Her recent publications include:
Dixon, S., & Dube, S. (December 21, 2023/Fall). Beyond mainstream modalities: Introducing the Tree of Life Model. COGNICA: The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association’s Official Bilingual Publication, 55(2), 25-30. https://www.ccpa-accp.ca/cognica/
Dixon, S., & Okoli, S. (2023, December 15). Recentring Blackness in psychology: Ethical considerations. CAP Monitor Winter, 76, 22-27, 42-46.
Dr. Dixon presented at the following conferences in January:
Dixon, S., Parks, Scarlett, S., & Yohani, S. (2024, January 25). Recentring the resilience, wellness and coping strategies of Black Canadians in dominant spaces.
Workshop Presentation at the ALIGN Association 16th Annual Conference (Jan 25-26, 2024). Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Chaired session
- Initiated and organized proposal for workshop around the theme.
Dixon, S. (2024, January 5). Using faith to foster resilience amongst racialized groups in Canada: Recommendations for counsellor educators. The 4th International Academic Forum (IAFOR) International Conference on Arts & Humanities in Hawaii (IICAH). The Hawai’i Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States (Jan. 3-7, 2024).