February 2022 e-Newsletter
Lower Gwynedd Township Upcoming Meetings & Events:
General News
Policy Approval
The Lower Gwynedd Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) passed an important policy resolution at their meeting held, Monday, January 24, 2022. The BOS unanimously approved Resolution #2022-6, a resolution requiring the BOS to issue requests for proposals (“RFPs”) no less frequently than once every five years for professional services provided to the Township. The Second-Class Township Code, 53 P.S. 68102(h)(4), provides for the award of professional services, without engaging in the public bidding process; and the Board believes it is in the best interests of the Township’s taxpayers to ensure that its professionals exhibit the appropriate degree of competency and financial responsibility, by the issuance of requests for proposals (“RFPs”) no less frequently than once every five years. Examples of professionals provided to assist in the administration of Township government are solicitors, engineers, and traffic consultants. Ms. Danielle Duckett, Board Chair, explained that the purpose of the resolution is to “establish a regularly reoccurring review of our contracts to ensure we’re getting the best services with the most consummate professionals.” 
Save a Life- Fire Campaign
Due to recent tragic fires in the City of Philadelphia where 12 people died and in New York City where 19 people died, Lower Gwynedd Township is teaming up with the North Penn Volunteer Fire Company and the Wissahickon Fire Company to deliver monthly public safety announcements on fire safety. You should know that on average, nationally, over 3,500 people die each year in fires, and with this fire safety campaign, we hope to make a difference. This month we are focusing on Smoke Alarms. 
Smoke Alarms Save Lives – check your smoke alarms monthly in your home to see if they work and if the batteries need to be changed.  If your smoke alarm goes off – get out and stay out! Your fire companies have participated in the 6 ABC Save a Life – Fire Campaign and if you need a smoke alarm, they have free smoke alarms to give out. If you have any questions or are in need of a smoke alarm, please reach out to one of your fire companies:
North Penn Volunteer Fire Company- www.northpennfire.com or       
Wissahickon Fire Company- www.Station7.org   
Again, Smoke Alarms Save Lives – check to see if your smoke alarms work and check the batteries! Have one in every bedroom, outside every sleeping area and at least one on every floor of your home!
State Representative Liz Hanbidge is pleased to announce that the Fox Chase Cancer Center's Mobile Screening Unit will be returning to their office parking lot, 1098 W. Skippack Pike, on February 11th, 2022 starting at 10am. Schedule your mammogram today! Appointments required.
Did you know that PECO has an App to assist customers with self-service functions? Pay your bill, report an outage, all on the PECO App.
The app makes it simple to manage more than one account at a time and is available to both residential and business customers on your smartphone or tablet.
Battery Recycling Update
Due to issues with the current battery recycling collection program, it is temporarily being suspended immediately. We will no longer have a drop-off location available in the township building vestibule. Too many batteries are being dropped off without being properly prepared for shipping with contacts taped when necessary, or incorrect types of batteries being dropped off. The EAC will host specific battery collection days throughout the year, where LGT residents may bring their batteries for recycling. Watch future newsletters and e-newsletters or follow us on Facebook for announcements of upcoming collection dates and reminders about what batteries will be collected and how they should be prepared for recycling. PLEASE do not bring any more batteries to the township building for recycling at this time.
Rescheduled Republic Recycling Presentation –
Thursday, April 7, 7pm at the Township Building:

Join the EAC and Dominic Fulginiti of Republic Services, Lower Gwynedd Township's waste disposal service company, to get the dirt on what happens to the stuff we place in our recycling bins every week. We will learn the dos and don'ts of what should be put in the bins and why; how different materials are handled once they pass from our bins to the trucks and beyond; what we can do to make the process more efficient and thereby less costly for all of us; and more. Dominic will be able to answer all of your recycling and trash questions!
2022 Kiwanis Club of Ambler Carnival & Fireworks

The Kiwanis Club of Ambler's annual 4th of July Carnival & Fireworks display will be held this summer! The carnival will run from June 28th until July 2nd with fireworks scheduled for July 1st. For more information contact the Kiwanis Club of Ambler!
Welcome to the Citizen Request Portal!
We've launched the new Citizen's Request Portal (CRP) as a tool for citizens to report issues they may encounter within the Township. Once reported in the portal, the information will be synced with our internal data management system and a work order will be generated. This work order will be routed to the appropriate department for proper handling. The portal will allow for the uploading of photos and is operational from your mobile device! This portal will not substitute our normal building permit submission procedures, scheduling procedures, sewer billing, or the right-to-know requirements. Please be aware that this portal is for Township issues only, it is not to be used to report emergency or police related issues. We hope this will be a useful tool that can be expanded over time. Click here to access the portal!

EAC Green Tip of the Month
Winter Salt Smart
Excess salt on your driveway or sidewalk runs into the streams and rivers-making our freshwater salty. When our waterways become salty, it harms wildlife like trout, salamanders, and ducks. At home, road salt can hurt your plants and pets. Here are some tips.
  1. Use less salt on your driveways and sidewalks.
  2. Sweep up excess salt after a storm and use it again.
  3. Tell your friends and neighbors how to be #WinterSaltSmart, too!
Lower Gwynedd Township is excited to announce the establishment of two new committees and a new streamlined volunteer application that you can submit electronically directly from our website. We are now accepting applications for the new Historic Commission and the new Bethlehem Pike Revitalization Committee! In addition, we are in search of a volunteer to act as a liaison between the Township and the Community Ambulance Association of Ambler. If you're a resident who is willing to serve, complete an application today! You can access the current list of volunteer opportunities and the new application by clicking here!
The Lower Gwynedd Township Residential Electronics Recycling & Shredding Event will be held on Saturday, April 9th, 2022 from 8am-12pm at the Township Building. We will be accepting paper and electronics (anything with a plug or battery). This service is for Township residents only, proof of residency required to access the site. Residents must remain in their vehicles at all times. Items to be recycled or shredded must be placed in the trunk, pick-up truck bed, or a small trailer. Employees will remove these items from your vehicle when you arrive. Items will only be collected during the event time. Items cannot be delivered before or after the event!!
Boards & Committee Updates
The BOS held their first business meeting on January 10th, 2022. At this meeting the BOS established a Historic Committee and a Bethlehem Pike Revitalization Committee. The BOS invited interested residents to file a volunteer application with the Township. A new streamlined volunteer application has been added to the website to make submission easier. In other business, the BOS authorized the purchase of computer equipment and approved the electronics and shredding event. The date for the event is set for April 9th, 2022. The BOS also reviewed the Citizens Request Portal and encouraged residents to utilize this new service available on the Township website.

