February 2025 News and Views.

Jupiter Stations Direct.

UAC 2026 information

Hi all

Welcome to both subscribers and those reading my newsletter for the first time. If you missed the January 2025 News & Views. Part 2 about Uranus Stationing Direct on January 30 you can read it here: conta.cc/40vuBtK. Please excuse any typos or mistakes below. Feel free to notify me if you find any. As usual with so many occurrences all at once, there will be several editions of the February 2025 News and Views.

We are still reeling from the collision between an American Airlines flight and a Black Hawk helicopter that occurred on January 29, which coincided with the New Moon on January 29 and Uranus stationing direct on January 30. Of course, our thoughts and prayers are with the surviving families, as well as to those mourning the loss of seven people who were killed in and by the plane crash in Philadelphia on January 31. And just this morning, February 2, there was a fire on a United Airlines flight leaving from Houston, but everyone was able to disembark safely.

On an additional astrological note, whenever there are several planetary signatures around the same day we can be almost certain that something major will take place and that will get media attention, and that will be a matter of discussion for some time. In addition to Uranus and the New Moon, Venus entered its retrograde arc (shadow) on January 28, 2025, at tropical 24 Pisces 37, sidereal 0 Pisces 30, the degree where Venus stations direct on April 13, 2025, so that means this degree is important for people's charts, and the heralding of what is to come when Venus retrogrades from March 1-April 13. More about Venus entering the retrograde arc, in the next issue.

Also On January 23, 2025, the South Node-Ketu was at the same degree as the solar eclipse that will occur on September 21, 2025 at tropical 29 Virgo 5, sidereal 4 Virgo 57. Whenever we see a hot degree like that we know that even though the eclipse is partial, and it will take time for that degree to be repeated when the eclipse appears, it still means that whatever happens around this time, will continue to be in the news through September. That may mean that the investigation into what caused the plane crash will take time, but also since several planets, namely Venus, Saturn, and Neptune will be in Pisces opposite that degree between now and September 21st, keep an eye on any planet, point, or angle conjoins or opposes that degree. There is a lot about this in my Sensitive Degrees 2025 Webinar that you can still purchase. Just scroll below or go to ronniedreyer.com/schedule. Also watch for future issues of this newsletter for more information about the stellium in tropical and sidereal Pisces over the coming months.

In this issue we welcome Jupiter stationing direct on February 4, 2025, and since it has basically already been standing still for the past 2 weeks, hopefully you will feel some glimmer of things moving in a fast forward direction even though tragedy and the still active Mars retrograde are still in effect. Mars will station direct on February 24 and so more about that in Part 2 of February 2024 News and Views. Please scroll down to the next section for information about Jupiter stationing direct.

Here are some timely updates for the United Astrology Conference (UAC 2026), which will take place Labor Day weekend, September 3-9, 2026. For general information you can go to www.uacastrology.com.

If you are a member of one of the sponsoring organizations, NCGR, AFA, ISAR, OPA, ACVA and AYA you will be able to vote for veteran speakers on the ballot that will be sent fo you on February 4th. You can vote for as many speakers that you feel deserve a spot to speak so I am just asking for your support in marking my name with a "yes" vote. I always appreciate your support and have always been a supporter of UAC as a speaker and organizer. If you are not a member of one of the organizations, you can actually still become a member of one of them before February 4th, when of course Jupiter goes direct, to get to vote. Thanks so very much for all your support over the years.

Now that Venus is an evening star moving closer and closer towards its retrograde position, which occurs March 2-April 13, 2025, and then conjunction with the Sun on March 22, 2025, do look at the evening sky, since Venus is a beautiful object to behold, especially with the Moon moving from dark new moon towards its crescent phase, so that it does not obliterate the view of Venus. If you go to earthandsky.org it will tell you a lot about Venus and what else to see in the night sky. Venus' greatest elongation East in the western sky, when it was farthest away from the Sun at 47-48 degrees east of the Sun, occurred on January 9-10, 2025. It will be at its brightest around February 14th and then it will begin to retrograde on March 1, and be blinded by the conjunction with the Sun on March 22. Don't miss the beauty of the bright evening star Venus because this position, like the retrograde, only occurs every 18 months. (I presented some of this material in my 2025 Sensitive Degrees Webinar which I mention below.)

