In this edition of ENews:
- Bishop Megan Visits St. George's Carmichael
- Worship Space for Shepherd by the Sea, Gualala burns in Arson Fire
- Important Updates to Vestry Training Conferences
- It's Time for Lent Madness!
- Resources for Lent
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Bishop Megan Visits St. George's Carmichael |
On Sunday February 19, Bishop Megan visited St. George’s, Carmichael. It was a wonderful service, with confirmations for three youth, three adults and the reception of one adult. Bishop Megan also blessed a new bell and bell tower for St. George’s. The tower was built by St. George’s deacon Bob Olsen. The bell was a donation to the parish many years ago by a local fire department. It was used for a while and then put into storage until recently.
After the blessing, the three young people who had just been confirmed rang the bell! The parish also had its Mardi Gras Brunch after a three year break because of Covid. Bishop Megan’s visit was a real celebration with the combination of the confirmations, blessing of the bell and tower, eucharist, and Mardi Gras Brunch.
– The Rev. Ray Hess, Priest in Charge
Watch Videos of the service here:
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Canon Julie joins in Vestry Retreat in Chico | |
On Saturday, February 18, Canon to the Ordinary Julie Wakelee joined Interim Rector Rev. William Stomski to lead a retreat with the Vestry of St. John the Evangelist, Chico. Many thanks to the folks at Faith Lutheran Church in Chico for hosting the day-long workshop. | |
Worship space for Shepherd by the Sea, Gualala destroyed by Arson Fire | |
A fire, which is believed to be arson, early Monday Feb. 13, 2023, destroyed two buildings that are part of the Gualala Community Center, a space used to serve senior meals, for special events of local nonprofits and was also used as a private venue for weddings and anniversaries. (David Fouts) Santa Rosa Press Democrat | |
Looking for something for your older kids to do this Spring Break & Quarter Break?
Celebrating the Joy of Easter in Ceramic Stepping Stones: Sign them up for the Ceramics Class to make stepping stones at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Galt. All are welcome ages 10+ (parents may sign up with their kids,too!)
This will be a two week class on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, during the Galt school breaks.
March 6, 7 & 9 | 12:30 to 2:30 pm
April 3, 4 & 6 | 12:30 to 2:30 pm
To enroll call Sonya Schumacher at (916)505-4239 or email at
There is space for 12 students, first come first serve.
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The class will be taught by Sonya Schumacher, retired ceramics teacher from Lodi Unified School district. Previous to her teaching career Sonya was a professional ceramic artist, and now has returned to work in her studio. She has also been an artist in residence at several schools in the Sacramento Area. She has led this project previously for St. Luke’s as well as a project at the Galt Teen Center.
There is no cost, this class is made possible by a grant from the Diocese of Northern California.
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Faith Formation:
Resources for the Post-Pandemic Church
Saturday, February 25 | 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Your host will be the Rev. Mack Olson, Diocesan Missioner for Church Life. He just returned from the FORMA Conference in Washington, DC. He will be sharing the latest tools, trends and resources. Also included will be resources for Vacation Bible Schools.
Cost: $10 per person
Register here:
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Important Updates to Vestry Training Conferences!
Please Read
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Vestry Essentials:
Tools for New and Seasoned Members
Saturday, March 4 | 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Join Bishop Megan and key members of the Office of the Bishop staff to network with vestry members from around the diocese. Participants will learn crucial information about the basics and nuances of vestry service, including running effective meetings, personnel best practices, and more. This will be a
zoom meeting with breakout sessions. Recordings will be available after the 2/25 session.
Cost: $10 per person
Register here:
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Vestry Essentials:
Tools for New and Seasoned Members
Saturday, March 25 | 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
IN-PERSON ONLY @ Grace, St. Helena
Join Bishop Megan and key members of the Office of the Bishop staff to network with vestry members from around the diocese. Participants will learn crucial information about the basics and nuances of vestry service, including running effective meetings, personnel best practices, and more.
