February 2024

President's Message

Nancy Rosenthal - nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com

Sign up today for a Regional Training!  March 2, Rochester, March 9, Port Washington/Manhasset, March 16, Cortland, March 23, Capital Region (ie Albany). Register online here or download, print and mail the form here.

League members will be discussing many important topics: DEI, GOTV, Managing Leadership, Determining Mis and Dis-Information, and Making your Voice Heard. Catch up with your League friends! Come and talk about how best to navigate this crucial election year!

For League to do the work we are so passionate, members need to get their checkbooks out and donate to LWVNY.  Without your ongoing financial support, we cannot keep doing the work we do. 2024 is all about voting and your dollars will allow your League to do everything possible to register voters, to Get Out the Vote, to hold Candidate Forums, to access Vote411.org, to continue the fight for racial justice and criminal justice reform. Our 2023-2024 Budget had a $100K shortfall. The Proposed 2024-2025 Budget will also have a $100K shortfall. These shortfalls are NOT sustainable. Without member donations, we cannot continue our work. Please, take a minute and write out that check to LWVNY; better yet, check the box for to make a monthly ongoing donations to your LWVNY.

Upcoming Events

Regional Training Workshop - Register NOW!

All members are invited to attend the workshops so register to join us now! They are held on Saturdays from 10:00-4:00 with lunch provided; there is a charge of $25 to cover the lunch and facility costs.

  • March 2          Rochester (The Perkins Mansion)
  • March 9          Port Washington/Manhasset (Unitarian Universalist Congregation)
  • March 16        Cortland (CNY Living History Center)
  • March 23        Albany (The Blake)


Workshop Topics:

  • The Wild Ride: Get Ready for the 2024 Election Season!
  • The Story of Us: Evaluating and Tracking League Programs
  • Bridge to Excellence - Strengthening Local Leagues Through DEI Mastery
  • How and Why Not to Do it All: Leading a Local League
  • Making your Voice Heard: Citizens and Local Leagues
  • Engaging College Students in Their Communities and Beyond
  • Fact vs. Fiction: Training the Public on Determining Mis and Dis-Information


More information and the option to download, print and mail your registration with a check is here.

Inflation Reduction Act Clean Energy Benefits and Cost Savings for New Yorkers

Join the League of Women Voters Environmental Committee of Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm for a presentation from Emily Dean, Director of Federal Funding Strategy, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA).

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 represents the single largest investment in climate and energy in U.S. history, directing billions of dollars towards homeowners, renters, and businesses to lower the cost of clean energy technologies. Over the next decade, the IRA promises to grow New York’s clean energy economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to meet the goals of the Climate Act. Click here to register.

Unlocking the Power of Equality: Learn about the NY ERA: February 29th

Join the League of Women Voters of NYS and the American Association of University Women on Thursday, February 29th from 6:00pm-7pm on Zoom to hear more about the NY Equal Rights Amendment from the New Yorkers for Equal Rights Campaign. Learn how you can get involved! Click here to register!

Carbon Neutral NY: Where Are We NOW?

Thursday, April 18, 7:00 pm on Zoom

Blair Horner, the Executive Director of the New York Public Interest Research Group, will give an overview of what New York currently is doing to fight the effects of climate change as it relates to the Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act (CLCPA) scoping plan and what needs to be the focus for the immediate future including an emphasis on Social Justice.

Register here for Carbon Neutral NY: Where Are We NOW?

League Advocacy Day (speakers and materials with in-person lobbying in Albany), May 7, 2024 - stay tuned for registration

Voter Services

Kathy Meany, VP for Voter Services



Tuesday, April 2

  • Early Voting Days March 23-30
  • Register in Person by March 23
  • Register by Mail - Must be Received by BOE by March 23
  • Apply for absentee or early vote by mail ballot in person by April 1
  • Apply for absentee or early vote by mail ballot by mail/online - Must be Received by BOE by March 23
  • Deliver ballot in person by close of polls April 2 to poll site or BOE
  • Deliver ballot by mail - Must be postmarked by April 2 and must be received by April 9 

Issues and Advocacy

Sally Robinson, VP for Issues and Advocacy sally.s.robinson@gmail.com

Let’s pass the NY Equal Rights Amendment!