If you would like a consultation whether it is your initial reading, update, or Astro*Carto*Graphy reading, you can make the payment for the reading at ronniedreyer.com/services and I will reach out to you within 24-48 hours to arrange a date. Scroll down to find out more or go to the above URL. Remember that prices will increase in 2025. Scroll down for past lectures and registering for future conferences.

I am thrilled to announce that The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy by Jim Lewis with Kenneth Irving, which is published by our company, Words and Things, is now available as both a print book and as an ebook. It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble (print available there as well) Kobo, ebooks.com, and other digital retailers.

Included in this newsletter: This month's lunations (New and Full Moon); Jupiter stationing direct; Horoscope Consultations; Purchase Sensitive Degrees 2025 Webinar; Upcoming and past webinars and talks.Celestial Events; The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy book for sale as both a print and as an ebook. Sanskrit Webinar also for sale.

This month's lunations occur with the February 12, 2025 Full Moon. 13:53. Tropical. 24° Leo 06’. Sidereal. 29° Cancer 59’. aśleṣā and the February 28, 2025 New Moon. 00:44. Tropical. 9° Pisces 40'. Sidereal. 15° Aquarius 33’. śravaṇā.

If you have any planets, points, or angles around those degrees (I would take a one-two degree orb) then whatever is represented by that planet, point or angle, will be prominent and important until the next lunation, meaning that if something in your chart is conjunct this month's Full Moon on February 12, 2025, it will usually be prominent until the next Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) on March 14, 2025. And if something in your chart is conjunct this month's New Moon on February 28, 2025, it will usually be prominent until the next New Moon (Solar Eclipse) on March 29, 2025. The New Moon represents beginnings and can help you to institute a change you have been thinking about while the Full Moon is an accomplishment or culmination and gives the push to continue on that path. If you have planets, points, or angles conjunct this month's lunations, you will feel a need to take action with either something new (New Moon) or the manifestation of something you have been working on (Full Moon). Of course, the houses that these lunations fall in, will highlight those areas of life as well.

If your birthday is between February 11-13, then the Full Moon is in your solar return (varṣaphala), the annual birthday chart, or close enough that it will be important for the year ahead until your next birthday, meaning that it may be year when things you have been working on will manifest, or feel like they are moving in the right direction, so continue with whatever is fulfilling you. Set your intentions high and gather your confidence since this is the year when things will take place. The Full Moon on your birthday is important but when you have an eclipse there, even if it is a partial lunar eclipse, the year ahead will be even more significant than usual. make sure that you are prepared to make those changes that come with manifesting your hopes, otherwise they can pass you by.

If your birthday is between February 27-March 1, then the New Moon is in your solar return (varṣaphala), the annual birthday chart, or close enough that it will be important for the year ahead until your next birthday, meaning a change is bound to happen, so work on that change. It could be a physical move, job change, relationship change, or simply working on yourself to integrate new patterns and habits into your life. Expect a great deal of transformative experiences that will make you want to change or take a step in a different direction. Take your time but do head in that direction, since otherwise it will happen to you whether you initiate it or not.

The February lunations also occurred on the same dates and degrees in 1987 and 2006 so think about anything important that might have occurred in that birthday year. Although other planets will be different from those years, it still may indicate the area of change or importance in those years. (Scroll down for more Celestial Events.)

You can get notices from me through social media. Sign up through Facebook (facebook.com/ronnie.dreyer), Instagram (instagram.com/rgdreyer) and Twitter (twitter.com/ronniedreyer) though I am on Twitter less and less. And if you know someone who wants to subscribe to this newsletter they can go to my Website and sign up.

Please remember that by staying subscribed to this newsletter, in addition to monthly newsletters about planetary weather, you will also get separate newsletters about horoscope sales, classes, webinars, etc. like this one, so if you are not interested in learning astrology, but do want to read the news each month, please do not unsubscribe, just delete the advertisements when they arrive.

