Christ Church Chimes
A Collect for Peace
(Bp. Mark Edington; alt.)
God of timelessness:
from chaos and disorder 
you brought forth the beauty of creation;
from the chaos of war and violence
bring forth the beauty of peace.

In your mercy,
Hear us and help us, O God
God of compassion:
You saw the humanity of the outcast and the stranger;
help us to see the evils of our hatreds and suspicions
and to turn them into the embrace of your Beloved Community.
In your mercy,
Hear us and help us, O God
God of peace:
Through your love on the cross
you overcame the power of violence and death;
turn us away from the love of power
that we may transform a warring world
through the power of your love.
In your mercy,
Hear us and help us, O God
These things we pray in the Name of the Prince of Peace,
our Savior Jesus Christ.
Ash Wednesday
We will have services at 12 noon and 7pm, March 2nd.

Again, this year, we will have Ashes for Ash Wednesday available for pickup. They will be available on Sunday.

Lenten Study Schedule
March 9 Ash Wednesday: A Lenten Mary, and Chapter 1, Lent 1: You Have Found Favor

March 16-Lent 2: Behold God’s Slave

March 23-Lent 3: She Who Believed

March 30-Lent 4: Filled with Good

April 6-Lent 5: Ponder These Things

April 13-Lent 6: A Sword Shall Pierce Your Heart, Good Friday: At The Foot Of The Cross, and Easter Sunday: In The Upper Room

If you have not contacted me about order prior, please order your own book. It is also available on Kindle. This a zoom study. 
   The discussion will take place from 6:30-7:30pm on the Wednesday evenings beginning on March 9th and running through Wednesday, April 13th. We can eat together, virtually, while talking about Mary the Mother of God and what she may be able to teach us about a life of discipleship in Lent. Again, let me know if you plan to participate. Please email me so I can get you on the email list. We will send a link a few days prior to the beginning of the sessions.
Father Al

Worship Access

We are a joyful community celebrating Jesus Christ. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey,
you are welcome here.

Christ Church
57 Main Street, Swansea, Ma 02777
Office: Sue Correira; 508-678-0923 or [email protected],
Deston III, Music Director
The Rev. Alan R. Hesse, Rector; 508-505-5668 cell, [email protected],
Easter Flowers
Memorials and Thanksgivings



return to the Parish Office by April 1, 2022