We are gearing up for a hard launch of the NY ERA campaign on March 21st! We are urging local Leagues to host in person “teach-in” launch events to talk about the ERA and encourage folks to get involved. Trainings on how to talk about the ballot initiative and materials will be provided by the ballot initiative committee in early March. If you’d like your League to get involved in the launch reach out to your President or local League ERA Taskforce representative!


If you’d like to learn more about the NY ERA amendment join us and AAUW for an information session titled “Unlocking the Power of Equality: Learn about the NY ERA” on February 29, 2024 at 6:00pm on Zoom. Register here.


Legislative Hot Topics Webinar

On Saturday, February 3rd the LWVNYS held a Legislative Hot Topics webinar for all members. Most issue specialists and issue committee chairs were on the call. We focused on how NYS does advocacy and how members can get involved. Check out the recording here.


Pre-Budget Legislative Packet

On February 20th we released the Pre-Budget Lobby Packet. You can find the packet here. The pre-budget legislative packet covers funding for county boards of elections, election reforms, funding for the public campaign finance board, an expansion of the bottle bill, education financing and fair pay for home care.


If you're interested in lobbying on these topics, talk with your League President or Advocacy chair. Advocacy chairs should consider scheduling meetings with representatives for late February and early March. 


Executive Budget Hearings

On the 16th of January the Governor released her Executive Budget. We were pleasantly surprised with the adequate funding provided to the state board of elections and the public campaign finance board. The full budget book can be found here.  You can watch us testify orally here.


We submitted written testimony for the following areas:

·   Healthcare

·   Elementary and Secondary Education

·   Environmental Conservation

·   Local Government (Elections)


The Governor released her 30 day amendments in the middle of February. The majority of her amendments were technical. You can read them here.



On February 15, the IRC released a new version of the Congressional maps. You can find the maphere. The legislature is expected to vote on the maps when they are back in session this week. . On February 20, we co-sponsored A People’s Hearing on Redistricting in response to the lack of opportunity for public input on the maps. The event was co-sponsored with APA Voice, the Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College, Citizens Union, Common Cause New York, LatinoJustice PRLDEF, the League of Women Voters of New York State, the New York Civic Engagement Table, and the New York Immigration Coalition. We had over 15 organizations testify. You can watch the recording here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNP86Ajkk2g&t=5s

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Regina Tillman, VP for DEI


There is still mourning being experienced by some of us League members for the sudden loss of our National LWV President, Dr. Deborah Ann Turner. She was an extraordinary woman, a passionate leader, and only the second Black woman to have become our national President in the League’s 103- year history. Her presence at the National Office was a personal encouragement to me, as well as to others working toward a League that is a more equitable and inclusive organization. But, at this time, I urge all to take solace in the words of Dr. Turner, our 20th US League President, to all League members: “Keep on keeping on!” Please take a moment to read the January 29, 2024 LWVUS press release on Dr. Turner’s passing while acknowledging her life’s work so that you come to know her little better. We may be sad, but we can also be grateful that a woman of her caliper came our way.


And to continue our national momentum toward embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, you are invited to the LWVUS Zoom on the just updated DEI Policy. Leagues are all requested to reflect it in the local bylaws, making it available for the public to observe, and reflecting it in the pursuit of your local priorities and personal efforts. As a reminder, DEI is part of the transformational roadmap that the League has been on since 2020. As discussed, making intentional changes in our League practices and processes will decrease the barriers to having more people in the USA joining the League for its next 100 years in defense of democracy.