All good wishes,


Jupiter (Guru) Stations Direct

October 9, 2024. Jupiter stations Retrograde.

Tropical. 21° Gemini 20'. Sidereal. 27° Taurus 13’. mṛgaśira

December 7, 2024. Sun opposite Jupiter.

Tropical. 16° Sagittarius-Gemini 15’. Sidereal. 22° Scorpio-Taurus 08’. jyeṣṭhā-mṛgaśira

February 4, 2025. Jupiter stations Direct.

Tropical. 11° Gemini 16'. Sidereal. 17° Taurus 10’. rohiṇī

The following is adapted from other newsletters about Jupiter direct, but the dates and degrees are different.

Although Jupiter technically stations direct on February 4th, the planet known as the Greater Benefic really hovers around the direct degree from January 13-February 28 so you can really consider it to be already stationing before the actual date and so the retrograde period for Jupiter is, for all intents and purposes, over, and moving forward, but will not go full force until about mid-February, when it really begins to gain momentum and speed, which does not always mean for the better. Things could indeed start to expand, improve, and become more profitable, but those in power may be too optimistic. and expand their powers in a way that ultimately can backfire. So even though Jupiter, which rules abundance, optimism, and prosperity, moves ahead, it also can rule unbridled power since the sky still consists of other planets that have a life of their own, especially Mars, which still retrogrades until February 24, 2025.

Jupiter does indeed bring support and opportunity, but it also requires morality, good judgment, and balance. While you can make money, you can also waste and spend it. These are times that are still surrounded with Mars retrograde until February 24, and then Venus will retrograde from March 1 through April 13, the lunar and solar eclipse will occur on March 14 and March 29, so Jupiter may not be able to be as benevolent as it might be in a few months from now. It is most important to see where it is in your own chart at the present time, since this might be a personal opportunity to create a business that succeeds and see a project that languished the last few months finally move forward. You can scroll below to see how it relates to your chart.

Many things that have languished will move forward with a jolt, and quickness that may take everyone by surprise. To counteract any negative Jupiter influence, we should use its influence for moral guidance and an ability to educate ourselves, travel, communicate with the world around us, and ultimately feel as if we are successful, financially stable, and most important peaceful, healthy, and happy. And this is what we can impart to others, since even though the aspects of the next few months are volatile, and outer planets are changing signs, Jupiter is still moving in direct motion through its next four-month retrograde period that will occur November 11, 2025-March 11, 2026.

In addition to Jupiter providing some hope to anything in the world or in your life that began October 9, 2024, when it first retrograded, it will still convey its general meaning of optimism, hope, luck, and opportunity. There should be expansive news and optimism in general and the feeling like you are coming out of a deep sleep even though ironically it is the winter in many parts of the world when you might want to stay inside and hibernate. It is a good time to break bad habits, and create new beneficial ones, very Jupiterian sentiments. The message is to try to find positivity in your life, even if things seem to be troublesome and problematic. There is always something that you can find that can give you strength or hope, so please do reach out if you find yourself alone and in a negative space. There is support all around.

Jupiter retrograde is a great time to review and restructure and Jupiter direct is a time to put everything you thought about and worked on into action. Go back to whatever you started to work on before it retrograded last October. You could also start something new. But in general, like all retrogrades, Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, stations direct and so many things that may have been languishing will start to take shape. Projects that you may have thought were finished may get revived, and if you want to sell a home, or apply for a new position, or begin something new this is now the perfect time to do so. Of course always remember that reality trumps astrology, meaning that realities of what happens in the world could prevent the positive forecast from going as smoothly as you like. Jupiter brings abundance, prosperity, opportunity, and social engagements so we may be getting some good news after all. The economy should start to look better that it had been, and real estate should begin to get more active again, and construction on new buildings and homes may move forward. Mostly it is a time of optimism, hope, and confidence in the things that mean the most to you, and for the situation in the world at large. Again, hope springs eternal.

