February/March Meeting Notices

Join us in Walnut Grove!


The Delta Stewardship Council’s monthly meetings are the definitive place for the public to learn about and comment on the implementation of the Delta Plan.

Our next meeting will be held over two days, February 29-March 1, 2024, at the Jean Harvie Community Center (14273 River Road, Walnut Grove, CA, 95690).

On February 29, starting at 1:00 PM, Council staff will deliver the proposed 2024 Council priorities, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy will jointly present on the Staten Island Wetland Restoration and Carbon Farming for Habitat, Climate, and Communities Project. Following these presentations, the California Department of Water Resources will provide an update on the Delta Conveyance Project.

On March 1, starting at 10:00 AM, Council staff will lead an overview and discussion on the Delta Adapts Preliminary Draft Adaptation Plan. A Public Review Draft will be published in the spring of 2024. Registration for the March 1 meeting is not required, but please consider registering to attend in person to help with planning.

More information about ways to participate and the detailed agendas are available on the Council meetings web page (linked below).

Recordings will be posted via Cal-Span.org.

We would like to hear from you! Your comments are important. To comment on a meeting agenda item....attend in person, join via Zoom, or call (916) 275-6824. Click on this graphic for more details.

About Delta Adapts

Changes in climate are putting California’s water supply, economy, and biodiversity at risk. To address these impacts and reduce the Delta’s vulnerability to climate change, the Council embarked on its climate initiative, Delta Adapts, in 2018.

Delta Adapts consists of two parts:

(1) a climate change Vulnerability Assessment for the Delta and Suisun Marsh, and (2) an Adaptation Plan (formerly referred to as the Adaptation Strategy) detailing strategies and actions to adapt and respond to the identified vulnerabilities. 

Photo of the Delta Plan binder.

About the Council

The Council works to advance California’s coequal goals for the Delta – a more reliable statewide water supply and a resilient Delta ecosystem – in a manner that protects and enhances the unique characteristics of the Delta as an evolving place where people live, work, and recreate.

We carry out this mission by implementing the Delta Plan, an enforceable long-term sustainable management plan, to ensure coordinated action in the region at the federal, state, and local levels.

Read more about the Council and the Delta Plan.

Delta Stewardship Council

715 P Street, 15-300

Sacramento, CA 95814



Business Hours:

8:00 AM-

5:00 PM


(916) 445-5511

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