Issue: 317                          
February 22, 2018 
In This Issue

Quick Links
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Events

Mar. 5: Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL

Mar. 12-16: No After School Activities

Mar. 15-16: Parent Teacher Conferences 

Mar. 16: Parent Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL

Mar. 21: Registration Opens for Session 3 of After School Activities

Mar. 28: School Board Meeting

Mar. 29: Winter After School Activities End

Mar. 30 - April 6: Spring Break - No School
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Administrative Information
Get Your Tickets TODAY -
Minnesota United FC vs Chicago Fire

Join us on March 17 at 1pm for our second TCGIS soccer community event when Minnesota United meets Chicago Fire for their season home opener. This is a great chance to see Germany's National team player, Bastian Schweinsteiger, live in action at TCF Bank Stadium. 

Get your tickets today at the school's online store!
Adults: $30
Students: $20
Staff/Interns $20

If you would like to buy a ticket for a staff member or intern, please notify them by email or personally. 
Upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences

Coming up soon is the spring round of parent teacher conferences. The portal for parents to sign up is not yet open, but will open on Monday, February 26 at 8:00pm. Please click here to read about how to sign up. 
Be a Sponsor at the End of the Year Picnic!

New this year, TCGIS is looking for sponsors for our annual end-of-school year picnic. We have a variety of levels of sponsorship available. If you or your company or someone you know are interested, please contact Dianne Bell (dbell@tcgis.org) for more information.
TCGIS Sommercamp 2018

Registration for our summer language camps geared to incoming 3rd - 8th-graders is open NOW !

Click here for details for TCGIS Sommercamp 2018. One-week camps will be offered July 16 - August 3, 2018.

All February and March registrations will receive a discounted rate. Don't miss out!
We Have Enough Host Families!

We have enough interested and signed-up host families for 2018-19. Thank you for signing up and supporting this wonderful program. We will soon send out information on the host family information session in April. If you have any questions, please contact Tina Haarbusch (thaarbusch@tcgsi.org). Vielen herzlichen Dank!
Listening Sessions Hosted by TCGIS Board & Admin

The School Board and the Administration will host TWO listening sessions for the TCGIS Community on 2/27 and 3/6. These sessions will take place at 3:45pm and 6:30pm on both days. Each session will include a presentation on the current status of the Board's and the Administration's efforts regarding the respective topic as well as time afterward reserved for engagement with the Board and Administration on that topic. We encourage all interested community members to attend! All sessions will be in room 100.

Families who need childcare for the sessions can utilize Kinderclub until 6pm, then will have the option to have students stay as late as 8pm to finish out the sessions. Please fill out this form if you will need childcare.
TCGIS Family Ski Day at Trollhaugen
Monday, March 5

Register now! Don't miss this year's TCGIS Family Ski Day on  Monday, March 5 at  Trollhaugen Click HERE for more information.

Age 6 & up -- $15 lift ticket
Age 5 & under -- FREE lift ticket
Ski/snowboard rental -- $15 (includes helmet)

Special packages available:
Grades 5 & 6 -- $18 lift ticket/rental/lesson
Grades K-4 -- $28 lift ticket/rental/lesson

Please email  Kelly Huxmann or  Manuela Thames with any questions. Click HERE to register!  Registration deadline is Monday, February 26 . We'll collect payment and distribute lift tickets/rental forms in the school lobby  on Tuesday   2/20, Thursday  2/22, and  Monday 2/26 , before and after school. Cash or check only. Click HERE for complete details.
PTO Announcements
Shoe Drive Closes Next Thursday March 1st!  
Shoes are donated to   Funds2Orgs.

Sell Herberger's Books!
PTO earns $5 for every $5 book we sell. Just takes 2 hours. Volunteer with   Christine.  

Advocate for TCGIS  
Visit legislators  March 7th  and advocate for more school funding. See previous  email  for info.

Staff Lunch 
Thanks to all the parents who stepped up last Wednesday to bring in lunch for the staff on early release. The staff greatly appreciated it!
GAI Announcements
Saturday, March 10, 2018, 1 to 5 PM - $20 GAI Members/$25 Non-Members
Join us for a hands-on workshop about the art of  Pysanky . Learn about traditional motifs, coloring, and patterns used for centuries throughout Central and Eastern Europe to create vibrantly hued and highly detailed works of art on a simple egg.

Saturday,  March 24 starting at 3:30pm
This is German soul food­-succulent roast pork, sausages, secret-recipe sauerkraut, and Salzkartoffeln.  Buy your tickets in advance to save dollars and guarantee your seat at the table.