The areas of your chart that were affected by Jupiter’s “slow down” and are now feeling a sense of renewal are where tropical Gemini and sidereal Taurus are located. Read below for the zodiac you use.

Read if you use tropical Western astrology. If you have any planets, points, or angles that conjoin 11 Gemini 16, where Jupiter stations direct on February 4th, whatever those planets, points, or angles represent in your chart, will be freer to expand, move forward, and complete a task that may have halted or were being revised during the retrograde period between October 9, 2024-February 4, 2025. Below are some keywords for the meaning of the planets, angles, and houses:.

Sun.  vitality, individuality, ego; Moon.  emotions, habits, conditioning; Mercury.  communication, intelligence; Venus.  love, beauty, creativity; Mars.  physical energy, aggression, courage; Jupiter.  expansion, abundance; Saturn.  limitation, disciplined, fear; Uranus.  originality, independent, rebellious; Neptune.  spiritual, immaterial, imagination; Pluto. intensity, power; North Node.place where you must strive; South Node. place where it is easy, habits; Ascendant. personality, destiny; IC. home, family, mother; Descendant. partnerships, contracts; Midheaven. career, father


On February 4, 2025, Jupiter stations direct, which means it will expand and move forward with a vengeance in the house that Gemini occupies until it leaves Gemini and enters Cancer on June 9, 2025. If you do not know which house that is, look at your ascendant, or Sun, and just count from there. General descriptions for houses are as follows:  

1. personality, body, appearance; 2. finances, possessions, values. 3. communication, siblings, short journeys, learning; 4. family, mother, home; 5. children, recreation, entertainment; 6. health, service, pets; 7. marriage, contracts, partnership; 8. business transactions, sexuality, life and death matters; 9. higher education, travel abroad, publishing, law; 10. profession, status, father; 11. gains, friendships, hopes, dreams; 12. compassion, spirituality, limitations, solitude.

Read if you use sidereal Indian astrology. If you have any planets, points, or angles that conjoin 17 Taurus 10, where Jupiter stations direct on February 4th, whatever those planets, points, or angles represent in your chart, will be freer to expand, move forward, and complete a task that may have halted or revised during the retrograde period between October 9, 2024-February 4, 2025. Below are some keywords for the meaning of the planets, angles, and houses:

Sun.  power, vigor; Moon. maternal, mind; Mars. strength, courage; Mercury. speech, learning; Jupiter.  knowledge, wealth; Venus. love, happiness; Saturn. sorrow, fear; Rāhu (North Node). intensity, compulsion; Ketu (South Node). extremes, spirituality; Lagna (Ascendant). destiny, vitality. If you want to use Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the angles you can look above at tropical Western astrology for their keywords.


On February 4, 2025, Jupiter stations direct, which means it will expand and move forward with a vengeance in the house that Taurus occupies until it leaves Taurus and enters Gemini on May 14, 2025. If you do not know which house that is, look at your ascendant, or Sun, and just count from there. General descriptions for bhavas (houses) are as follows:   

1. appearance, destiny, temperament, personality, constitution; 2. Money, family life, food, speech, early childhood; 3. Siblings, Fine arts, courage, desires; 4. Mother, happiness, real estate, vehicles; 5. Children, romance, investments, speculation; 6. Open enemies, work, competition, obstacles, illness; 7. Marriage, partners, contracts, passion; 8. Life and death cycle, research, accidents, other's money, inheritance; 9. Father, teacher (guru), religion, higher learning, opportunity; 10. Career, status, public recognition, reputation; 11. Profits, rewards, gains from work, awards, older siblings; 12. spiritual practice, secret enemies, foreign travel, debt, confinement. 

