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February 2024

News For Everyone

It's coming!

It will be published in March!

It is the collaborative effort of nine Network professionals!

What is it?

Our white paper - a researched document outlining five major systemic challenges facing families and individuals with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD in Alberta. We examine the life-long impacts of these issues but also provide realistic solutions that the government of Alberta can implement both in the near and long term to ensure not only more positive outcomes for these children and adults, but also Alberta as a whole.

News For Parents

Program Details:

Cost: $150

Location: In person at Foothills Academy

Duration: 1.5 hours of instruction and follow up question session for 1/2 hour.

What's Included: A small kit of materials to take home to support what was taught.

Parent Training Program

New Program at Foothills Community Services

Have you ever wondered how you can support your child's literacy skills at home beyond reading to them?

Introducing a new Parent Training Program!

You get to meet with an expert instructor for 1.5 hours to learn the language and basic exercises to support your child's reading and spelling skills at home. You also get a small kit of materials that mirror what is used in the Read/Write Intervention program. Finally, you get a half-hour follow-up to answer any questions you might have. This is not intended to replace intervention but to continue your child's learning at home.

Register Here

If your teen is in Grade 12 considering college or university, or a young adult looking to return to formal education, this is an invaluable presentation. PADRA - the Post-Secondary Accessibility and Disability Resource Association of Alberta - is comprised of accessibility advisors from different post-secondary institutions across Alberta. The Calgary chapter is hosting this information session along with a resource fair.

No registration necessary; just save the date and come!

Reading 101: Reading Instruction at Your Child's School

"Children who don’t learn to read well in first and second grade are unlikely to catch up later. And there can be life-long repercussions."

"All children deserve quality reading instruction that is based on research and best practices. How can you know if your child is getting good reading instruction at school? Find out what good reading instruction should look like and questions you should ask your child’s teacher."

Reading Rockets

News For Adults

Calgary hosted the 15th national CADDAC conference last October 2023. If you weren't able to attend, or want to revisit some of the highlight session including the keynote speakers, they are now available!

Calgary CADDAC Conference Videos
ADHD & Goals

Setting Goals for

ADHD Brains

"Setting realistic goals while managing challenges like ADHD requires an approach that considers your unique needs. You need a balance between what is practical and ambitious that will contribute to both attaining your goals and mental well-being. Read more to find some tips to help you set and achieve goals effectively.

February is Black History Month

Black, Brilliant and Dyslexic

"This is a raw, honest and enlightening collection of experiences, across the black and dyslexic community, giving an intersectional perspective on topics including the education system, the workplace, daily life and entrepreneurship. These stories highlight the challenges, progress, successes and contributions of the black and dyslexic community, helping others to find their voice, feel empowered and be proud of their differences."


Black & Dyslexic Podcast

"The Black and Dyslexic Podcast is here to educate, empower, and equip adults and parents of children with dyslexia and other language based learning differences. We offer an authentic and raw perspective into the challenges faced when advocating for yourself or your child with a learning disability. Black and underrepresented minorities don't experience advocacy the same way as our White counterparts."


8 Unique Ways ADHD Affects Black People

"The symptoms of ADHD are the same for black men and Asian women, just as they are the same for Caucasian and Latino children. But, you may be surprised to learn how this behavioral disorder affects the African American community differently. From difficulties in diagnosis and treatment to underrepresentation in scientific studies, ADHD looks very different for African Americans, and many children are the ones affected."


News For Educators & Professionals

Tech Tool Library

This is a one-stop-shop of technology tools that is comprehensive, easy to navigate and can improve student access to learning. Educating all Learners has brought "together straightforward accessibility information for the digital educational products educators trust to use in classrooms."

Free Tech Tool Library

We know that even as adults, self-advocacy can be really tough. It can be hard getting others to listen, but we also know that it is necessary and provides a sense of power over our daily lives.

In our classrooms, and especially for students with LD or ADHD, it's a necessary life skill to model and teach. It ultimately provides a sense of control to students, paving the way for engagement and accountability in the learning process...and has benefits for classroom management, too.

Are You Listening?

This year, the Learning Disabilities & ADHD Network is excited to be hosting a booth at both the Calgary and Palliser Teachers' Conventions.

Pop by for a visit to:

  • enter into 2 great prize draws for Free teacher PD or resources
  • experience our multi-lingual accessibility tool
  • have a guided tour of our website
  • view a refresher on LD & ADHD
  • learn actionable strategies for your classroom
  • learn about available resources
  • ask questions!

News For Employers

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Accommodations in the workplace are simply adjustments that will help your employee be more productive. Who doesn't want that? But they will also help your employee to feel more valued, a member of the team and reduce workplace stress resulting in fewer mistakes and misunderstandings, sick days or even accidents.

Check out the the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) toolkit which provides a comprehensive database of accommodation examples by disability type.

Accommodation Toolkit

The Learning Disabilities & ADHD Network is a collaborative initiative of a broad group of organizations, which is operated through Foothills Academy and supported by an Anonymous Donor at the Calgary Foundation.

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