February 1, 2024



We are a community organization that

stimulates and promotes

democratic values.

Upcoming Programs

Protecting Pima County from the Dangers of Drugs and Drug


presented by

Miguel Figueroa

Tucson Police Department

Saturday, February 10, 2024, 3 pm

Room 203, Continental Shopping Plaza, Green Valley

Miguel Figueroa will address current drug issues, particularly related to fentanyl. His presentation will provide an overview of the latest trends and problems in our area.

Miguel Figueroa was born and raised in Tucson. He brings 22 years of experience with the Tucson Police Department, and is presently serving as the Student Engagement Officer in Operations Division South.

***The collection wagon will be available for your contributions to the Sahuarita Food Bank.***

Sponsored by Green Valley Democrats

Kirsten Engel

Candidate for Congress

Saturday, February 24, 2024, 3 pm

Room 203, Continental Shopping Plaza, Green Valley

Kirsten Engel has launched her 2024 campaign for Arizona’s 6th Congressional District, the district she lost in 2022 by one of the narrowest margins in the nation.

Kirsten is an attorney, law professor, and a former Arizona state legislator. During her five years in the legislature, Kirsten served on the Natural Resources committees of the Arizona House and Senate where she worked to safeguard Arizona’s water resources, protect the State’s beautiful and unique desert ecosystems and capitalize on the State’s capacity to be a world leader in renewable energy. Since 2005, Kirsten has been a member of the law faculty of the University of Arizona, where she co-directs the Environmental Law Certificate program.

Kirsten learned at an early age the importance of giving back to her community and protecting our resources for generations to come. She is proud to be a pro-choice candidate who is also determined to strengthen Social Security and Medicare and protect Veterans Benefits.

Join us to learn more about what Kirsten Engel stands for!

***The collection wagon will be available for your contributions to the Sahuarita Food Bank.***

Sponsored by Green Valley Democrats

Upcoming Events

***Join the Discussion Group each Wednesday, 10 - 11:30 am in Room 203 for open discussion on current events.***

Save the Date!

Blue Wave Auction

Saturday, March 23, 2024

For auction donations, contact Naneki Elliott

at: [email protected]

Women in Blue Luncheon 
February 22nd, 11:30
Mario McGee’s Pizza
101 S La Canada Dr #19
Green Valley

Salad, pizza, dessert, and beverage.
$30 (includes tax & gratuity)
Cash or check payable to DCQC

RSVP by February 15th to [email protected]

Limited to 35!!!! If you need to cancel please do so by the 15th.

Guest speaker announcement coming soon!

Wear Blue!

Action Alerts!

Help Stop the Copper World Mine:

An Easy Way to Voice your Opinion

Tell ADEQ: Extend the Comment Period & Hold a Public Meeting!


Adapted from an alert by Save the Scenic Santa Ritas 


There is a very tight deadline to convince the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to extend the comment period for the draft Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) they have issued for Hudbay’s Copper World mining project in the Santa Rita Mountains. If this permit goes through, Hudbay would be much closer to final approval of their mega mine.


PLEASE COMMENT RIGHT AWAY using the ADEQ comment form here: https://azdeq.commentinput.com/?id=A9McgdYEZ  


You don’t need to make any technical comments about the permit. Instead, keep it simple. Tell ADEQ that the 50 days they’ve given the public isn’t nearly enough time to review this highly technical, extremely important document. Ask that ADEQ do the following:

  1. Extend the comment period to 180 days. 
  2. Hold a public hearing in southeast Arizona so ADEQ can explain their draft permit, answer the public’s questions, and hear the public’s concerns.

This draft Aquifer Protection Permit permit is highly complex, so much so that ADEQ, with all its professional resources, took 16 months to review Hudbay’s permit application and draft the permit. And yet ADEQ is giving the public only 50 days to review and write comments on this highly technical permit. Given the long history of copper mines contaminating groundwater, it is essential that ADEQ use its full authority to protect our aquifer. But without sufficient time to closely analyze this draft permit, we have no way of knowing whether ADEQ is doing its job.


The wildlife and ecosystems of the Santa Rita Mountains, as well as the human communities whose groundwater is at risk of contamination and depletion, need your help! 


Please ask the ADEQ to extend the current 50-day comment period to at least 180 days and to hold a public hearing in southeast Arizona.

Initiatives to Sign at Headquarters

The following initiatives and petitions are available to sign at GV Dems Headquarters (*for newly added petitions and initiatives):

Candidate Petitions

LD 19 Nick Nordgran-Tellez for AZ House

LD 19 Gregg Frostrom for AZ House

LD 19 Robert (Bob) Karp for AZ Senate

LD 21 Senator Rosanna Gabaldon for AZ Senate

LD 21 Stephanie Stahl Hamilton for AZ House*

CD6 Kirsten Engel

Pima County Attorney Laura Conover

Pima County Recorder Gabriella Cázares-Kelly*

Pima County Sheriff Chris Nanos

Pima County Sheriff Sandy Rosenthal*

Pima County Superintendent of Schools Dustin Williams

Pima County Treasurer Brian Johnson*

Pima County Treasurer Sami Hamed*

Pima County Assessor Suzanne Droubie*

Arizona Corporation Commission Jonathan Hill

US Senate Ruben Gallego


Arizona Abortion Access

Justice for All

Minimum Wage

Working together (Repeal AZ Right to work)*

NOTE: When more than one candidate is running for the same position, you may sign only one of their petitions.

All candidate petitions as well as initiatives are available at the office (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10 am - 2 pm). Also, candidate petitions may be signed on-line.

At Headquarters, we have “Petition Tracking Forms” for you to keep track of all those petitions you will be signing. Put it in your billfold or purse or file it (with your name on it, please!!) in the black card file box on the petition table. 

State Politics Matter!

Keep Informed and Voice Your Opinions.

Subscribe to Civic Engagement Beyond Voting (https://www.cebv.us/) to keep up with state legislative issues. Their website and weekly emails provide critical information on proposed legislation and how to voice your opinions using Request to Speak. Subscribe now!

Request to Speak (RTS) is an easy and effective way to voice your opinions on pending state legislation. Learn more about it and get an account HERE. Once you have an account, watch this video for step by step instructions on how to use Request to Speak.

Climate Crisis News

Warmest Year on Record

"Earlier this week, the European Union's Earth science team came out with its analysis of 2023's global temperatures, finding it was the warmest year on record to date. In an era of global warming, that's not especially surprising. What was unusual was how 2023 set its record—every month from June on coming in far above any equivalent month in the past—and the size of the gap between 2023 and any previous year on record.

The Copernicus (Climate Survey - EU) dataset used for that analysis isn't the only one of the sort, and on Friday, Berkeley EarthNASA, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration all released equivalent reports. And all of them largely agree with the EU's: 2023 was a record, and an unusual one at that. So unusual that NASA's chief climate scientist, Gavin Schmidt, introduced his look at 2023 by saying, "We're frankly astonished." Jon Timmer, ars Technica, 1/12/2024


WE CARE Campaign in February:

Sahuarita Food Bank

For February we will be collecting for the Sahuarita Food Bank. 

Their current needs include:

  • Cereal and oatmeal
  • Peanut butter and other nut butters for those with peanut allergies
  • Canned meats, including tuna fish and chicken
  • Macaroni and cheese/ramen/pasta
  • Canned soup, particularly hearty soups such as Progresso
  • Beans
  • Rice
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned tomato products
  • Instant potato and rice
  • Soup packages that require only water added

They have some visitors who are living out of their cars or on the streets who appreciate food in smaller proportions that don’t require preparation.

Bring your contributions to Headquarters or to any program meeting.

Thank you!

Judy Knape, VP Headquarters

The office is open three days a week:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 am - 2 pm


We are now collecting 2024 membership dues. Our renewal rate to date is only 25%. This is a crucial year and we need your support. Let's get that renewal rate up to 100%! 

Renew or become a new member by stopping by the office Monday, Wednesday, or Friday or do so by clicking the link below.

GVD 2024 Membership Dues are $30 per person. Your payment will cover your membership from now through December, 2024. 

Join or Renew Your Membership

GV Dems Headquarters (M, W, F, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.) | 190 Continental Rd., Suite #208, Green Valley, AZ 85622 | 520-838-0590 | [email protected] |



Paid for by the Green Valley Democrats Club. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.