The month of February contains some of my favorite days, for instance Groundhog Day. Is there any other day when fully grown men will dress up in long coats and top hats, gather ‘round a groundhog (a groundhog!), and declare – in all seriousness – whether we will experience 6 more weeks of winter or be blessed by an early spring. And I’m not just talking about Punxsutawney Phil, in Lancaster County we have our very own Octoraro Orphie. Two prognostications on one day.. magnificent! If you’ve never been to Punxsutawney, PA, what are you waiting for? The town is philled with Phils – statues of the little critter, which have been painted and adorned in a myriad of ways. It’s very cute, but it is quite a long trip to get there. So, if you’re not in the mood for a drive to northwestern PA, then you can simply enjoy the entire group of Phils, courtesy of the Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce, by clicking on this link: Phantistic Phils