At the second regular meeting held January 24th, 2022, the BOS presented Zoning Officer, Ken Amey, with a proclamation acknowledging his contribution to Lower Gwynedd and thanking him for his service. Mr. Amey will retire at the end of January. Everyone wished him well in his retirement. The BOS also listened to a presentation about an E-Collect service, in which, a third-party would identify and collect delinquent business privilege and mercantile taxes for Lower Gwynedd. The BOS plans to review this agreement in greater detail before taking any action. In other business, the BOS approved the purchase of a new dump truck and passed two resolutions. The first resolution was to accept the dedicated right-of-way along Dager Road offered through the Bethlehem Baptist Church Land Development project. The second resolution established a requirement that the BOS request proposals for professional services within the Township at least once every five years. The BOS also approved the appointment of a deputy tax collector, reappointed a member to the Investment Advisory Committee, appointed a new EAC member and approved the amended bylaws for the EAC. The Township Engineer gave an update on the progress of the Brookside Avenue Flood Mitigation Study. The work on this study will begin with the review of the FEMA flood maps and modeling work. The Township plans to partner with the Wissahickon School District and Ambler Yards on this project. The BOS will hold their next meeting on February 14, 2022 at 7pm.
Environmental Advisory Council (EAC)
The EAC held their regular meeting on January 12, 2022. Lisa Brown was appointed the new Chair and Mark Schafer was appointed Co-Chair by the BOS for 2022. The Committee decided to suspend the battery recycling program. The program allowed for residents to drop off batteries in a tube in the vestibule of the Township building. However, too many batteries were left not properly prepared for shipping or the wrong types of batteries were left and could not be recycled. The EAC is evaluating the program and plans on offering opportunities for recycling at specific drop off events throughout the year instead. The EAC is working on certain events and initiatives for the year ahead including a recycling presentation and bird walks in April and a litter clean-up program.
The ZHB did not meet in January. The hearings scheduled for January will be heard on February 10th, 2022.
The PC did not meet in January. Their next meeting is scheduled for February 16, 2022.
Park & Recreation Board (PRB)
The PRB held their regular meeting on January 18th, 2022. The PRB made a recommendation that the deteriorating amphitheater wall, located at Pen-Ambler Park, be removed and the pavers be palleted and stored for the time being. The PRB also recommended that they engage the Township Engineer in preparing a proposal to assess the Township's parks and playgrounds. This assessment will then be used to assist the board in preparing a strategic plan for the parks. The PRB is interested in updating playground equipment, finding a suitable location for pickleball courts, and investigating possible uses of the McCormick House at Ingersoll Park.
Departmental Round-Up
The Township welcomed our new Administrative Assistant, Michelle Farzetta on January 10, 2022. Michelle will provide administrative support to the Township Management Team and other departments. Before joining the Township, Michelle was a Principal and Teacher at the Chesterbrook Academy in North Wales. She is a graduate of Lock Haven University and Montgomery County Community College. Michelle resides in Horsham Township with her husband and two children.  

Reminder: Lower Gwynedd Township has a new Tax Collector! Natalie Cormier is the current Tax Collector for Lower Gwynedd Township. Please be sure to update your records so that you send your tax payment to the correct location!

Tax payments should be mailed to:
Natalie Cormier, Tax Collector
P.O. Box 3042
Ambler, PA 19002

Or Dropped Off
428 Knight Road, Ambler
Thursdays 10am-2pm;
3rd Thursdays 4pm-7pm; or by appointment 267-460-1891
Public Works

Township Replacement of Snow Plow Damaged Mailboxes

Winter weather is here, and with it comes winter storm cleanup. Occasionally, a Township plow may damage a mailbox. Here is what you need to know!

For the Township to replace a damaged mailbox:
  • The damaged mailbox must have been installed to United States Postal Service Guidelines.
  • Mailbox height must be 41”- 45” from the surface of the road or point of entry; Mailbox must be 6” to 8” back from the curb; Mailbox Post must be at least 24” in the ground;
  • The damaged mailbox and post were structurally sound before snow plow damage occurred.
  • The township assumes no responsibility if it is damaged by the weight or volume of snow coming off the plow.
  • The Township Plow Vehicle or Snowplow needs to physically strike the mailbox in order for the township to assume responsibility.
Police Department
Shawn Sweeney, was promoted to the rank of patrol Sergeant on January 3, 2022. He is a graduate of the William Penn Charter School and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology from Albright College in 2006.  Shawn joined the Lower Gwynedd Township Police Department in 2014 and along with performing the duties of a patrol officer, he has headed the Warrant Division and served as an Officer-In-Charge for several years.

Shawn was promoted to Sergeant after a lengthy three part examination of all eligible patrol staff.  Congrats Sergeant Sweeney!
 Lower Gwynedd Township
1130 North Bethlehem Pike
Spring House, PA 19477
Phone: (215) 646-5302
Next Issue
Keep an eye out for our March issue!