While the content covered will be similar to the March 4 Session, this will offer opportunities for in-person connections and fellowship.
Cost: $25 per person includes lunch | Four or more persons from the same congregation – $100 | Scholarships available to congregations from Range A and B. View Congregation Range Sheets Here
Register here:
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Bishop Megan joins with other California Episcopal Bishops to support SB 4 – the Affordable Housing on Faith Lands Act
The Episcopal Bishops of California have written a letter to State Senator Scott Weiner in support of Senate Bill (SB) 4, the Affordable Housing on Faith Lands Act. This measure would make building affordable housing easier, faster, and cheaper on land owned by faith-based institutions and nonprofit colleges.
Across California, faith-based organizations and non-profit colleges are seeking to partner with affordable housing developers to build critically needed affordable homes on their own land. These faith-based organizations are long-standing community anchors and are driven by their values to support those most in need and help address our homelessness crisis.
Read the Letter
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Missioner for Church Life | |
Lenten Book Study with Canon Julie and Missioner Mack…
Lent starts tomorrow, so be sure to get yourself a copy of Amy-Jill Levine’s Entering the Passion of Jesus and join Julie and Mack for a diocesan-wide Lent 2023 book study. We’ll gather each of the Five Wednesdays in March from 7-8pm on Zoom. Click HERE to register.
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Summer Camp Opportunities
Updated Summer Camp information is available on the diocesan website here. You will find links to learn more about the Pathways Youth Pilgrimage, Camp Living Waters, as well as this summer’s camp opportunities at Camp Galilee, The Bishop’s Ranch, and St. Dorothy’s Rest.
The link to the 2023 Camper Scholarship request form can be found here as well. If you have any questions, contact the Rev. Mack Olson, Missioner for Church Life:
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Pathways Applications
Now Available!
This year, Pathways will journey July 4 – 8 to the University of Maryland, College Park for the Episcopal Youth Event. The Episcopal Youth Event is a gathering of youth ages 15-19 from around the world who assemble on a college campus to learn, laugh, and worship together. It is the second largest event the Episcopal Church does.
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Are you ready for Lent madness? | |
Lent Madness began in 2010 as the brainchild of the Rev. Tim Schenck. In seeking a fun, engaging way for people to learn about the men and women comprising the Church’s Calendar of Saints, Tim came up with this unique Lenten devotion. Combining his love of sports with his passion for the lives of the saints, Lent Madness was born on his blog “Clergy Family Confidential” which has subsequently moved locations and become "Clergy Confidential."
The format is straightforward: 32 saints are placed into a tournament-like single elimination bracket. Each pairing remains open for a set period of time and people vote for their favorite saint. 16 saints make it to the Round of the Saintly Sixteen; eight advance to the Round of the Elate Eight; four make it to the Faithful Four; two to the Championship; and the winner is awarded the coveted Golden Halo. The first round consists of basic biographical information about each of the 32 saints. Things get a bit more interesting in the subsequent rounds as we offer quotes and quirks, explore legends, and even move ino the area of saintly kitsch. If you're not sure about terminology, check out our glossary. It's free!
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Holy Hands for Holy Work
A Seminar for Altar Guilds
Hosted by Province VIII of the Episcopal Church
Saturday March 4, 2023
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm PST
On Zoom
Theology of the Ministry of the Altar Guild and Floral Arrangements in the Sanctuary
Please email Sarah Chesebro if you would like to attend
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St. James Music Press will award a grant to a church starting or revitalizing a music program.
The purpose of this grant is to support new choir programs or established music ministries that are adding a new element by offering resources and professional support.
Elements awarded in the grant include -
- Complimentary 1-Year Membership to St. James Music Press
$1000 - To support ministry needs
Quarterly program consultations with SJMP colleagues meant to help recipients maximize their SJMP membership, discuss program challenges, and celebrate/build upon program successes.