Horoscope Consultations (Rates going up sometime in 2025)

I am available for consultations and tutoring sessions via phone or zoom. I record the consultation and email you the mp3 and mp4 file, which you can easily download onto your computer or device. If you wish to gift a horoscope reading to someone, please make sure the person you are gifting would like to have one done before purchasing. If you would like to purchase a reading for yourself or someone else, please make payment at www.ronniedreyer.com/services. I do not have a scheduler at the moment, so once you make payment I will reach out to you within 24-48 hours with available dates and times. I accept paypal, credit cards, venmo, or checking account on my website. There are installment payments available through paypal. If you prefer zelle, send payment to ronniegaledreyer@gmail.com. I am mostly booked between two and three weeks. I am off for the holiday season. My next availability is Friday February 26, 2025. Appointments do go quickly, so if you would like to book please keep that in mind. Please email me if you need clarification.

. Phone or Video Initial Consultation. $320 (up to 90 minutes with opportunity for email questions after). 

. Phone or Video Update for the year ahead. $225 (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This reading is for those who have already consulted with me. 

. Additional people you want to look at in the context of your reading. $40 for each additional chart. 

. Compatibility reading for an hour. $225. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This is NOT an individual reading but a look at the relationship and timing for the relationship. 

. Choosing an Auspicious Date for an event. $225 for research and consultation.

. Astro*Carto*Graphy or locality readings or "Where in the World?" $225. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after)Finding the right location and best timing for work, love, finances, health, etc. You must provide places that you are interested in. 

. Combination of initial reading and Astro*Carto*Graphy reading. $375. (120 minutes with opportunity for questions after). 

. Answering one specific question or examining one topic or area. $185. (60 minutes with opportunity for questions after). This is NOT a horary chart but an examination of only one specific area or question. Only for people who have had an initial reading. 

. One hour Tutoring sessions in Indian Astrology or Astro*Carto*Graphy. $100 for one session. $275 for 3 sessions.

. You can also book an emergency reading if you have had a reading with me before for $550 and will be booked within 5 business days.

Purchase 2025 Sensitive Degrees Webinar. A look at what’s in store for 2025: Retrograde & Direct Stations, Lunations, Eclipses, Ingresses, Aspects & more.

Presented on Sunday. December 15, 2024. 6 hours. MP3 and MP4 recordings with 80 page power point. Pre-webinar and post-webinar recordings added. Given in Tropical & Indian Sidereal zodiacs

Fee: $110. Purchase: www.ronniedreyer.com/schedule with paypal, venmo, credit card. You can pay with zelle to ronniegaledreyer@gmail.com. Installment payments available online. Recording will be sent within 24 hours of purchase. This year should be a very intense year, both continuing the wild ride that began in 2024, plus new events, that could be life-changing. Format will be similar to previous years, though there might be new features. Some (but not all) planetary signatures we will cover are as follows:

Brief recap of 2024 as it leads into 2025.

Ingresses. When each planet changes sign. This year in addition to the usual Sun through

Mars ingresses there are: Jupiter entering sidereal Gemini and Cancer/tropical Cancer; Saturn

entering sidereal Pisces/Saturn entering tropical Aries; Uranus entering sidereal Taurus/Uranus

entering tropical Gemini; Neptune entering tropical Aries; Nodes entering sidereal Aquarius-

Leo/Nodes entering tropical Pisces-Virgo.

Lunations. (New and Full Moons) including Saros and Metonic cycles and overview for each lunation. 

Four eclipses: March 14 (total lunar) March 29 (partial). September 7. (total lunar).

September 21. (partial solar). Saros Cycle of 2007. Metonic cycle of 2006. This year all the lunars are total. Astro*Carto*Graphy Maps of Eclipses and other events.

Planetary Stations and annual retrograde cycles of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This year both Venus and Mars are retrograde.

Notable aspects. Mars opposite Pluto three times, Venus conjunct Saturn three times, Saturn-Neptune conjunction (almost) and many others. And much more.

Upcoming Webinars and Conferences.

Thursday. May 8-Sunday. May 18, 2025. You can attend for as many days as you like.

Jyotish Kumbha Conference. Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Saylorburg, PA. Hybrid conference.



Sunday. November 16 2025. 1 pm. EST. OPA Webinar.

Secrets of Astro*Carto*Graphy.



Thursday. November 20-Monday. November 24, 2025.

