This month, fingers crossed, we can take heart that vaccine day is fast approaching for many D4 players. The prospect of seeing one another face-to-face may be the most welcome valentine of all!
Congratulations to all who fared well despite (or perhaps because of) the pandemic. Check out district and unit winners of the Mini McKenney and Ace of Clubs races here. And then take a look at the new alert procedures summary provided by Doreese Torrey in her Unit 120 report, below. Thanks Doreese!
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
February is the Month for Love
Here’s something you have to love… Joann Glasson, our very own District 4 Director (meaning she represents District 4 as a member of the ACBL Board of Directors), has reached the top – the pinnacle – the esteemed level of Grand Life Master! Please join me in congratulating Joann on her amazing achievement. Way to go Joann!!!
The month of February contains some of my favorite days, for instance Groundhog Day. Is there any other day when fully grown men will dress up in long coats and top hats, gather ‘round a groundhog (a groundhog!), and declare – in all seriousness – whether we will experience 6 more weeks of winter or be blessed by an early spring. And I’m not just talking about Punxsutawney Phil, in Lancaster County we have our very own Octoraro Orphie. Two prognostications on one day.. magnificent! If you’ve never been to Punxsutawney, PA, what are you waiting for? The town is philled with Phils – statues of the little critter, which have been painted and adorned in a myriad of ways. It’s very cute, but it is quite a long trip to get there. So, if you’re not in the mood for a drive to northwestern PA, then you can simply enjoy the entire group of Phils, courtesy of the Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce, by clicking on this link: Phantistic Phils
Next, there’s Valentine’s Day, a day for food, gifts, flowers and chocolate. It is impossible not to love that holiday! This year might be more subdued than usual, with Covid and indoor dining restrictions, but don’t let that deter you from finding the perfect gift, flowers and chocolates for your sweetheart.
A few days after Valentine’s Day, is Fat Tuesday. Of course it is….we’ve eaten too much of the Valentine’s Day chocolate, and it shows! Fat Tuesday begins a too-short period of time where we are encouraged to eat, drink, and be merry. Of utmost importance is to purge our pantry of sugar and fat ingredients, which - at least in my neck of the woods - means the local churches and auxiliaries are making fastnachts. These donut-like goodies aren’t coated with any glaze or sugary topping and so the local recommendation is to dredge them through some honey or syrup when eating (of course, only as a way to use up those sugary ingredients before we begin the period of austerity and contrition called Lent!) Note to Meyer – I like fastnachts about as much as you like blueberry bagels!
And now, please indulge me as I take a more serious tone. I’d like to highlight Wednesday, February 17 - Random Acts of Kindness Day (RAOK). Have you ever been a recipient of a RAOK? These acts can be as simple as buying a cup of coffee for the person behind you in the “to go” line, writing an anonymous note of thanks or appreciation to someone you know, leaving a note of encouragement on a stranger’s car, or paying someone’s late fees at your local library. Why, you could even pay for your bridge partner’s virtual club entry fee! Don’t underestimate the impact of small, thoughtful actions. They can make a real difference to one person, to your community, and to the world.
I’m planning a flurry of RAOK on February 17, how about you? In fact, I’m challenging myself to commit them routinely. While doing nice things can never be wrong, I believe it’s especially important now, during this very long period of distancing. Join me… it’ll be fun!
With hopes for an early spring, I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director
I hope this message finds you all vaccinated or with your vaccination scheduled soon. When we get our community vaccinated we will be that much closer to playing bridge face-to-face.
The ACBL has canceled the NABC that was scheduled for St. Louis, MO in March and also has canceled all regional and sectional tournaments through the end of April of this year. The ACBL will be continually monitoring the pandemic to determine when it might be safe to resume face-to-face play.
The NAP final for those players who won the right to represent District 4 in Columbus last spring will be scheduled online in March. Check the ACBL website for more information.
The Board of Directors held a special board meeting in January. The primary purpose of the meeting was to approve the 2021 ACBL budget. The 2021 budget projects an excess of income over expenses of about $750,000.
