February 3, 2022

Dear Calvary Friends,

Grace and peace to you in our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

Especially during these Covid times, God’s power and presence is evident at Calvary! Eleven youth and four chaperones returned on Jan. 30th from their adventure-filled RVR retreat. Weekly Bible study on the meaningful book of Daniel, led by Stephany Clothier, continues with day and evening classes on Mondays. Tony Rodriguez’ 4- week study on the Holy Spirit ended this week with powerful insights for a lifetime. Worship team members re-organized the sacristy. The Mujadidi family continues to be supported by countless people serving through driving, shopping, listening, advocating, giving and praying. Water bottle filling stations were installed. The joyous voices of Calvary Center preschool children were heard from the playground. These represent just some of this week’s examples of God’s power manifested through Calvary church as we endeavor to love God and love neighbor as self.

On Sunday, January 30, 2022, our faith-to-life application homework centered on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Substitute our name in place of love and then, add someone’s name that we have a hard time loving. For example, Linda is patient with Fred. Conduct a self-assessment based on the 10 descriptions in these 4 verses using 1 for seldom, 3 for sometimes and 5 for always. The score range is 10-50. God already knows where we are and will help us increase our serving in agape (self-giving unconditional love) all to God’s glory!

This Sunday, we’ll continue Living Our Best Life as we consider ‘Take Care.’ It is a Communion Sunday, so blessed pre-packaged communion cups with wafers will be available for pick-up during office hours (9-4pm) on Friday for those worshiping online. Thanks be to God!

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Linda
Lenten Devotional

We will be preparing a Lenten Devotional for Calvary to use as a devotion during this Lenten Season. We will offer suggested scripture and ask that you write a short devotion or reflection on the scripture and how it has played a part in your life. If you are interested in writing a devotion, please let Nancy Mills know at [email protected].
Calvary New Members Meeting

Are you or anyone you know interested in becoming a member of Calvary UMC? If so, please join us on February 20th at 9:00 AM in the Parlor. Pastor Motter will lead us as we get to know one another and learn more about Calvary. We will also review the questions that will be asked as you join Calvary. After that gathering, you will join Calvary UMC during the 10:00 AM Worship service. To attend or receive more information, contact Nancy Mills at 410-268-1776 or [email protected]. Childcare is available during this time.
Online Children's Sunday School

Children's Sunday School lessons and bulletins are included in the Sunday Worship email and posted to the Calvary Website under the Sunday School. In addition, Nancy Mills sends the lessons and activities to all on the Sunday School list. If you would like to be added to that list or have questions, please email Nancy Mills at p[email protected] or call at 410-268-1776.

PLEASE NOTE: In person Sunday School will resume on February 20th in Room 219.
Sunday Night Youth

Sunday Night Youth group will meet this week, 5:00PM - 6:00 PM, Sunday, Feb. 6th. Youth will be helping prep for the ”March-make-a-meal” mission opportunity!
Youth Ice Skating Outing - Monday, Feb. 21st

Mark your calendar for February 21st! Youth, grades 5-12, are invited to meet up at the Quiet Waters Park ice rink at 5 PM, (weather dependent), for ice skating. We hope to see you there!
Cookie Factory - Now February 12th

In need of late morning/noon time arrivals to help. If interested in volunteering contact Joe Gryder at [email protected]. If interested in ordering for pickup on the 13th after service, email the number of dozen to Joe Gryder at [email protected]
Save the Date - Pancake Supper

Save the date, March 1, 2022 for the pancake supper. Youth are planning pancakes and sausage for pick up or eating in the Fellowship Hall (dependent on COVID safety). 
Refugee Outreach

We are so grateful to have the opportunity to welcome the Mujadidis, the Afghan refugee family. So many of you have offered so much love and support. It is amazing to see the Holy Spirit work through you! Much has been accomplished, including Hejat's attending school and Mujib's helping here at Calvary.
NOW it is time to find the Mujadidis an affordable place to live. Do you have any connections? Know anyone who would like to rent at a reduced rate while the family gets established? Please ask your friends and spread the word. A 2 bedroom will suffice for this family of 4. Ideas? Please contact Julie Barkat: [email protected] or 410-703-3575.
July 25-29, 2022

Save the date for the Happiest Week of the Year: Vacation Bible School at Calvary: July 25-29, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Sign-up now to help serve by contacting Julie Barkat: [email protected] or 410-703-3575.
Dinner For 8

The Dinner for 8 groups are reorganizing for the months of March, April, May and June. If you need to drop out, want to join, or be put on the sub list, please call Judy Roblyer at 410-757-6226. by February 20th. If you do not need to change, you will automatically be assigned a new group.
Missions Team - Coordinator Needed

Our mission's team is looking for a coordinator and other volunteers to make up bagged lunches in March for the Alternate Winter Relief’s hotel site. Please contact Joyce Conley, [email protected].
Winter Relief Assembly Crew Hard at Work
Coming Soon - Friday Morning Yoga

We are pleased to announce that a Friday morning Yoga class that will begin in the month of February. 
Stay tuned, more details to come.
Visit us at calumc.org