Sacramento Republican Women Federated




President: Dottie Linden [email protected]

1st Vice President: Roberta MacGlashan [email protected]


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

North Ridge Country Club

7600 Madison Avenue, Fair Oaks, CA

Registration starts at 11:30 AM

Lunch & Meeting from 12 - 2 PM

To make a reservation, please leave a voicemail at (916) 453-0760

Social Time & Registration begins at 11:30 AM

Lunch & Meeting is from 12:00 - 2:00 PM


Southern Buffet, Slow Roasted Beef Brisket, BBQ Chicken,

Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes, Coleslaw, Tossed House Salad,

Hot Quinoa Salad with Vegetables (Vegetarian), Cornbread,

Carrot Cake Dessert

$35, includes buffet, tea & coffee

Buffet includes Vegetarian and Gluten Free options.

Reservation Deadline:

5:00 PM, Monday, January 29, 2024

In order to make a reservation, guests must:

RSVP at (916) 453-0760 or

Register for Luncheon Online. 

Guests may pay in person the day of the luncheon by cash or check.


Prepay online using the link below:

Pay Online via PayPal


A reservation made is a reservation paid unless canceled by 5:00 PM, Monday, January 29, 2024. 

To cancel your reservation, please call (916) 453-0760 on or before 5:00 PM, Monday, January 29, 2024. 

*Late Registration is available through 5:00 PM, Monday, February 5th for the regular buffet meal. All reservations made after 5:00 PM, Monday, February 5, 2024, are Final.

Our February topic is: “Election Integrity: Everything you wanted to know about the Primary Election but were afraid to ask!”  

Our speakers will be Ryan Ronco, Placer County Registrar of Voters, and Betsy Mahan, Chair of the Sacramento County Republican Party.  

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1st Vice President Roberta MacGlashan's Message
“If you didn’t attend our January meeting, you missed a rousing panel discussion entitled “Local Leadership Matters: The Crucial Role of Conservatives in Local Government”. 
Our panelists included current Sacramento County Supervisor, District Four Sue Frost (who is retiring) and the two Republicans running for the seat in March: Folsom City Councilmember and former Mayor Rosario Rodriguez, and Citrus Heights Mayor Bret Daniels. The panel was moderated by First Vice President and retired Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan. Sign up for our monthly luncheons and never miss great speakers again!”

President Dottie Linden's Message

And, We’re Off … to a great start! 

What a wonderful way to begin our new year with an energetic and enthusiastic roomful of Republican Women and guests who are “ready to rumble” in the fast-approaching election. 

We were honored to have our member; Supervisor Sue Frost install our 2024 Officers and challenge all of us as members to get involved and do our part in electing more Republicans! 


Our panel on the importance of electing conservatives to key positions in the community was both informative and inspiring! Now we are equipped to help share that information and do the same thing for others in our sphere of influence. We understand how everything starts at our local level in terms of decision making, policy and yes “money”! Our taxes pay for most of the things (good or bad) that affect our day-to-day lives so that’s why we need to be on top of what’s going on, what decisions are being made and WHO’s making them! 


But wait…. There’s more! Our 1st VP Roberta MacGlashan has another great program lined up for us in February that will help us understand the new election process, how to help encourage voter participation and optimize voter integrity. Everything we need to know to help us WIN! This is definitely our chance to invite friends who want to know more and be encouraged that every vote counts and each of us can and MUST be the ones to stand up for our community, state and nation. 


One of the best benefits to being a member of our Federation of Republican Women is having a chance to be involved, heard and impactful at the local, state and national levels. As a member of our local chapter, Sacramento Republican Women Federated we also belong to, and enjoy the benefits of membership in the California Federation of Republican Women as well as the National Federation of Republican Women (the largest women’s political organization in the nation). 


Our new National Federation of Republican Women President Julie Harris has already been meeting with legislative leaders to outline our position on key issues and our plans for involvement at every level. Our new NFRW National Political Leader, Nikki Beaver said it best defining her role as being dedicated to help “make our mark on the political landscape…. elevating our voice and influence of Republican women in the political arena”. 


I am so impressed by, and grateful for, your passion and dedication to our mission. 

 If you think you can’t or don’t make a difference, THINK again! 


Let’s ROLL! 



Dottie Linden  

Sacramento Republican Women Federated – President


Our first Per Capita Report has been filed and January’s report reflected 23 Renewals, 7 New Members and 1 Associate.

I want to give a big “Welcome Back” to Rayna Bohnet, Margie DeRow, Carol Houston and Becky Montgomery.

Thank you for Renewing to:

Marylou Colombo, Cathy Cook, Muriel DeReus, Mona Graham, Kathy Hegemann, Pammy Huston, Karen Juten, May Ruth Lynch, Susan Thoresen McCall, Carol McDonald, Sharon Norris, Janice Price, and Barbara Sloan.

