February 2023 Edition
The President's Corner
Dear Friends in Christ,

As we enter the season of Lent, I have been reflecting on the three traditional Lenten disciplines, prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and how they might be related to the work of CHCLA.

First – Prayer. Christ said, “apart from me you can do nothing.” (Jn 15:5) Union with Christ is essential for our work to bear good fruit and that union is accomplished in prayer, particularly in the celebration of Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. It is in the communion of our hearts with the Sacred Heart that we become channels of God’s grace and mercy in service to the sick.

Then – Fasting. When his disciples were unable to drive out a demon, Christ said to them, “This kind can only come out by prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9:29) So while prayer is essential, fasting leads to detachment from inordinate worldly affections that can weaken our commitment to the one thing necessary in the apostolate – seeking and doing the Will of God.

And finally – Almsgiving. Although typically considered to be the provision of material goods to the poor, almsgiving also refers to acts of charity including care of the sick and disabled. Therefore, albeit indirectly, the work of the Alliance and your support are providing alms to those suffering from the poverty of poor health.

The practice of these Lenten disciplines is intended to purify and strengthen our personal spiritual lives for the purpose of forming disciples of Christ who through prayer, fasting and almsgiving will restore a culture of life throughout society including the health care profession.

Thank you for your continued support of the CHCLA mission. Please continue to pray that in the power of the Holy Spirit, Catholic health care workers will remain faithful to the healing ministry of Jesus Christ as instruments of His Divine Mercy.

God Bless,
Steven White, MD
President, CHCLA
CHCLA Files Amicus Brief against Abortion Pill
On February 10, CHCLA filed an amicus brief in the case of Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, et al, v. FDA, et al, pending in the Northern District of Texas. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, and others, brought suit challenging the FDA's ongoing decision to permit mifepristone usage for abortions. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine filed a motion for preliminary injunction, asking the Court to order the FDA to stop mifepristone approval pending the outcome of the lawsuit.

The amicus brief argues that the FDA's guidance for marketing mifepristone is insufficient, and fails to provide the requisite details to allow for adequate informed consent.

Dr. Steven White, President of CHCLA and former president of the Catholic Medical Association, released the following statement:

“The Catholic Health Care Leadership Alliance is devoted to protecting all patients, including mothers and babies, who are impacted by the decisions of others, including the government. CHCLA holds that all people are created in the image and likeness of God and that the dignity of each person must be respected under the law from conception to natural death. The history of mifepristone use for abortion is fraught with problems and these issues need to be addressed."  
Support Our Work
We need a culture that respects and protects foundational values, and primary among these values are the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person.

CHCLA is committed to bringing a witness to Catholic health care, to the teaching of the Catholic faith, and to the truth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Please consider donating to support us in this mission!
CHCLA in the News
Catholic groups join fight against FDA approval of abortion pill

Catholic News Agency, Feb. 15, 2023

Several Catholic organizations are making their voices heard in the legal battle against the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of an abortion-inducing drug by signing onto an amicus brief in a lawsuit against the agency.
Member Spotlight
The National Catholic Bioethics Center

Become a Member of CHCLA
Membership is open to everyone from individual health care professionals to large health systems and offers a number of benefits:
  • Being a part of an active community of likeminded individuals who share a common goal of advancing Catholic Health Care.

  • Being a recognized leader in advancing Catholic Health Care through the initiatives of the CHCLA.

  • Being a part of a larger voice for Catholic Health Care, a voice that represents all Catholic health care providers, through advocacy at the highest levels of federal, state and local government.

  • Having an active role and voice in the strategy of Catholic Health Care in the United States and abroad, and the trajectory of the CHCLA.

  • Having access to a broad network of professionals in various areas related to health care, including medicine, law, business, academia, insurance, advocacy, and experts on specific health care topics.

  • Having access to educational material, papers, reports and academic insights on Catholic Health Care and the health care delivery system, through courses, podcasts, publications and both live and remote events.

  • Having access to advocacy organizations and receiving updates on advocacy initiatives, pending and anticipated lawsuits, and the impact of legislation and legal cases on Catholic Health Care.