February 2024: Prentice Institute Jobs and Opportunities Newsletter

The Prentice Institute collaborates with researchers in Canada and elsewhere to address some of the most difficult challenges of the next generation and beyond.

Prentice Institute Grants

Prentice Institute Grant Programs now accepting proposals

The Prentice Institute is offering a new competition: the Prentice Institute Research Affiliate Fellowship. Through a competitive, adjudicated process, an approved project will have its principle investigator named a Research Fellow of the Institute, and a $40,000 grant awarded.  The Institute is also offering its Seed Grants of up to $8500. Please see the website for detailed RFP and application form.

Prentice Institute Partnership Grant

Due to an unanticipated surplus in the Prentice Institute budget, we are offering a one time only RFP for a Partnership grant. 

Given the very short timelines - proposals must be received before end of day Feb 28, with projects initiated beginning of April - any project requiring new ethics approvals will not be considered. We can accept those projects that either do not require ethics approvals; or those with extant approvals which may (or may not) require additional approval. 

See the RFP for details. Fillable application here.

Project Duration: 1 year

Amount: a maximum of $10,000 per partnership

Eligible applicants: Prentice Institute affiliates who have not previously held a Prentice Institute grant

Completed application due: February 28, 2024 (send to prentice@uleth.ca)

Student Scholarship Opportunities

Climate Finance Scholarship Contest

A partnership between Change Course, Canada’s National Observer and Stand.earth, the Climate Finance Scholarship Contest is open to young people aged 18-30 in Canada. 

Submission Guidelines & Rules:

Applicants are invited to respond to any or all of the below prompts in a written essay (maximum 800 words) or multimedia submission (maximum 2.5 minutes). 

Contest finalists will win one of two $2500 scholarships (total $5000) for written and multimedia submissions, including publication on National Observer, promotion through social media & emails, and more. Top finalists will also have their work published on Canada’s National Observer and shared across social media.

Submissions due no later than Sunday, March 17, 2024 at 11:59pm EST

More Information Here

VandenHoek Schlachter Pride Award

The VandenHoek Schlachter Pride Award was established through a generous donation by ULethbridge alumni Jason VandenHoek (BMgt ’05) and Kurt Schlachter (BSc ’00), creating a first-of-its-kind endowment fund providing support for 2SLGBTQ+ students and those who advance equity and inclusion.

This competition is open to ALL ULethbridge continuing undergraduate or graduate students. Applicants must submit an essay (max. 500 words) outlining contributions made towards advancing equity or fostering inclusion for the 2SLGBTQ+ community, either on campus or in a broader context.

Applications are open until April 15 for the VandenHoek Schlachter Pride Award!

More Information Here

  The William & Mary Global Innovation Challenge (WMGIC) invites fellow undergraduate students from around the world to compete in WMGIC VIII!

During this competition, students will design and present an innovative solution to a present-day global issue, topic to be disclosed soon!

This competition's streams include technology, social entrepreneurship, business, and governance, and more! Teams will receive mentoring from expert practitioners. Participation is open to participants of all disciplines and majors.

The top eight teams will receive $500 in cash prizes! The competition will be held from 5pm (EST) on 12 April 2024 to 5pm (EST) 13 April 2024 via Zoom and in-person at William & Mary (competing separately).

To receive priority registration, register here! Registration will close when all the team spaces are filled.

Get Connected, Become an Affiliate

The Prentice Institute accepts applications for affiliation year-round. Affiliates are eligible to apply for a variety of grant funds offered by the Institute.

4401 University Drive W, Lethbridge AB

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