Early Learning in American Falls
Family Nights in American Falls draw a crowd. It feels like every family in town attends. On a recent snowy evening in January, hundreds of families excitedly lined up to sign in, grab a quick snack (provided by a local eatery), and mingle a bit before choosing an activity.
IdahoPTV Education staff travel to these community events and lead one of the many activities for parents and preschool-age children. We provide families with supplies, activity instructions, & guidance.
On this night, we’re crafting wings. People trickle in slowly and quietly at first, unsure of what to expect; but soon laughter, feathers, and colorful scraps of paper fill the air. Learning is happening here. Parents are helping their kids improve their fine motor skills, some holding scissors for the very first time. Some are practicing color recognition or counting. Others on sharing and taking turns.
I see a boy with a piece of felt on his wings and ask, “Would you like to use more? We have plenty over there.” He shyly replies, “No, I want to make sure there is enough for everybody.”
His thoughtfulness warms my heart. As I prepare to leave, I see the superintendent clearing snow off cars in the parking lot, my van included. With every visit, I see that everyone here takes care of one another, and the children of American Falls are thriving as a result.