Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Preschool & Kindergarten

will be closed on

Friday, February 14, 2025, and Monday, February 17, 2025

in observance of President's Day.

2025 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, February 23rd following worship for the presentation of committee reports and to elect new council members.

All committee and financial reports are due by February 3, 2025

E-mail to office@lcoor.org

Church Council

February's Church Council

meeting will be held on

Monday, February 10, 2025,

at 3:00 pm

Preschool News

From the Preschool Director

February is the month of love and appreciation! We will show our friends at school lots of love with a Valentine's celebration on the 12th & 13th of February. Each class will make a friendship fruit salad and pass out valentines to their classmates. Look for more details from your student’s teacher.

It is also time for the Our Redeemer Annual Mario Kart Trike-A-Thon! This is a fun-filled event so please join us to cheer on your little ones as they race around the track! Please see the posted schedule for your student’s class time.

With this month of appreciation, I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to the entire staff of Our Redeemer for the love and dedication they give the students and school every single day and another huge THANK YOU to all of you for the support you so generously and continuously give to our school! It is greatly appreciated!

Wishing you all a month of health, happiness, fun, and friendship!

Happy Valentines

Peggy Schreiber

Preschool Director

To view our Preschool and Kindergarten newsletter click on the button below.

February Newsletter

Looking Ahead to Ash Wednesday...

We are happy to announce that our annual

Ash Wednesday tradition of offering ashes throughout the day will happen again this year.

Synod Authorized Minister Arlin Scott will be in front of the church from 

8:30 am-9:45 am, 12-1 pm, and 4-5:30 pm 


March 5, 2025 

Please stop by. You can also bring your children.

For those too young to understand,

Arlin will mark their hands with the ashes and say,

“Remember that Jesus loves you.” 

February Birthdays

If you would like to be added to our birthday list, please let us know so that we can add you. You can let us know by replying to this e-mail or calling the church office at (805) 983-0612.