Applications must be submitted by June 30th, 2023.
For complete details, visit:
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BexleySeabury offers 4-week Online Course in
Theology & Ethics
There is still time to register for Introducing Theology and Ethics, a 4-week course where we will explore and wrestle with key tenants of Christian Doctrine and theological concepts including Revelation, Authority, Trinity, Sin, and Grace, as well as the relationship between them. The course opens March 5. Live sessions occur on Thursdays at 7:30 pm ET for group engagement of course material with the instructor and peers (via Zoom).
The course uses the book Introduction to Theology by Owen C. Thomas and Ellen K. Wondra (New York: Morehouse Publishing, 2002). Together, we'll explore what these theological issues mean for us and how they can affect the way we live our lives. Click here to learn more and register.
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Last Thursday over 30 individuals were in zoom attendance when Dr. Kayleen Asbo gave a wonderful lecture on Mary Magdalene. It was her wish that we share the recording with the diocesan community. Please enjoy as Dr. Asbo recounts her research on the Apostle to the Apostles. | |
Stations of the Cross Art Residency and shared “Studio Time”
Dean Matthew Woodward is inviting you to join a community of art practice during the season of Lent at Trinity Cathedral.
We are working on creating a set of original Stations of the Cross for Good Friday. Dean Matthew will be inviting different artists in the community to create pieces for this project. Each Thursday night during Lent we are going to get together to talk about the form of Stations of the Cross and artistic responses to them.
Each Thursday night during Lent (2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30) you are invited to join us in the Cathedral at 6:00 pm to participate in stations of the cross meditations, then head to the Assembly Area to share a brown bag supper, and from 7:00 to 8:00 pm participate in “studio time” with Dean Matthew.
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A Healing Season
Thursdays at 6:30 pm | March 2 to April 6
Limited to 12 participants
A Healing Season is a five week devotional study that covers four healings and provides the basis for a more in-depth study of the ministry of healing and OSL. Each miracle is presented as it was recorded in the Bible, including a reference to the book, chapter and verse.
We come together online to discuss the readings, pray for one another and apply what we learn. Each week we find a new depth of understanding as we share our questions.
The study guide can be found here.
Questions? Call or email Elba White 916 684 4015 (land line)
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Commission on the Environment | |
Help Is On The Way! Let’s work Toward Carbon Neutrality!
As you will recall the Carbon Neutrality Resolution was adopted at last year’s Annual Convention. To help us all complete the mandated Needs assessment in a timely manner, the Commission on the Environment promised to maximize its support for our churches. This will help us all achieve our goal of completing the Needs Assessment by 2024, as we strive to reach Carbon Neutrality by 2030.
We are pleased to report that Help is on the way! The commission has been very busy locating, researching, and securing funding assistance for our churches in this task.
The Diocesan Board of Trustees has approved funding for two initial contracts to help churches proceed. One contract is with Sarah Paulos, Executive Director of Interfaith Power & Light (“A Religious Response to Global Warming”) to conduct two one-hour Zoom trainings.
The sessions are: “How to Form a Green Team” on Saturday, March 18th, and “How To Use IPL’s Cool Calculator” on Saturday April 29th; both Zoom sessions will be from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. It is our hope that at least two persons from every congregation will attend these Zoom sessions.
Read More
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Job Opportunities Around The Diocese | |
Saint Luke’s | Auburn is seeking a part-time Parish Mission Coordinator to assist the Clergy, Vestry and parishioners in the mission and management of the church. Read the Position Description Here. | |
Grace Church | Fairfield is seeking a part-time bilingual Children's Outreach Worker to assist the Rector in planning and implementing outreach activities for children in the community. Read the position description here. | |
Diocesan Commissions | Committees | Ministries | |
The ENews is published weekly on Tuesdays.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
Making Disciples, Raising Up Saints & Transforming Communities for Christ
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