Hopefully, it is understood that our organizational commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in “principle and practice is not simple or easy, but it is essential.” So all members are encouraged to register asap for the webinar providing guidelines and fielding questions on the updated LWVUS DEI Policy.


Additionally, we look forward to seeing some of you at the LWVNYS Regional Trainings which include a session on DEI entitled: “Bridge to Excellence - Strengthening Local Leagues Through DEI Mastery.” Come and interact with your peers as we put our intentions on identifying a few of the changes needing to occur locally to become more diverse and inclusive. Unfortunately, I will not be at each session, however, we have knowledgeable DEI Committee Members that will lead or co-lead several of the workshop locations. Interested in helping the State LWV, as well as your own local chapter stay on the forefront of DEI adoption?

If your League does not yet have a representative on the LWVNYS DEI Committee, reach out to me at your earliest convenience so we can plan for an April onboarding session for new committee members. Contact: rmt370@gmail.com .

Local League News


Our League’s Women’s Rights Awareness Campaign plans to organize a bus trip to NYC on Saturday, June 22, to offer our members the opportunity to see the Broadway play SUFFS. https://suffsmusical.com/ . This showing would be a 2:00 PM matinee. This will be a same-day round trip. If interested, please reply to Pat Partello   thurman1@nycap.rr.com by Tuesday, February 27.  Once we assess member interest and availability, we will better understand the pricing for the bus and play.


The Rochester League recently held a mini-retreat! The retreat was open to both League members and the community. Attendees had the opportunity to learn tips on registering voters, putting together Vote411, planning candidate forums, and ways to build connections between the League and neighborhood groups.



The Cooperstown League teamed up with the Village Library of Cooperstown to sponsor a talk on the women’s history movement. The main speaker was Cooperstown Board member September Schecter, who is also a social studies teacher in the local Cherry Valley-Springfield school district. Attendees learned about the generations of woman suffrage supporters who lectured wrote, marched, lobbied, and practiced civil disobedience to achieve what many Americans considered a radical change in the constitution.


Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties

The Capital Region League’s 4-county Environmental Committee will be holding a presentation and Q&A with Emily Dean, NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) about the single largest investment in climate and energy in U.S. history: The Inflation Reduction Act. See info above in Upcoming Events to register.


New York City

At its monthly Lunch with the League speaker series, NYC Comptroller Brad Lander, spoke on the financial health of New York City and reviewed his office’s plans and challenges for 2024 and beyond. Brad Lander assumed office on January 1, 2022. He serves as New York City’s chief financial officer, leading an office of 800 public servants in their work to promote the financial health, integrity, and effectiveness of city government and secure a more thriving and sustainable future for all New Yorkers.



The Utica-Rome League’s January meeting focused on mis & disinformation. Serving as the meeting’s speaker was Dr. Luke Perry, a professor of political science at Utica University. Dr. Perry highlighted several challenges regarding political misinformation, which include the popularity of cable news, decreased journalistic integrity, and distrust of the government.

During the meeting, it was announced that the Utica-Rome League would be partnering with Hamilton College for a new project: The Community Conversation initiative. The program will focus on mis & disinformation and how to combat it. It is currently scheduled to launch in April.



The Mid-Hudson League’s book club recently read and discussed "American Vertigo" by the French philosopher and writer Bernard Henry Levy. The book is a recount of his experience traveling through different places in America in the same vein as another famous Frenchman - Alexis de Tocqueville, who wrote “Democracy in America,” one of the most famous books about life in America.

LWVUS Convention:

June 27-30, 2024 Washington, DC

LWVUS Convention is coming. If you are interested in attending and representing your local League, contact your League's leaders. See all info on LWVUS website here. Register now here and reserve a hotel room at the Washington Hilton here. All local Leagues and MAL Units are entitled to one delegate and then one more for each 50 members (as of the Jan. 31 US database) thereafter.

Donate to LWVNYS
Donate to LWVNYS Education Foundation

League of Women Voters of New York State

1 Steuben Place

Albany, NY 12207


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