In the 2021 budget are extensive efforts to improve both the I/T and Marketing departments at headquarters. Marketing will be adding 2 new positions in an effort to expand membership growth and retention and I/T will be hiring 3 new programmers in a continuing effort to respond to the current challenges.
A task force that included John Dickenson was formed in an effort to make the Board of Governors a more relevant organization. Two motions that came out of that task force were approved at the January meeting as part of bylaw changes. One is the renaming of the Board of Governors to the Board of Representatives. The other significant changes will be to reduce the number of representatives from each district to three from the current five and to disallow proxies in order to streamline and make the organization more effective.
I hope that we will soon once again be able to meet at the bridge table.
Stay well.
Because of COVID-19 related uncertainties about when tournaments can safely resume, please check the ACBL calendar listings.
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Marti's tips are not only extremely helpful, they are memorable! After reading Marti's views on embarrassment, you may find yourself feeling just a little less hesitant to make a borderline bid!
I notice with beginning bridge players that you folks are often afraid to bid too high (or even high enough!) because you might go down and are easily embarrassed when you forget that you play transfers or other esoteric bid. You think people are watching and might actually notice if you make an error.
I have a gift for you. Read on.
I learned a new number in bridge not long ago--2000. That’s the score for bidding 5H, down 7 doubled and vulnerable. Unfortunately, I was the doublee, not the doubler. Sigh. My partner, God bless her, didn’t ask me why, or what was I thinking. She knows better.
She did, however, ask me if I weren’t just the teensiest bit embarrassed. “Embarrassed? Nah. Not even a little.”
She pressed on. “What about last night. Weren’t you embarrassed when you were playing the hand in Notrump and we were in Hearts? What about when you forgot you play Inverted Minors with me and we missed that slam? What about then?” “Nope,” I said, “not even a little.”
Then I told her about the last time I was embarrassed. This is a True Story (you can’t make this stuff up, folks) and it happened in 1984, when I still had a Real Job and (by the way) a waistline.
I was on an overnight business trip and was all settled into my hotel room for the night. I need to describe what I was wearing to bed. The room was a little chilly, so I had on mismatched knee socks… one, red-and-white striped left over from a Christmas pair, and the other, a navy blue number with holes in the heel. Working our way up, a pair of old gym shorts and a torn T-shirt left over from college.
This was back in the days when we wore HUGE rollers in our hair, and since I had forgotten my hairnet, to keep my rollers in place I had a torn (but clean) pair of pantyhose on my head with the legs tied in a big floppy bow.
During the night, the fire alarm woke me up and I heard the sound of people running down the hall. I grabbed my glasses—held together by scotch tape (worn only at night since I wear contacts during the day)—and found my shoes. The only shoes I had brought were camel suede stilettos, which I quickly put on over my knee socks. I grabbed my briefcase and purse and headed for the fire escape. No bathrobe, no coat, since I had brought neither.
Fortunately, the fire was small and easily controlled, and we all entered the lobby to take the elevators back to our floors.
As I entered the brightly lit lobby, I heard several gasps and much muffled laughter. I slowly made my way to the elevator, and the crowd stood aside to let me pass. I stood alone in front of the elevator with my head held high, wearing my camel suede stilettos, mismatched knee socks, gym shorts, T-shirt, broken glasses and pantyhose with a big floppy bow on my head.
Now, Faithful Readers, that is embarrassment.
Nothing in my entire life has since made me feel more foolish. If you think some stupid 4-digit number, missed bid, or 29 percent game can make me feel silly, think again. After that event, I can spill coffee all over myself, knock over bidding boxes, come in last, and nothing bothers me.
And this is my gift to you: Whenever you start to feel those emotions over bad bridge results (or anything else, actually), I want you to picture me wearing camel stilettos, mismatched knee socks and pantyhose on my head, standing in the center of the crowd in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel, in New York City. I guarantee that will make you feel better.
Thank goodness it was before the day of cellphones, or it would have gone viral.
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
"If there was ever a problem to use as the acid test for slam agreements in your regular partnerships, this is probably it." Nick makes this comment near the end of this lively discussion, but maybe seeing it upfront will encourage you to make your bid, then pay careful attention to what the experts do.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Unit 112 Congratulates Its Advancing Players!
