Children, Youth & Family (CYF) Ministries


February 2023

January Highlights

CYF Movie Night

Thank you to all who joined us for pizza, popcorn, "The Little Rascals", laughs and fun!

Our next movie night will take place in May! Watch for an opportunity to vote on the next movie as we get closer to May.


Thank you to all who came and packed food together at Feed My Starving Children! You are a true gift!

FMSC Pictures

CYF Ministries - All Ages

CYF Game Night!

Saturday February 11th


Bring your game face, snacks or drinks, and come to hang out for a time of games, snacks, and fun! All are welcome to a time of fun playing games with friends, family, or someone new!

Bring a gently used or new clothing item or food donation to be entered into one of the raffles! All donations will go to the NACE food shelf and clothing closet!

Game Night Details

2nd Annnual Lenten

Speaker Series

Back by popular demand, we will have 5 weeks of amazing speakers for all during the Lent season.

Speakers will be every Wednesday in March. All confirmation students expected to attend. Parents/Guardians and all OSLC congregation and community highly encouraged to attend!

5:30pm Speaker

6:15/30 Small Group Discussions

7-7:45pm Lent Worship

Details on the Speaker Series

Looking for a Way to Give?

CYF Ministries has it's own Amazon Wish List!

You can find items wished for every age group.

Check it out here:

Amazon Wish List

Children's Ministries - PreK-5th Grade

The Kids Table

Welcome to the Kids Table!

The Kids Table is located in the Gathering Space. This is a great space for kids to have their own fellowship time while the adults in their life enjoy their coffee after worship! Please use the space and leave it as you found it. Adults are still responsible for overseeing their young ones as they enjoy The Kids Table.

Enjoy coloring, board games, toys, books and more!

Courtesy of the CYF Ministries of Our Saviour's.

Camp Wapo 2023

Registration Now Open!

SEEDS - Current 1st-3rd Graders

Friday, June 23 – Sunday, June 25

Check-in 3:00 – 4:30 pm on Friday.

Check-out: 12:00pm Closing worship on Sunday. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. Campers should be picked up by 12:45pm.

Youth - Current 4th-9th Graders

Sunday, June 25 – Friday, June 30

Check-in 3:00 to 4:30pm Sunday.

Check-out 12:00pm closing worship on Friday. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. All campers should be picked up by 12:45pm.

Dealine to sign up: Guaranteed, limited spots through February 15th. Once our guaranteed spots are filled, you will go on a wait list until/if a spot opens.

Scholarships Available Please email Nathan, CYF Coordinator, if you would like to request a scholarship for Camp Wapo 2023. No questions asked.

More Camp Wapo Details

VBS 2023 - Save the Date for "Hero Hotline: Our God Can Make the Impossible Possible!"

Mon., August 7 - Thur., August 10


Age 4 - Grade 5

More details to come.

Registration opens April 1.

Confirmation Ministries - 6th-8th Grade

Open Youth Room!

For Confirmation Students

& Guides


Open Youth Room will take place on all regular Confirmation nights. Come and enjoy socializing, basketball, foosball, board games, movies, video games, snacks, crafts and more!

Baptism Blankets

Confirmation small groups will be making baptismal blankets on Wednesday, February 8th in small group time.

If you are able to donate toward this project, please have your young person bring two pieces of fleece, each 1.5 yards, with to confirmation on February 1 or 8. One piece should be gender-neutral, baby-appropriate patterned, the other yard should be a solid color that goes with the patterned piece.

Questions? Contact Leisha, CYF Innovator, at

Youth Ministries - 6th-12th Grade

Quake is Back!!!

Who: 6-12th Graders

What: A weekend gathering exploring faith, Christian living, a life of ministry and leadership… through speakers, music, breakout sessions and so much more amazingness! 

Where: Minneapolis/St Paul Airport Mall of America, 3800 American Boulevard East, Bloomington 55425

Quake Details

Camp Wapo 2023

Registration Now Open!

Youth - Current 4th-9th Graders

Sunday, June 25 – Friday, June 30

Check-in  3:00 to 4:30pm Sunday.

Check-out 12:00pm closing worship on Friday. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. All campers should be picked up by 12:45pm.

Roots - Current 10th-12th Graders

Sunday, June 25 – Friday, June 30

Check-in: 3:00 to 4:30 pm Sundays at Camp Wapo.

Closing worship 12:00pm closing worship on Fridays. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend. All campers should be picked up by 12:45pm.

Dealine to sign up: Guaranteed, limited spots through February 15th. Once our guaranteed spots are filled, you will go on a wait list until/if a spot opens.

Scholarships Available Please email Nathan, CYF Coordinator, if you would like to request a scholarship for Camp Wapo 2023. No questions asked.

More Camp Wapo Details

2023 Niagara Falls Participants

We have our next meeting on Sunday, February 12th at 11:30am in Room 122. Please bring your $250 payment and have access to your calendar for planning purposes. Please make every effort to be in attendance. Unable to be there due to a prior commitment? Contact Leisha at

Resources - Safe Places for All

Our Saviour's CYF (Children, Youth & Family) Ministries is a safe place for all!

If you or someone you know is in need of support, the CYF staff is here for you.
You are never alone and you are loved just as you are!
If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out. We are here at Our Saviour's to listen and support.
This Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a great resource to have saved in your phone. Please take a moment to do so and share and use as you need.


CYF Staff, Leisha and Nathan, will be out of state Thursday, February 2 - Monday, February 6. They will be attending the ELCA Extravaganza in Anaheim, California for continuing education. If you have any immediate needs during that time, please contact Lisa Rykken Kastler at

More about the Extravaganza

Text Message Reminders

Want to receive text message updates/reminders about confirmation and youth ministries at OSLC? Here's how you can sign up for text messages on the different ministries:

Children's (PreK-5th Grade):

text @oslckidmin to the number 81010

Confirmation (6th-8th Grade):

text @oslcconfir to the number 81010

Middle School (6th-8th Grade):

text @oslcmiddle to the number 81010

Senior High (9th-12th Grade):

text @oslcsenior to the number 81010

[763-434-6117]  []

Leisha Tays, CYF Innovator,

Nathan Chastek, CYF Coordinator,
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