Be Connected

April 12-14

GLD Pastor and Wife Retreat

Oakwood Resort

Syracuse, IN

October 14-15

GLD Conference

The Compass

Wheaton, IL

Be Encouraged

The GLD Pastor and Wife Retreat will be at the Oakwood Resort in Syracuse, Indiana. This year the retreat is accessible by car. The days include Friday through Sunday to give you and your husband a retreat from your ministry. The sessions weave meaningful worship, teaching, and interactive groups.


All costs are covered except your hotel room and travel. Before registering, please call Oakwood Resort at 574.457.7100 and reserve your room ($119 per night and blocked under Great Lakes District for the nights of Friday, April 12 and Saturday, April 13).

Deadline: March 14th. 

Be Resourced

You can easily link to Jan Thompson’s book, UpRooted by God’s Design and the Book’s Song Playlist on Jan’s website,

If you have a group that’s going to go through the book, feel free to contact Jan, who is willing to come on a zoom call or a phone call to interact with your group at some point. She will be doing that this spring with an international women’s study group in Rio de Janeiro. 

Great Lakes District EFCA | 574.299.9711 | [email protected] |