Junior Masters
Elizabeth Whitehouse, Corning
Randall Krieg, Pittsford
Marsha Faulkner, Kyle, TX
John Goldman, Elmira
Renee Alper, Webster
Club Masters
Zungsing Chang, Horseheads
Susan Matt, New Hartford
Barbara Thomas, Ithaca
James Hassell, Elmira
Linda Hobart, Canandaigua
Lynne Holter, Fishers
Sectional Masters
Camille Jasinski, New York Mills
Beverly Le Beau, Jamesville
Barbara Powell, Horseheads
Edward Winckler, Apalachin
Regional Masters
William Le Beau, Jamesville
Cathie Gunselman, Big Flats
Robert Valensa, Webster
NABC Masters
Azalea Noronha, Pittsford
Laura Iorio, Manlius
Nancy Mason, Pittsford
Life Master
Debra Statton, Ithaca
Bronze Life Master
Kenneth Lane, Horseheads
Gwenyth Conners, Pittsford
Silver Life Master
Omit Grossman, Ithaca
Ruby Life Master
Julie Huntley, Baldwinsville
Intergenerational Bridge
Two of the newest members of the ACBL are Katie and Jay Sullivan, the teenage daughters of John and Kristen Sullivan. Kristen, a member of the Unit 112 Board, has shared her enthusiasm for bridge with her husband and family. The Sullivans are mentored by father and son, Richard Hartz Sr. and Jr. A recent Mohawk Valley Bridge Association Virtual Club game found Katie and Kristen competing against Rich Jr. and John as well as Rich Sr. and his partner. Rich Sr. watched opponents Katie and Kristen reach a successful 6NT contract without using any form of Blackwood. Let’s hope that this pandemic has resulted in many players sharing their love of bridge with the younger generation.
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!!
We have a new Bronze Life Master to give a big congratulations to: Harold Soskin, Scranton PA, HOOT HOOT to You!!!
Sadly, our dear friend, director and Ruby Master, Jack Burns of Clarks Summit, passed away January 6, 2021. Jack was instrumental in developing many players, and a great teacher to many. Jack will be missed.
For those of you who have had a chance to read the January 2021 edition of the Bridge Bulletin, this may be repetitive so my apologies in advance. I do feel, however, the following highlights are worth repeating. First, the Bridge Bulletin has gotten a makeover. The magazine has a more contemporary look and the ACBL logo has also gotten updated. Second, on page 35, you can read in detail the updates on ALERT PROCEDURES that the ACBL board of directors approved effective January 1, 2021. Highlights are:
If you play different systems this must be Pre-Alerted at the beginning of the round.
If you play a system on the one level that is not natural or is forcing this must be Pre-Alerted.
You are no longer required to Pre-Alert if you lead low from a doubleton, however, if asked about your leads by declarer, this must be included in your answer.
Alert changes:
In an uncontested auction, no natural jumpshift requires an Alert.
A direct cuebid that is not Michaels requires an Alert.
Support doubles or redoubles no longer require an Alert.
A 2 Club opening bid, other than Very Strong, requires an Alert.
Announcement Changes:
Instead of saying “Transfer” the Announcement is now the name of the suit being transferred to. Example auction of 1NT, 2 Hearts (which shows spades), instead of announcing “transfer” you will announce “SPADES”. If you play 2 spades shows clubs, then you would announce “CLUBS”. But, if you play 2 spades shows either minor, then you must say “ALERT”.
If you play that after a 1 club opening is overcalled with 1 diamond, that a double shows hearts, you would announce “HEARTS” to your partners double.
Instead of saying “could be short” for a non-forcing minor suit opening the any contain fewer than 3 of the minor, you must announce the minimum number of cards that could be held. For Example “could be one” or “could be two” etc.
If your agreement is to bypass a four card spade suit to bid a forcing 1NT over 1 heart, then you add “could have four spades” to the “forcing” or “semi-forcing” announcement.
