous requests to revisit the 2021 proposed by-law change, that it was prudent to conduct another vote on this amendment in 2022.
As a result the CSA is again proposing the amendment to its by-laws that would recognize a 7/8 male as a Purebred Simmental changing the current requirement of 15/16 for a Simmental male to attain Purebred status. Last year’s vote fell just short of the required 2/3 majority with 62 percent of members voting in favor however it is clear that the majority of CSA members want this change. 

Click here to read more about the amendment from the CSA Board of Directors.

The supply chain issues are affecting many products, including livestock identification devices. Shortage of raw material and staff absenteeism at manufacturing plants are now creating some noticeable delays.
CDMV (CCIA’s distributor) is receiving some shipments periodically, but as the busy calving season is upon us, demand is exceeding availability for some tags.
It is important to remember to place your order on the CCIA Webstore https://tags.canadaid.ca/ even if your selected products show as ‘Back Order”. By placing your order, you secure your priority in the queue, and it will be filled as soon as there is availability. Or you may want to consider another approved tag that is in stock right now. Consult the CCIA catalogue for alternative options.https://tags.canadaid.ca/en/index.sn
Also, please note to ensure fair distribution, some products are subject to a weekly purchase limitation for an undetermined period, effective immediately.

Call for Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) Director Nominations and Proposed By-Law Amendments
 *Nominations for election must be received at the CSA by March 25, 2022

A total of three CSA Director positions will be open in three regions as follows:
Terms expiring include: Alberta (one seat) Roger Deeg (serving second term, not eligible for re-election); Saskatchewan (one seat) Marlin LeBlanc (serving second term, not eligible for re-election); Ontario (one seat) Shane Williams (serving first term, eligible for re-election).
Election Timeline
*March 25, 2022: Nominations for election of Directors shall be received by the CSA one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
April 24, 2022: Ballots shall be mailed to eligible CSA Members by regular mail at least ninety (90) days prior to the AGM.
May 24, 2022: Members must return their completed ballot to the CSA by mail postmarked at least sixty (60) days prior to the AGM.
June 8, 2022: The valid ballots received from Voting Members shall be opened and counted forty-five (45) days prior.
July 23, 2022: Newly elected Directors will assume their responsibilities immediately following the CSA Annual General Meeting.
To be eligible for nomination and election to the CSA Board as a Director, the nominee shall:
a)           Be an individual
b)           Be a resident of the region for which the Director is being nominated to represent;
c)           Be an Active Member in good standing or a representative of an Active Member in good standing;
d)           Be 18 years of age or older
e)           Not be an employee or contractor of the CSA; and
f)            Be a Canadian citizen.
Nominations for any election of Director shall:
a)           Be received by the Association no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
b)           Each nominee will be required to provide a brief factual statement of her/his service and qualifications that will be included with the ballots.
Making, Amending and Repealing By-Laws
1.           The By-laws of the Association may be made, amended or repealed by special resolution of the Voting Members by mail-in ballot.
2.           Notice of all proposed amendments by a Member shall be given to the General Manager in writing one hundred and twenty (120) days in advance of a General Meeting and they shall be included in the mail-in ballot package; otherwise they shall have no power to deal with same.

For the 2022 CSA Director Nomination form click here.
Bull Sale season is here!

Check out our events page for a listing of all the upcoming bull sales http://www.simmentalcountry.com/
Have any member announcements? Please send to sgiles@simmental.com

Monday- February 21st- Family Day
Friday- April 15th- Good Friday
Monday- May 23rd- Victoria Day
Friday- July 1st- Canada Day
Monday- August 1st- Civic Holiday
Monday- September 5th- Labour Day
Monday- October 10th- Thanksgiving
Friday- November 11th- Remembrance Day
Monday- December 26th- In Lieu of Christmas Day