News of the Presbytery of San Jose
"By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
Genesis 3:19
SJ PBY logo.
Presbytery Meeting
Dates for 2023

May 6th
September 23rd
November 18th
To list an event that is supported by your church or committee, and that is open to the entire Presbytery, go to
Save the Date!

Thursday March 16th, 9:30-11:30 am
at the
Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos

Join us as the Presbytery of San Jose welcomes our PC(USA) Co-Moderator Rev. Ruth Faith Santana-Grace for a visit to our Presbytery.

She will share more about her vision for the connectional leadership of our national denomination and will be seeking to learn more about our Presbytery during her visit.

All are welcome. Questions, please contact
Santa Teresa Hills Presbyterian Church will offer a "Self-Guided" Ash Wednesday Service from 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22nd. You are invited to stop by the church anytime during those hours for silent meditation and imposition of ashes. The sanctuary lights will be turned down, and meditative music will be playing. A printed program of scriptures, prayers, and thoughts for meditation will be available. Pastor Deb will administer the imposition of ashes for those who wish. 
STHPC is located at 5370 Snell Ave., San Jose. 
Zephyr Point Conference Center has summer staff positions available, as well as wonderful programming for the coming year. Visit their website at for more information.
Publication News

Our very own Rev. Ryan Althaus has been published in the magazine Unbound. His article, "The Kooky Side of Crazy: A Reflection on Christlike Self-Acceptance" may be found here:

Is your church facility considered a historic sacred space? There may be grant money available to you. Visit the National Fund for Historic Places website for more information at
Bell Choir Director Position

Foothill Community Presbyterian Church is looking for a part-time bell choir director.

Job description may be found here:

Contact Peg Nickl at
or 408-258-8133 with any inquiries.
Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church

Modern Worship Collective

We’re inviting all artists, musicians, poets, liturgy geeks, God-lovers, and Christ-followers to join us on a journey of breaking down traditional ways of engaging in worship, and trying on new ways of praising God, connecting in prayer and community, and finding our place in God’s every-unfolding story. Our desire is to build a space that is welcoming of doubters and those who have been burned by (or who have burned out of) the church; one that is unapologetically affirming of LGBQIA+ folks. 

We’re meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Hospitality and time to connect with worship leaders starts at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join as a participant, and to help us lead and shape what is to come!

******************************** Evensong Contemplative Worship

3rd Wednesdays @ 6:30 - 7:30 pm in the SPC Sanctuary

Evensong is a worship service including prayer, music in the singing/chanting style of Taize, and meditative silence. All are welcome to attend. 


Sunday, February 12 @ 11:15 am (after church)
Soulé Hall (also on Zoom)

Wondering what all the letters mean? What's the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity? Why are pronouns important? Come join Carol Heath in a safe, brave space learning together. Bring all your questions!!

Staff Position Open at SPC

Pastoral Administrative Assistant Position
Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church is looking for a full time Pastoral Administrative Assistant.

Job description may be found here starting 2/13/23:

For further inquiries, please contact John Carroll at
Peacemaking Advocate Presbytery Position

Addie has taken a call in Washington state and will no longer be serving as our Presbytery's Peacemaking Advocate. If you're interested in the details of the position, please contact the Executive Presbyter, Rev. Joey Lee at
Office Manager Position
Covenant Presbyterian Church

Covenant Presbyterian Church in Palo Alto is looking for a part-time Office Manager for the church office. Resumes may be submitted by email to

More information may be found here: Job Description
Pastoral Reflection
Ash Wednesday and Lent are almost upon us. One year early in my pastoral calling, I celebrated Ash Wednesday with a church who traditionally ate a simple supper together with the menu being soup and bread. A Google search will undoubtably lead you to innumerable Lenten and/or vegetarian soup recipes. One blog post with Lent-specific recipes may be found here though:


Rev. Dr. Jennifer Bales
Director of Communications
Presbytery of San Jose
Phone: (408) 279-0220 Website: