First Methodist School |
Love is patient and kind...Love is not rude…and does not become angry easily… Love never ends.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

In order for us to have school safely, anyone with symptoms of any illness must remain at home. Please monitor your child's health and the persons in your student's household to ensure that RSV, flu, COVID, and other illnesses are not introduced into our buildings. Vaccines are free or low cost through the Dallas County Health Dept. and are the most effective way to prevent the spread of illness. Please take advantage of available resources and follow the guidance of the local health departments and the CDC to ensure the health and safety of your family and our school.
Kindergarten learned about the plants of the rainforest in preparation for their fieldtrip to the Dallas World Aquarium!
4s learned about hot and cold and made hot chocolate in the home center!
3s read "A Pocket for Corduroy" & made their own Corduroy bear!
2s painted with ice cubes to help them understand the concept of cold!
One year olds made binoculars to go on a bear hunt! Click the picture to watch the video!
3 year played "I Spy With My Little Eye" in Spanish class to find all the triangulos!
No more paperwork! Through the Auto-Reenrollment process, existing students are automatically re-enrolled on February 1 for the upcoming summer and school year. Enrollment fees will be billed through Brightwheel in mid-February for a class comparable to the one you are enrolled in currently for summer and the upcoming school year. If you would like to change class days, please contact the office. 
For more details, click HERE.
We look forward to spending the summer and the 24-25 school year with you!
 Thank you for choosing FMS!

Click here to watch testimonials of our top-notch Kindergarten program!
Many of our new families were referred to us by one of our current families. Referring families receive referral incentives as our way of saying THANKS!
Would you like to get paid for telling others about FMS? Please click here for more information on our Referral Program.
Clip/save traditional paper Box Tops or scan Box Tops through the app for FMS!  To use the new Box Tops app to scan Box Tops instead of clipping, click HERE for details.
Mark Your Calendars
2/1:  Auto Re-enrollment 2024-25 & Summer Fun for FMS families begins!!
2/5:  Tuition Due
2/6, 2/7: A virtual visit from the Dentist!
2/13:  Tuition Late Fees Begin
2/13, 2/14: Valentine’s Celebrations - see your teacher for details
2/19:  No School/President’s Day
2/29: Re-Enrollment fees due
First United Methodist Church Duncanville
Open Table
Saturdays, 5pm
Free meal and fellowship!
Click here for more info

Click Here for Worship Details!
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Car Decal
Car decals available in the school office
Check in/out daily, pay tuition, & connect with your teacher on the app today!
Click here for more info