Superintendent's Spotlight
February 2025
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Superintendent's Update
It’s hard to believe but we are already planning for the Extended School Year (“ESY”) program for 2025! This year ESY starts on Wednesday, June 25, for students and ends on Wednesday, August 6. The DLCs will be closed on July 4, 2025. Our ESY program includes 30 school days and the school hours for students are 8:45 a.m. until 2:15 p.m. Your child will have therapies, academics pursuant to their IEP, and a wonderful mix of recreational and other forms of summer activities. If you have any questions about ESY, please contact your child’s principal.
2025 - 2026 10 Month School Calendar and 2025 ESY Calendar
The 2025 – 2026 school year and the 2025 ESY calendars were approved at the Morris-Union Jointure Commission’s (“MUJC”) Board of Education meeting held on January 9, 2025. To view the 2025 - 2026 DLC school calendar, please click here and to view the 2025 DLC ESY calendar, click here. These calendars are also available on MUJC's website under the District tab.
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What’s Happening at the DLCs
Welcome, Officer Stankan, to DLC - New Providence!
We are pleased to announce that Officer Stankan is our Special Law Enforcement Officer (SLEO) at the DLC – New Providence. Officer Stankan, a recently retired Watchung Borough Police Officer, started at the DLC-New Providence on January 13, 2025. His role is to ensure that our students and staff are safe from external intruders and to monitor and make recommendations for our security measures at the DLC - New Providence. Officer Stankan’s hours at the DLC-New Providence are 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on school days. Please join us in welcoming Officer Stankan!
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Black History Month Celebrated at the DLCs
This year's Black History Month theme is "African Americans and Labor." Students will highlight African Americans who have played a significant role in the American workforce. DLC - New Providence students will research influential figures and learn about their contributions to labor movements and various industries. Posters will be displayed throughout the school.
DLC - Warren also has special lessons planned for Black History Month. Students and staff will be participating in class-based activities through access to Nearpod. Activities will include learning about Black History Month and the impact of historical figures such as Jesse Owens, Harriet Tubman, W.E.B. Du Bois, Maya Angelou, and more.
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Picture Day at the DLCs
DLC – New Providence will have Picture Day on February 3. Marcel Studios always does a great job taking our students’ pictures. More information will be sent out soon about options for purchasing your child’s pictures.
DLC - Warren will have Picture Days on February 4 and 5. Please watch for further information including a schedule with the date and time for your child’s picture.
School Spirit Day, Tuesday, February 4
Show your school spirit by wearing your favorite DLC spirit wear or by wearing blue on Tuesday, February 4! Future Spirit Days for 2025 are: March 4, 2025; April 1, 2025; May 6, 2025; and June 3, 2025.
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Save the Date! Maud Dahme’s Visit to the DLCs is March 27 at 10:00 a.m.
Maud Dahme, a Holocaust survivor, who is the Chairperson of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, a former New Jersey State Board of Education President and New Jersey Hall of Fame inductee, will meet with DLC students from New Providence and Warren on Thursday, March 27, at 10:00 a.m. to discuss her experiences. Parents are invited to attend. Stay tuned for more information from the DLC.
Valentine’s Day
DLC - New Providence and Warren students are encouraged to wear pink or red as we celebrate Valentine’s Day in school on February 14, 2025.
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Souper Bowl
Our Souper Bowl food drive is back to support a local community food bank. During the week of February 3rd, students may bring in cans of soup to donate. To add to the fun, students can predict the Super Bowl winner by placing their can in the box of the team they predict will win. To show team spirit, everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite sports team clothing to school on Friday, February 7th. More information to follow in EBB.
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100 Days of School
Get ready to celebrate! 🎉 The 100th day of school is on February 11, and we will celebrate with Salt Brook Elementary School in New Providence. This year's theme is "100 Ways to Celebrate." Students will brainstorm and create fun activities to mark this fun and special occasion. Be sure to check out MUJC’s social media for photos!
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DLC-Warren’s Annual Souper Bowl Returns!
As previously featured in EBB, DLC-Warren is proud to host its annual “Souper Bowl.” On Main Street starting on January 21 and going through February 7, 2025, students and staff will have the opportunity to choose who they think will be the winner of the big game by donating soup in the box with that team’s logo on it! All donations will go to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey. On Friday, February 7, all staff and students are invited to celebrate by wearing their favorite team’s clothing!
