Child Care Education News from CCEI

The Industry Leader for Online

Professional Development

February 2023

Exploring Art with Children

Have you ever stopped to think about the vast amount of art that exists in the world? We have created art, in some form or another, for all of human history. From crude paintings on cave walls to the digital art being created today, art has been an ever-present form of expression and creativity.

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Fine Art

Activity Ideas

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Applied Art Activity Ideas

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Performance Art Activity Ideas

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Literary Art Activity Ideas

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Additional Articles

Art Encyclopedia

Process Art Experiences

The Importance of Art in Child Development

Benefits of Art & Art History for Early Childhood Learning


Which statement best describes children’s art experiences in your learning environment?
A. All art experiences encourage children to create original, process-oriented works of art.
B. Children are sometimes encouraged to create original, process-oriented works of art.
C. Children typically follow adult instructions or recreate a model during art activities.

Poll Results:

January 2023 Newsletter

Which of the following statements best describes you?

A. I set resolutions every year and usually accomplish them. - 16.6% (110)

B. I set resolutions every year and sometimes accomplish them. - 18.8% (124)

C. I set resolutions every year and rarely accomplish them. - 15.7% (104)

D. Sometimes I set resolutions and sometimes I accomplish them. - 19.4% (128)

E. I don’t set resolutions or I have a different New Year’s practice. - 29.5% (195)

Total: 661 responses

To view the January's Newsletter

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Process versus Product: Art Experiences in Early Childhood

In the February newsletter, we provide a variety of art activity ideas that early childhood educators can use to help children gain a better understanding of the world around them as it exists now and what things were like in the past. Exploring a wide variety of art activities promotes creativity, self-expression, innovation, and the development of a positive self-concept. Art activities are also a good way for children to explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life.

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Ready to Get Started?

Take CCEI's No-Cost Trial Course Today!

CCEI offers CUR113: STEAM: Enhancing STEM Education with the Arts as a no-cost online child care training course to new CCEI users February 1-28, 2023.

Take the Trial Course Now!

CUR113 is a two-hour, beginner-level course and grants 0.2 IACET CEU upon successful completion. CCEI professional development courses are available to account holders with an active, annual individual or center-based subscription, or can be purchased individually.

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