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We are Grateful for Lynn Brinkley!

BWIM Associate Director, Rev. Dr. Lynn Brinkley, has accepted an offer to become Field Ministry Coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship's Pan African Koinonia (PAK).

Lynn has been instrumental in BWIM’s successful ministry for the past 4 years. She has given her many ministry gifts of compassion, connection, administration, hospitality, prophetic preaching, and dreaming big so that BWIM could continue and grow its work in supporting and advocating for women in ministry.

Because of Lynn's ministry, we have many new members of the BWIM community and new opportunities for partnership. While we are sad for BWIM, we are hopeful that even more people might benefit from her leadership in this new opportunity.

If you would like to send words of appreciation to Lynn for her leadership with

BWIM, you can mail cards to:

Rev. Dr. Lynn Brinkley

P.O. Box 9801

Fayetteville, NC 28311

BWIM Hiring Two Positions

BWIM's mission is to support women who pursue ministry and leadership with sustaining resources and community, and to advocate for the full affirmation of women in ministry and leadership in Baptist life.

To fulfill this mission, BWIM is hiring for the positions of Director of Supporting Women in Ministry and Director of Advocating for Women in Ministry.

The last day to apply for the Director of Advocating for Women in Ministry is February 28th. The last day to apply for the Director of Supporting Women in Ministry is March 22nd.

Learn More and Apply


Mariah Humphries as Interim Director of Supporting Women in Ministry

Mariah previously served as Director of Parachurch Partnerships and Alumni Relations at Baylor University’s Truett Seminary in Waco, Texas. A lifelong Baptist and spouse of a pastor, Mariah has been involved in Baptist life for many years. Mariah can be reached at mariahhumphries@bwim.info.

Read More about Mariah


We’re inviting you to take the next step in affirming, valuing, and elevating women in ministry among Baptists this March! Download the 2024 BWIM Month of Advocacy Participation calendar!

In addition to inviting a woman to preach, we also encourage you and your congregation to engage in one of the forms of advocacy listed on our website during March, which is also Women’s History Month. A new resource available this year is an updated version of Meredith Stone's "A Baptist Reflection on the Bible and Women in Ministry and Leadership" with an added discussion guide. Use this online resource with your Sunday school class, small group, church staff, or bring a group of folks together for discussion about women's value to God's work in the world.

Click below for access to ideas on how to advocate for the full affirmation of women in ministry and leadership in Baptist communities, and to download social media posts to engage, educate, and encourage others to join your advocacy efforts!


Learn More about BWIM Month of Advocacy

BWIM’s Peer Community Groups are an opportunity for Baptist women who are in congregational or non-congregational ministry to connect with and learn from one another.

BWIM’s 2024 Peer Community Groups will be a pilot program to learn how we might best facilitate community among women in ministry.

Selected applicants will meet monthly via Zoom over the course of 9 months, and will be provided $1,500 to use for one or more of the following:

  • travel to spend time connecting in person,
  • resources to facilitate Zoom meetings
  • communal ministry wellbeing.

For example, a group may choose to use their funds to attend an online event or conference together and curate discussions for their next few months of Zoom calls from their shared experience at the event.

BWIM will provide resources for monthly group discussions, or the group can formulate the content of their meetings in response to needs that emerge from within the group.

Each group will have a facilitator who is a member of the group. The facilitator will be responsible for arranging Zoom meetings and having their church/organization serve as host for the group’s funds.

The final day to apply is March 22nd.

Learn More and Apply

BWIM Spring 2024 Book Club

BWIM book clubs are an opportunity to gather on Zoom and discuss books related to the lives of women in ministry.

Make participating part of your engagement in

BWIM Month of Advocacy!

The book club will meet on:

March 6th, 12:30 Eastern / 11:30 Central

March 13th, 12:30 Eastern / 11:30 Central

March 20th, 12:30 Eastern / 11:30 Central (with the author joining us!)

You must register to receive the Zoom link.

Nice Churchy Patriarchy

by Liz Cooledge Jenkins

Even in the warmest and most welcoming evangelical churches, patriarchy looms as an ever-present force, suppressing women’s possibilities and debilitating whole communities. Well-intentioned churchgoers and church leaders have bought into deeply-entrenched male-dominated mindsets, power structures, and theologies that are not working—not for women, and really not for anyone.

Part memoir and part faith-based feminist manifesto, Nice Churchy Patriarchy takes an unflinching look at the ways misogyny's subtler forms impact every aspect of women’s experiences in church. From leading a church college ministry, to attending seminary, to eventually developing the confidence to preach, Liz Cooledge Jenkins weaves together her own journey with reflections on biblical interpretation, church history, and intersectional feminism.

After confronting misogyny’s faces head-on, Liz goes on to explore how we can build better faith communities together. For all who long to see women's gifts greeted in churches with gratitude rather than a suspicious side eye, Nice Churchy Patriarchy points the way.

Register for Book Club
Purchase Book

Addie Davis Scholarships

BWIM is changing the way it supports female Baptist seminarians in honor of Addie Davis, the first woman ordained to pastoral ministry by a Southern Baptist Church in 1964. Instead of granting two awards related to seminarians' excellence in preaching and outstanding pastoral leadership, BWIM is providing financial support for Baptist women enrolled in seminary to pursue a calling to ministry and leadership.