Random Act of Kindness Day
On Tuesday, February 18, students from the DLC-Warren will be participating in Random Act of Kindness Day. During the day, students will create kindness grams to send to other students and staff, highlighting one way that person has displayed kindness to them throughout the school year.
Fun Fridays Are Back at DLC-Warren!
Every other Friday during the winter months, DLC-Warren will be featuring Fun Friday activities! Staff and students will be invited to participate in activities such as a movie in the Cafeteria, a game in the gymnasium, a dance on Main Street, trivia, and more!
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Fabulous Features at the DLCs
Climate Conversation by Kim Spurlock, Supervisor, DLC - New Providence
Maple sugaring is a cherished winter tradition in New Jersey. While Sugar Maple trees produce the sweetest sap and thrive on rocky, well-drained slopes not found in the Great Swamp, the area is home to Red Maple trees, which also yield sweet sap, though less so. Climate change has made it harder for Sugar Maples to thrive in New Jersey due to warmer summers and shorter, milder winters. Fortunately, Red Maples can still be tapped to produce maple sugar.
Some students from DLC - New Providence and DLC - Warren will visit the Somerset County Environmental Center in February. During this trip, they will learn about the rich history and tradition of maple sugaring in New Jersey. They will also learn how to identify both Sugar and Red Maple trees and how the sap is processed to make syrup. The program will, of course, end with a taste of real maple syrup!
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Transition Talk
For families seeking resources or guidance for personal assistance with their child or help finding disability services, contact the New Jersey Department of Human Services at 1-888-285-3036. Trained experts are available to:
- connect you with services for your child,
- help identify the right programs based on your child’s specific needs
- confirm eligibility for various programs.
This service is accessible in multiple languages through LanguageLine to ensure support for diverse communities. Callers who are deaf or hard of hearing and are sign language users can connect to live assistance in American Sign Language by calling videophone (609) 503-4862. Individuals with hearing loss who are not sign language users can connect with the Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at (609) 588-2648.
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Technology Tips
Technology Tips by Evan Abramson, Director of Technology and Innovation
This month, let’s explore the various communication platforms available to your child. Familiarizing your child with tools like email or video calls can enhance their ability to connect with peers and educators. It’s crucial to discuss proper communication etiquette. Remind them to be polite and respectful, just as they would be in person. Practice together by sending a friendly email to a relative or setting up a video call with a friend. Encourage your child to think about how they express themselves in these formats, considering tone and clarity.
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Winter Weather
This is a reminder to parents about our inclement weather notification procedures. You will receive a telephone call, text message, and/or email via School Messenger by approximately 6:30 a.m. if the DLC is closed due to inclement weather or if there is a 2 hour delayed opening. If we have an early dismissal at 12:45 p.m., you will receive a telephone call, text, and/or email via School Messenger by 11:00 a.m. The DLC notifies all bus companies of our closings, delayed openings, and early dismissals. Based on the weather forecast, you may be notified the night before or you may receive additional information that changes a delayed opening to a school closure in the morning. The safety of our students and staff is always our primary concern. Please rely on the information provided to you by the MUJC’s School Messenger, our website at, or MUJC’s social media to determine if the MUJC has a delayed opening, early dismissal or DLC closure. Please do not rely on information provided by your child’s bus driver. Each year several students are transported to the DLC when school has been delayed or closed because information was incorrectly provided by the bus driver to the parents. This results in much confusion for the families and potentially hazardous road conditions for the child. If your child is transported to school at the regular arrival time when there is a 2 hour delayed opening, there will be no staff at school to meet your child, which will result in an extended time your child must remain on the school bus. It is very important that you only rely on the information provided by the MUJC via our website, our social media, or School Messenger phone calls, text messages, and/or emails.
Please ensure that you have updated your contact information (home telephone number, cell telephone number, and email address) if there have been any changes. This can be done via the MUJC’s website ( by clicking on the “Parent” tab at the top, logging into your parent portal, continuing to the contact information section and making your changes. Our school closings and delays are also displayed prominently on our website, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as on the voicemail message at the MUJC’s Central Office number, which is 908-464-7625, or at the telephone numbers of the Developmental Learning Center sites (DLC – New Providence: 908-508-1345 and DLC – Warren: 908-762-5600) as well as NBC Channel 4 News.
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February 14, 2025 – Early Dismissal at 12:45 p.m. for students. Staff Inservice.
February 17, 2025 – Schools Closed. Mid-Winter Recess.
Spring is coming!
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Dr. Janet L. Fike
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Morris-Union Jointure Commission
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