February 2022 Salt Shaker (newsletter)
The February Salt Shaker has been posted on our website. You can download a pdf of the entire newsletter HERE or continue reading below for all the news and updates.
A Message from Pastor Sarah
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Rom. 15:5–7)

Dear Members and friends,
About once a week my kids and I have the joy of driving our friend Taisha home from school. After I pick up my kids at their school we drive over to a different school just in time to get Taisha. Some of you may have had the chance to meet Taisha when she and her family and a few other families from Haiti were staying at St. Andrew’s over the summer. Taisha and her family have now been living at Agape House on the SDSU campus for several months and are doing great.
On one of our more recent rides, I noticed that Taisha had taken something out of her backpack and was contemplating giving it to me. I finally asked her, “Is there something you want to show me?” She said in English (which she has been diligently learning all year), “Well I made this for you and for the church. It is not very much but I want you to have it.” And she handed me note and picture below.

At the next stoplight I read the note and looked at the picture and expressed how beautiful it was. To which she replied, “I know it is not very much.” I said I loved it and asked her permission to share it with the whole church. That made her smile and she said, “Yes!” The note says, “My name is Taisha. I want to say for you guys, Thank you so very much for make everything for us. You guys help me and my family too. What God blessed you guys. From Taisha, For St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church.”

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the generosity and hospitality of this congregation. I know very few of you have had the chance to personally get to know our friends from Haiti. I continue to feel grateful that I so often get to represent your love and care for them in my interactions with them. Your gifts and support has made it possible for these families to have homes, schooling for their kids, Christmas presents, and other important daily things. But just as importantly, this congregation has helped Taisha (and many others) feel like she is valued and supported. And we all agree that this connection and this love is truly a gift from God. May you also know your deep value and may you continue to experience blessings from the God of “endurance and encouragement.”

In Christ,
Pastor Sarah    
Taisha's Note
Taisha's Drawing
We will continue our traditional Super Bowl Sunday ministry event by asking you to bring/donate a can of soup and place it in the marked box for the team you expect to win the Super Bowl.

The soup will be donated to the “Cupboard on 54th St.” Foodbank. In addition, we will be collecting “new pairs” of socks (men's or women’s) and bottles of hand sanitizer. 

These items, which are always needed, will be donated to T.A.C.O. (Third Avenue Charitable Organization).  Items can be brought to church the weekend of February 12/13th and placed in the marked boxes in the back of the Sanctuary/Community Center.

Thank you in advance for your help and participation in this “SOUP-ER” Bowl Ministry Event. 
Quilting Ministries Resume
Bag Ladies meet this month on Saturday, February 19 and Monday, February 28 in the Community Center from 9:30am-12noon. 
We make sleeping bags for the homeless. No sewing experience is needed. Drop in and see what we do!
We are looking forward to our time together. Any questions, contact Kay Murphey.
Prayers and Squares is back to quilting again!  

Join us on Saturday, February 5, 2022. We are looking for new quilters, advanced quilters and all those in between quilters. Want to learn more about our ministry? We love to share our stories. Don’t know how to sew? We have many tasks that don’t involve sewing. Want to learn to sew? We can help you with that. Need a sewing machine? We’ve got you covered there, too.

We will meet at 9:30am in the community center. Bring your sewing machines, a brown bag lunch and join us for a morning of sewing, fellowship and fun.  If you have any questions please contact Stephanie Alexander 

This class has been rescheduled to March 2022, due to the ongoing pandemic. Thank you for your continued support as we navigate through this unfamiliar territory. Please keep a lookout for any updated information in the weekly email and Pinch of Salt.

A MATTER OF BALANCE—Coaching to manage concerns about falls-

Many older adults experience concerns about falling and restrict their activities. A Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage falls and increase activity levels for older adults:

You will learn to:
  • View falls as controllable
  • Set goals for increasing activity
  • Make changes to reduce falls at home
  • Exercise to increase strength and balance
Who should attend?
  • Anyone concerned about falls
  • Anyone interested in improving balance, flexibility, and strength
  • Anyone who has fallen in the past
  • Anyone who has restricted activities because of falling concerns
When are classes? Wednesdays for 8 weeks, beginning March 9 through April 27 from 3pm to 5pm in the A side of the Community Center. Please plan to be present each week!

Space is limited! Email Lori Herman, use the link below, or call 619-543-3171 and leave a message to register for A Matter of Balance.
Please join us on Sundays in February after worship (approximately 11:15 AM) for our Adult Forum.
The Link to the forum will be posted in the chat box at the end of the Live Stream Sunday and will be included in the weekly email. 
We are reading and discussing the book One Coin Found. A limited number of books are available in the church office for $17, or you can purchase your own. 
Contact Meri Jo Petrivelli if you would like one of the books or check the box on the Connection Card. All are welcome to join us for this study!
The Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets via the ZOOM platform on Tuesday, February 1, 8, 15, and 22, at 10AM. Join us as we continue to discuss Luke. 

This lively, curious, enthusiastic group of people welcomes new participants! If you are interested, we would love to welcome you.

The link is sent weekly so you will need to request it using the connection card or email Meri Jo Petrivelli for the link or to find out more information.
Information for Elementary, Middle and High School Youth
Luther Glen Farm High School Winter Retreat—March 4-6, 2022

Luther Glen Farm Middle School Winter Retreat—March 4-6, 2022

Luther Glen Farm Elementary School Winter Retreat
March 11-13, 2022
If your child has always wanted to go to camp and for whatever reason has never been able to, this winter is the year to go!  

Each camp is $160 per youth, however St. Andrew’s is covering a portion of that fee!  Your cost is $120 per youth!
If your youth is planning on attending a retreat, please contact Pastor Manuel, Pastor Sarah, or Sara Zimmerly in the Church Office. Our plan is to register as a group. 


