St. Rita School inspires students in Pre-Kindergarten through grade eight to achieve academic excellence in a safe, nurturing and faith-filled Catholic environment.
We prepare students to be morally responsible, innovative thinkers who, in today’s technology-guided global community, live and share the Love of Christ.

Dear St. Rita Parents,
Tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, we begin the Liturgical season of Lent. As we all know, Lent was the time that Jesus retreated into the desert for forty days to prepare for His ministry. It was for Him a time of reflection and contemplation.

For us, Lent is time to find occasions when we create a little emptiness and silence around us, rediscover the road to our heart, remove ourselves from the noise of external distractions, enter into contact with the deepest source of our being and faith.
Throughout these forty days of Lent, our faculty and students will focus on prayer, fasting and alms giving. Our goal is to get our students to think beyond themselves and to focus on kindness and mercy.
In Pope Francis’ words here are a few things we can fast from and things we can feast on during this Lenten season:

·          Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
·          Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
·          Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
·          Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
·          Fast from worries and trust in God.
·          Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.
·          Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
·          Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy.
·          Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.
·          Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
·          Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.

Now that’s a pretty full menu! Thank you for entrusting your children to our care. Have a great week.
God Bless,
Mrs. Tiezzi

School News 
Love books? Volunteer for the Scholastic Book Fair!
The book fair is taking place on March 11, 12, & 13
during school hours and conference times.
If interested in volunteering please contact Mrs. Schreck at sschreck.stritaschool@gmail.com

Please help us spread the word that we are now
accepting applications by taking home a lawn sign and
displaying it in your yard.

Email Joanne Bruno at jbruno.stritaschool@gmail.com if
you would like a sign.

Signs can be picked up in the Advancement Office, sent
home with students staying after school for clubs,
basketball practice, or after care.
Hamden Hall Country Day School is once again offering its popular
  Summer Engineering & Science Academy  to students entering
Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 who enjoy challenging themselves with hands-on activities in the fields of engineering, science, technology and mathematics.

Experiential learning is at the nucleus of this  complimentary ,
fully funded, week-long enrichment program, which is scheduled
this year for July 6-10. Students perform lab work and
collaborate in groups to fully explore and make discoveries in the
areas of DNA technology, forensics, cryptography, sustainable architecture,
chemistry, and more.

For more information, please click here.
Virtus Training Information

At St. Rita School there are endless opportunities to get involved as a parent/grandparent. We welcome your ideas, insight and knowledge to help strengthen our SRS community. 
All volunteers must become certified in the Virtus Training and 
complete a background check. 
Please visit the Virtus Training website for upcoming training dates, locations and registration. 

Upcoming Virtus Training:
Blessed Sacrament Church, 33 Circular Avenue, Hamden
Saturday, February 29, 2020 - 1 pm

St. Mary Church, 70 Gulf Street, Milford
Tuesday, March 17, 2020 - 6:30 pm

St. Therese, 555 Middletown Avenue, North Haven
Sunday, March 29, 2020 - 12:15 pm

Help us celebrate our cultures here at St. Rita School.
We are now collecting for the month of
Home and School Association

The 4th Annual
$10,000 Tuition Raffle
is here!
Click here for more information!

You're invited to the
2020 St. Rita School Auction!
To view the Invitation
and RSVP,
please visit:

    Sponsor Info:

 Keep an eye on 
Facebook and Insta for exciting previews
of auction items!!
Crusaders Corner Store
 A St. Rita School Initiative
Crusaders Corner will be open every Thursday during all lunch periods. Please send your child with cash or check to purchase items!
Crusader Corner Gift Certificates!
Perfect for birthday celebrations, Easter gifts, and more!!
Fill out the order form below!
Athlete's Corner
Check back here for all Athletic News
Congratulations to the
Girls JV Basketball team
for coming in
1st place at the
All Saints Basketball Jamboree
this weekend!
League Playoff Continues! 
Click  here   for Brackets Sheets or they can be found on the league
*brackets are posted under Current News and
will be updated daily.
Championship Games will be on Sunday
at Sacred Heart Academy

 Girls JV - 3:00
Boys JV - 4:15
Girls Varsity - 5:30
Boys Varsity - 6:45

St. Mary of Milford Basketball Tournament  
(BoysJJV3, JV5, JV6, BV7, BV8 and Girls JV are entered)
Please continue to add your photos to Shutterfly!! 
These photos will be used at the Sports Banquet

If your child is absent from school or leaves school sick, they will not be permitted to participate in any athletic events (games or practice)
Mrs. Beerli's Office
Meet Mrs. Danielle Beerli, MSW

If you have any questions or would like to meet with Mrs. Beerli, please contact her directly.

*Resources are available outside of Mrs. Beerli's door for parents and students.
Divine Mercy Parish News
Student Spotlight
Did your child/ren do something amazing? Share with us!
Please send submissions to
Please be patient as we receive many wonderful stories of our SRS students and Alumni!
Prayer Corner
Please keep the following SRS community
members in your thoughts and prayers

If you have a special intention that you would like to share in our prayer corner, please email Joanne Bruno
Support SRS
Don't forget to sign up for our Scrip Gift Card program and earn money for St. Rita School. Check out the Special Black Friday specials on eCards and gift cards! NEW to Scrip this year - now you can purchase your gift cards using your credit card instead of your checking account. It's quick and convenient and remember your eCards email directly to you. 
Click here to learn more about easy ways to support SRS through the below organizations!

Looking for more ways to support St. Rita?
Click here to shop for fun products with
Mabel’s Labels! SRS will earn a portion of each sale!
Does Your Company Offer Volunteer Grants? 
Volunteer grant programs, also known as “Dollars for Doers” programs, are corporate giving programs created to encourage volunteerism in communities where employees live and work.
Through these programs, companies provide monetary grants to organizations where employees volunteer regularly. 

Please take a moment and ask if your employer participates in a Volunteer Grants Program. Your time and talent at St. Rita School could turn into dollars for our school! Questions? Feel free to contact Joanne Bruno at  jbruno.stritaschool@gmail.com .
Caritas Christi Center

March 6- Mother/Son Event
March 12 & 13- 12:15 Dismissal (12 noon Pre K 3&4) / Conferences
St. Rita School
1601 Whitney Avenue
Hamden, CT 06517
Phone: (203) 248.3114
Fax: (203) 248.1016