ADA 2024
Supporting Our Mission Together
Dear Parishioners,
I give thanks to the Lord for you and all the parishioners at St. Martin of Tours Parish. As we journey together in this parish year of Eucharistic Revival as well as our diocesan pastoral planning process, I feel incredibly blessed to see how so many of you are growing in your relationship with Christ and witnessing to His presence and love daily in our parish family.
Scripture tells us: “Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries” (1 Cor 4:1). Moved by the mystery and gift of Christ’s sacrifice in the Eucharist, as faithful stewards, we are called to respond in gratitude and give of ourselves to share His love with others.
Each year, the Annual Diocesan Appeal invites us to renew our stewardship commitment to our local Church and our parish, Supporting Our Mission Together. Your generosity toward the ADA sustains vital diocesan ministries that strengthen our families, parishes, and Catholic schools; foster a culture of vocations, provide faith formation, and reach out to those in need with hope and healing.
In addition to this, your gift provides essential support for our parish needs, as all funds collected above our parish goal of $150,560 will be rebated directly back to our parish to strengthen and build our local Church community and ministries.
My sincere thanks to each of you who have already made your commitment to this year’s appeal. If you have not had the opportunity to do so, please prayerfully consider how you can support Christ’s mission in the Church by making a gift to the Annual Diocesan Appeal in love and gratitude for all the ways that God has blessed you.
Our sacrificial gifts and prayers unite us with the faithful from all the other parishes in our diocese to fulfill the Church’s mission by making Christ present and transforming lives in His love in our parish and throughout our Diocese of San José. Please join us in Supporting Our Mission Together.
If in the past you have not pledged, I invite you to prayerfully consider supporting our mission. I am confident that this year's ADA will be another success, and a testimony of your commitment to St. Martin’s and the Church's Mission.
Thanking you for your generosity and goodness,
Fr. Saju Joseph