Welcome to our New Members Gaylen Bills and Rosario Rodriguez and our first Associate: Mary Ervin.

For your convenience, a SRWF membership form is at the website linked below. The form is on the membership page. Forms and payment may be made directly to Membership Chair, 11257 Crocker Grove Lane, Gold River, California 95670 or turned in at the February luncheon meeting.

I’ll be the one wearing a goofy fascinator hat! It is also possible to register online at:

We’re not quite half of our total membership from last year so we need to start reaching out to our members that have not renewed and bring them on board. To make sure we have the most up to date Roster this year, please renew before the end of March so you will be included.

If you’re willing to make calls or help with Membership, please let me know and we can start planning our 2024 Membership Contest. Janet: 916 539-0250 or [email protected]

Untitled Design


1. The membership fee is only $40 for the year.

2. Your membership lasts throughout all of 2024.

3. Your name is included in the 2024 roster if you renew/join before March 15.

4. Membership includes our informative newsletter, plus newsletters from the California Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women!

5. You receive timely updates and invitations to our luncheons.

6. You meet fabulous women and men who hold conservative Republican values.

7. You are exposed to informed experts on relevant and timely topics. We have various workshops and activities to participate within CFRW and NFRW, including Candidate School.

8. You may participate in fundraisers for charitable organizations that reflect conservative values.

9. You have opportunities for volunteering to work for Republican causes within Sacramento County GOP, and to maintain our club’s Diamond Award Winner status.

10. You may express yourself freely without fear of criticism or recrimination.

11. You are part of something greater than yourself and contribute to the well-being of our community, country, and party.

12. You want to make a difference. Staying informed.


Kyle Krogh, Director of Ways and Means


Thank you all for participating in the Opportunity Drawing in January! The proceeds are an important stream of income for our club

This was the first time we had a Door Prize donated by one of our members. All attendees received a free ticket. Roberta MacGlashan was the winner of a beautiful wreath donated by Kyle Krogh, Realtor. If you are interested in promoting your business by donating a Door Prize, please give me a call at 916-847-4371. You will be recognized at the meeting and in the newsletter.


We have initiated a new method for announcing the winners of the Opportunity Drawing. Instead of waiting for the numbers to be read aloud, we now choose the winners while the speaker is presenting and post them on the ticket bags. Participants can check to see if they won at the conclusion of the meeting. If you would like to remain seated, we will check your tickets to see if you’re a winner. Just let us know.


Something new for February! We will have a “Split the Pot” Opportunity Drawing. Bring cash to enter and split the total proceeds with the club. 


Please bring your Opportunity Prizes. If you have smaller items that could be combined to make a basket, bring them every month. We’ll make them into something fabulous. 

🙋🏻‍♀️ Volunteers are needed to sell the tickets and arrange tables. 👩‍🌾


To see the General Meeting MINUTES for January 2024, please contact our Secretary-ProTem Karen Juten at [email protected]

To see the Treasurers Report for December 2023, please contact our Treasurer Carol Usmial at [email protected]

From Our Chaplain Pam Herger

Our Heavenly Father,

We come before you this day to thank Thee for our bounteous blessings of being able to gather here today in the freedom of this great country which Thou hast provided for us through Thy inspiration of our Founding Fathers.

We thank Thee for Beginnings. For the beginning of a New Year, the beginning of a new board of officers for this new year. We thank Thee for those who step forward to provide leadership for our club and ask that Thou would be with them as they begin their journey of leadership through this year.

We thank Thee for those members who have just completed their term of service for our Republican Women’s Club and we thank them for their service.

Please help us as members to help and support our new board in any way we can to promote the principals upon which this country was founded.

We pray for those who are ill or for some other reason and cannot be here with us today. Please comfort them in their needs.

We ask that Thee would please comfort and uplift our former First Lady, Melania Trump, at this time of the recent passing of her mother.

Please watch over our Israeli bothers and sisters who are in harm’s way.


Will you be a member of our great club and help us accomplish excellent work?

SRWF Membership 2024 Fee $40

Contact Janet Gardner at 916-447-0609

or email at: [email protected]

or mail at: Janet Gardner


11257 Crocker Grove Lane

Gold River, CA 95670

Calendar of Events

February 7 - Sacramento RWF Luncheon Meeting - North Ridge CC 11:30 AM

February 10 - Sacramento GOP Candidate Open House/ Ballot Collection 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

February 13 - Sac County GOP Dinner with Steve Hilton- 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM;

Pay Online:

Remit Form to Pay with Check:

If you would like to join the Sacramento Republican Women Federateds' table, please contact Barbara Sloan at (916) 494-2626 or email her at: [email protected] The cost is $150 per person.

February 16-17 - CFRW 2024 Winter Conference, 2024 Irvine, California