A. The board discussed the presentations by Lippert Brothers and Lingo Construction. Mr. Jerrod Moser motioned to hire Lingo Construction, highlighting that safety is a value of their company and a quality earmark. Mr. Steven Cox stated he likes that out of the company’s 32 active projects, 24 are repeat customers. Mrs. Katie Cornman said it appears Lippert is transitioning into this type of work while Lingo is at the top of the construction management space. The board unanimously approved the hire of Lingo Construction for construction management for the potential 2024 bond projects.
B. The board unanimously approved Form 307 Supplemental appropriation for $2,651,818.74 additional General Fund.
C. The board discussed revisions to BOE Policy EHAC - Virtual, Blended, and Distance Learning. The revised policy was approved unanimously.
D. The board discussed revisions to BOE Policy EIA-R4 - Student Promotion/Retention Regulation. Mrs. Katie Cornman requested to add that the district appeals process will be provided at the time of the decision to promote or retain. The board approved the revised policy with the suggested change per Mrs. Cornman.
E. The board reviewed and approved proposed revisions to policy FM - Student Activities Scholastic Eligibility.
F. The board reviewed and approved proposed revisions to policy FMA - Extracurricular Activities.
G. The board reviewed and approved proposed revisions to policy FOD - Suspension of Students
H. The board reviewed and approved proposed revisions to policy FOD-R - Student Suspension Procedures
The drafts of these policies will be finalized and added to the website by Monday, February 19th, 2024.
Dr. Eichelberger highlighted a few points in the district and school site updates provided to the board.
All items on the consent agenda were unanimously approved. This included the 2024-2025 District Calendar.
The board convened into executive session for the purpose of:
1. Discussing employment as listed on Attachment C. 25 O.S. § 307(B)(1)
2. Discussing the employment of superintendent. 25 O.S. § 307(B)(1)
3. Discussing the employment of the superintendent’s executive team as listed on Attachment D. 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(1)
The board returned to open session at 9:34 p.m.
No action was taken.
A. The board unanimously approved employment as listed on Attachment C.
B. Mr. Jerrod Moser motioned to add an additional year to the contract of the superintendent. The board unanimously approved this motion.
C. The board unanimously approved the employment of the superintendent’s executive team as listed on Attachment D.
There was no new business.
The meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.