Sunday School Restart is February 27, 2022! Please see the announcement elsewhere in this newsletter. 

Confirmation (Middle School -- Grades 6-8)
Confirmation Instruction will take place in person from 5:45 pm—6:45 pm on Wednesdays in February. We are NOT serving dinner, so please be sure to eat something before coming to class. Check with Pastor Manuel or Pastor Sarah if you have questions.
Masks are required inside, regardless of your vaccination status.
HIGH SCHOOL (St. Andrew's Lutheran Teens -- SALT)
Sunday, February 6: SALT- St. Andrew’s Courtyard (3:00-5:30 PM)
Sunday, February 13: SALT -St. Andrew’s Courtyard (3:00-5:30 PM)
Sunday, February 20: No SALT– President’s Day Holiday.
Sunday, February 27:   Join us for Skating at Derby United (2:30-6:00 PM) 
Bring $15 & Look for more information in GroupMe.

**All plans subject to change– Join our GroupMe page for updates**
Contact Pastor Manuel or Pastor Sarah for information on joining GroupMe.
Preschool News
Preschool is bursting at the seams! During January we enrolled 5 new families and filled our Monday/Wednesday/Friday class to capacity, 24 children. Our Tuesday/Thursday class has 19 children enrolled.

We are starting off February with a fan favorite of all preschoolers, Dinosaurs. For two weeks we will be exploring the sandbox as paleontologists searching for dinosaur bones, digging in the tar pits (black Jell-O) and discovering the difference between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The rest of the month we will be talking about pets and playing veterinarian.

Thank you for your continued prayers for the staff of St. Andrew’s Lutheran Preschool and for me. It has been a difficult few weeks navigating through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but we are going strong.

Please take care of yourself and each other. 

Stephanie Alexander
Prayer and Caring Ministry Information
January Prayers:

HEALING: Beatina Agagon & Genie Kabigting (Enna Wallace’s friends); Bobbi Jordan (Mary Thomas’ friend); Billy Henderson (Kay Murphey’s grandson); Ronnie LaPaglia (Keith & Barbara Williams’ friend); Katie Kozlik; Bill Holcomb (Marilyn Duba’s friend); Lindsey (Isaac Whiting’s friend)

PEACE & COMFORT: Family & Friends of Jerry Baranowski; Family & Friends of Salvador Retamoza (Pastor Manuel’s uncle); Family & Friends of Judy Swartos; Family & Friends of Dorthy Nader (Tim Nader’s mother); Family & Friends of Barbara D’Aversa

SUCCESSFUL SURGERY: Chip Willis (Sandy Konar’s friend’s husband); Deb Bushore

STRENGTH, STRESS RELIEF, REST & GOOD HEALTH: Preschool students & staff (Director Stephanie Alexander, teachers Teri, Sandra, Melissa)

SAFE TRAVEL: Sara (Phil Knapp’s daughter); Mimi Porter
GIVE THANKS: For the birth of James Elmore’s first grandchild

THANKSGIVING FOR THE LIVES OF: Jerry Baranowski; Salvador Retamoza; Judy Swartos; Dorthy Nader; Barbara D’Aversa

To place a prayer on the prayer list, please email Sara Hench
or Marilyn Duba
Prayer Quilt Recipients for January:

Alison Whale- Prayers are for successful surgery and complete healing.

Bobbi Jordan - Prayers are for successful surgery, healing, and to be cancer-free.

Nancy Heinecke - Prayers are for peace, comfort and a cure for Alzheimer’s.

  Prayer quilt request forms can be found in the church office, or online at the church website,
Open Door Prayer Time
Until the time we can have an Open Door again and meet in person, let us join in daily prayer within or own schedules and homes.

Let us Thank God this month for
  • Hearing our prayers
  • His Creation
  • The rain that came to California
  • The volunteers within our Church
  • The ministries within our campus
  • Our Pastors, Church Council & Office Staff
  •  Christian Unity
  • Our families & friends
  • God’s love
  • Pray for peace and understanding for all.

Thank you, it is good to pray together.
Valentine blessings one and all, 

Information and Reminders
A Great Way to Support St. Andrew's!
Did you know your Amazon shopping can benefit St. Andrew's?
Use Amazon Smile and we will get a donation! Amazon Smile doesn't cost you any more money.
Search for Saint Andrews Lutheran Church of San Carlos, and shop, shop, shop!
Church Office Hours.:

Monday-Thursday 9:00am – 4:00pm and Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm. 

At this time we continue to err on the side of caution. The office is not open to the public and we ask that no one enter. 
Please give us a call in the church office at (619) 464-4211 if you plan to pick something up or need to drop something off. Thank you!
Please remember to take a look at our Facebook page for the most up-to-date congregational information and what’s happening here at St. Andrew’s! If you are not receiving our weekly emails containing links, bulletins, and more, please call the church office at (619) 464-4211. 
Don’t forget to go to the St. Andrew's YouTube channel for recorded worship services and all other recorded activities!
We are grateful for the financial support provided throughout the year, but especially during this challenging time.  You can make a contribution in the offering plate at worship, via the donation tab on our website, mail us a check, drop a check into our office mail slot, or use Venmo.  
St. Andrew’s Website:
Contact Us
Click or tap the blue link for email, or call the office or preschool using the phone number listed below.

Church Office -- 619-464-4211
Preschool -- 619-469-3531

Meri Jo Petrivelli -- Director of Administration
Paula McDonald -- Office Administrator
Sara Zimmerly -- Bookkeeper & Welcome Ministry
Scott Skinner -- Music Director
Stephanie Alexander -- Preschool Director
Kristin Hetrick -- WIN Coordinators

Holly Ferrante -- Congregation President