Maharishi Parashara Virtual Vedic Astrology Conference.

Information and early reg. parasharaconference.com. EARLY BIRD RATES NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH FEBRUARY 1. DREYER is my discount code.


Past Webinars and Conferences for Purchase

All levels of Jyotisa classes can be purchased at www.ronniedreyer.com/schedule.

Sunday. January 5, 2025. 2:00-3:30 PM EST. NCGR Webinars for Members.

Love and Location: When they Go Together, and When they Fall Apart

Beginning with a brief intro to Astro*Carto*Graphy (a form of locational astrology), Ronnie, a long-time certified A*C*G practitioner, will show how location and transits can uncannily predict whether a relationship will succeed or fail. There will be numerous examples of famous couples and clients who found love in the right time and place, and others whose relationships were doomed to fail, leading to insights and techniques you can apply to your own life.

A recording of the webinar isavailable for viewing on NCGR ‘s YouTube channel if you are an NCGR member.


Friday January 10-13, 2025. Fresh Talents of Jyotish 2025. Virtual conference.

My lecture: Saturday, Jan. 11, 2025. 1:30 PM EST. Hidden Gems in Dasha Forecasting. You can purchase recordings at komilla.com.

Celestial Events. February 2025.


February 12, 2025. Full Moon. 13:53. Tropical. 24° Leo 06’. Sidereal. 29° Cancer 59’. aśleṣā

February 28, 2025. New Moon. 00:44. Tropical. 9° Pisces 40'. Sidereal. 15° Aquarius 33’.


Retrograde and Direct Stations

February 4, 2025. Jupiter stations direct. Tropical. 11° Gemini 16’. Sidereal. 17° Taurus 10’.


February 24, 2025. Mars stations direct. Tropical. 17° Cancer 0’. Sidereal. 22° Gemini 54’.


Tropical Ingresses

February 4, 2025. Venus enters Aries.    

February 14, 2025. Mercury enters Pisces.

February 18, 2025. Sun enters Pisces.


Sidereal Ingresses

February 11, 2025. Mercury enters Aquarius.

February 12, 2025. Sun enters Aquarius.

February 27, 2025. Mercury enters Pisces.

The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy & Sanskrit Webinar for sale.

Purchase a copy of the print or ebook of The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy, by Jim Lewis with Kenneth Irving. The book, which was first released in 1997 was re-released in 2012 with added notes, and revisions and additions, including a new foreword and epilogue and larger print. The book was taken from Jim's notes, and was compiled, edited, and added to by Kenneth Irving after Jim's death in 1995. It is now published by Words and Things, a publishing venture by Kenneth Irving and myself. You can order print copies from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or from Ebay. Our name on ebay is loretta1272. You can order the ebook from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ebooks.com, Kobo.com and other retailers who sell ebooks. To get certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy please go to www.continuumacg.net.

Purchase Sanskrit for Astrologers. A two-part webinar with Martin Gansten (martingansten.com) presented on August 17 and 24, 2024. for a total of 5 1/2 hours. If you are a student of Jyotisa and wish to learn Sanskrit from a superb scholar, you can purchase this and will receive the link to the recording and presentations within 24 hours. This seminar will be a wonderful and thorough introduction to the history and usage of Sanskrit, in a way that is accessible to everyone. Fee: $175. Purchase at www.ronniedreyer.com/schedule.

A historical overview of Sanskrit, its importance for Indian culture and relation to other

languages worldwide (including English), and the European ‘discovery’ of Sanskrit beginning in

the 18th century;

A comprehensive introduction to the speech sounds of Sanskrit and the script systems used to

systems used to represent them, with a focus on teaching correct pronunciation;

Sanskrit terms for common Jyotiṣa concepts such as planets, signs, houses, etc.;

. An outline of common meters, with practical demonstrations of traditional styles of

recitation/chanting of mantras such as the Navagraha-stotra (hymn to the nine planets

or grahas);

An explanation of how Sanskrit forms compound words, which are frequently challenging to beginning students.

Email Ronniegaledreyer@gmail.com

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