Female seminarians who have membership in a Baptist church, are enrolled full-time in a Masters-level program at an ATS accredited seminary or divinity school, and can articulate and provide evidence of a sense of calling to ministry and leadership among Baptist communities are eligible.

Applications are open on the BWIM websiteCompleted scholarship applications must be received by March 22, 2024. The minimum scholarship amount is $2,000, and there will be a maximum of 5 scholarships awarded.

Learn More About Scholarships

Upcoming BWIM Documentary Screening Dates!

If you're in the following areas next month, please make plans to join us at a screening of BWIM's documentary Midwives of a Movement.

Can't join us at one of these screenings, check our website for dates and locations across the country!

March 2024 Screenings

March 2nd:

Grandin Court Baptist Church

Roanoke, VA

March 3rd:

FBC, Martinsville, VA

March 4th:

Hampton Baptist Church

Hampton, VA

March 5th:

Byrd Theater, Richmond, VA

March 6th:

University Baptist Church

Charlottesville, VA

March 10th:

Broadway Baptist Church

Fort Worth, TX

March 15th:

Mid-Atlantic CBF &

McLean Baptist Church, McLean, VA

March 17th:

Immanuel Baptist Church

Nashville, TN

March 18th:

Belmont University

Johnson Center Theatre

March 20th:

Ball Camp Baptist Church

Knoxville, TN

March 21st:

Georgetown College

Georgetown, KY

March 22nd:

Ridgewood Baptist Church

Louisville, KY

First Baptist Church of Christ

Macon, GA

Find a Screening Near You

BWIM partners with Baptist News Global (BNG) to celebrate and promote the strong writing voices of women! BWIM is advocating for women's equal representation in Baptist media by uplifting women's writing and encouraging women's increased participation in shaping Baptist life, culture, and theology.

To find out more about BWIM's partnership and to read articles written as the result of the partnership, click below. If you are interested in becoming a potential writer for BNG, email Laura Ellis for more information at lauraellis@bwim.info

Learn more


Rev. Val Fisk, concluding her tenure as associate minister for students at University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, VA.

Rev. Alexis Lively, to First Baptist Church, Sweetwater, TX, as youth minister.

Rev. Catherine Miller, to First Baptist Church, Westwood, MA, as pastor.

Rev. Deneen Ray, to Panorama Baptist Church, Arleta, CA, as pastor.

Mariah Whitmer, to First Baptist Church, Carrollton, GA, as mobilization director.

Rev. Ellen DiGiosia, to CBF Texas, as field coordinator.

Rev. Sara Hunt-Felke, to Passport, Inc. as program coordinator for youth.

Rev. Suzanne Ringer, to Augusta Road Baptist Church, Greenville, SC, as associate pastor.

Rev. Taylor Edwards, to First Baptist Church, Wilson, NC as associate pastor of families and faith formation.

Emmie Garner, to Rosemary Baptist Church, Roanoke Rapids, NC, as director of children's ministries.

Rev. Cara Morgan, to First Baptist Church, Commerce, GA, as children and families minister.

Rev. Alisha Damron Seruyange, to CBF AL, as associate coordinator and CBF young Baptist event specialist.


We Want To Celebrate Your Ordination!

If you know a Baptist woman who has been ordained or will be ordained, please email names and pictures (if possible) to heatherdeal@bwim.info. BWIM wants to share in celebrating congregational affirmation of all women in ministry, and it helps us to keep records of all of the women in Baptist life who are ordained.


Rev. Alexis Tardy (pictured), ordained to gospel ministry at Park Avenue Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA, on Sunday, January 28.

Rev. Kendall Ellis, ordained to the gospel ministry on November 5, 2023. She began her tenure as Senior Co-Pastor of First Baptist Muncie, IN, July 1, 2022.

Rev. Renee Eddington, ordained to the gospel ministry on February 18, 2024 by Calvary Baptist Church, Lexington, KY.


BWIM posts information online for any church/organization who contacts us directly to advertise their open position so that candidates can have access to a current list of open positions.
Find positions posted with BWIM HERE!

New positions posted online since the last newsletter include:

  • Director of Advocating for Women in Ministry (Full-Time), Baptist Women in Ministry, Remote
  • Director of Supporting Women in Ministry (Full-Time), Baptist Women in Ministry, Remote
  • Associate Pastor of Worship (Full Time), First Baptist Church, Arkadelphia, AR
  • Minister of Youth/Associate Pastor (Full-Time), The Oaks Baptist Church, Lyons, GA
  • Associate Pastor for Youth, Missions, and Adults (Full-Time), First Baptist Church on Fifth, Winston-Salem, NC
  • Pastor of Preparing Ministries (Full-Time), University Baptist Church, Houston, TX
  • Worship Pastor (Full-Time), Southland Baptist Church, San Angelo, TX

State and Regional BWIM

Be sure to connect with your state or regional BWIM group for

events happening near you!


Laura Stephens-Reed



Courtney Jones



Katie Faison



Great Rivers

(Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi)

Brittany Caldwell, Tanya Parks,

Brittany Stillwell,


Heartland (Kansas/Missouri)

Andrea Huffman


Natasha Nedrick



Laura Levens


North Carolina

Ka'thy Gore Chappell




Sarah Stewart


South Carolina

Kelli Kirksey & Sarah Hanks



Eileen Campbell-Reed



Jill Hudson




Leslie Park



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