Delayed Alerts:
The main difference with this is that at the end of the auction, the declarer side should explain any delayed Alerts and highlight any control bids made during the auction. This change should create fewer cases of the person not on lead asking about calls before they should.
It's a Learning Curve so honest mistakes will not currently be penalized. The goal has and will continue to be letting your opponents know what you play.
A single kiss involves as many as 30 facial muscles. And while it's not exactly a cardio workout, kissing can burn calories (2 to 6 calories per minutes, with more passionate sessions burning up to 26 calories). On average, we spend two weeks of our lives smooching, so it could take your entire kissing existence to work off that box of Valentine's Day chocolates!
Happy Valentine's Day
Hope to see you all at the virtual Bridge Tables.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
Check back next month for unit news. In the meantime, stay well!
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
New Rank Achievement
NABC Master
Scott Guiser
“Souper” Bowl Sunday
“Souper” Bowl Sunday Charity Game
WHEN: February 7, 2021 at 1 PM
WHO: 0-150-Limited, 0-750 Limited, and Open Games
WHY: Enjoy a game of bridge to benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank. All cash donations and proceeds from the games will benefit Second Harvest Food Bank. In lieu of donating cans of soup, cash donations may be mailed to Paul Irvine, 5431 Truth Place, Allentown PA 18106, Please make checks payable to LVBA. Thank you!
COST: $6 per person.
Silver Linings Week-January 18-24
Thanks to all the players who participated in Unit 133 virtual club games during Silver Linings Week. You earned DOUBLE regular club points, which are SILVER instead of black.
Unit 133 Games
Monday - 0-750 - James Buzby - Freda Witmer
Tuesday - 0-300 - Quentin Patterson - Elizabeth Stelts
Tuesday - Open - N/S - Paul Irvine and robot
E/W - Frank Morgan and robot
Wednesday - 0-300 - Nelson Rabenold - Bryan Snapp
0-50 - N/S - Curtis McDowell - James Sorensen
E/W - Bruce Fosselman - Kimberly Schadt
Thursday - 0-750 - Robert Davenport Jr - Nelson Rabenold
Open - Karen Yellin and robot
Friday - 0-2000 - Harold Koehler - James Post
Saturday - 0-750 - N/S - Bruce Fosselman - Kimberly Schadt
E/W - Karen Myers - Jon Clemens
Open - N/S - Louise Remley and Robot
E/W - Kate Shumaker and Gwen Ritter
Brookside Games
Monday - 0-50 - Robert Schundler - Sandra Kowalski
Sunday - 0-50 - Lewis Behringer - Rosann Behringer
If you’re not familiar with a Virtual Club yet, it’s an online space on BBO just for our regular club – usual games with your friends to support our local charities.
Double the Fun – and Your Points – on Valentine’s Weekend
Earn DOUBLE masterpoints (50% red, 50% black) during Valentine’s Weekend, a special ACBL Virtual Club event! Simply play in one of our Virtual Club games on Saturday, February 13th at 11:15am (the 0-100 limited game, the 0-750 limited game, or the open game).
These three games will pay DOUBLE regular club masterpoints, 50% red and 50% black. You do not need to do anything special to participate in these games and the fee will be the same ($5).
Educational Foundation Week
Join us for a team game on Saturday February 27 or any regular scheduled game during Educational Foundation Week to earn double black masterpoint awards while also supporting bridge education and growth.
From Monday, February 22 to Sunday February 28, part of each Virtual Club entry fee will be given to the ACBL Educational Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to learning and spreading the game of bridge far and wide. All 18 board games will be $6 and all 12 board games will be $4.50.
These fundraising games will be held in the Virtual Clubs. No registration is required. Simply play in one of our usual Virtual Club games.
All games will pay DOUBLE regular club points, 100% black.
You do not need to do anything special to participate these games.
Hollywood Magic ACBL Tournament
Thursday - Sunday
February 18th - 21st
Schedule your partner now to play in this regionally rated ACBL tournament. Daily two session events award GOLD and RED Points. You must play both sessions. The fee for both sessions is $30 per player. For a complete list of events, check the ACBL website.
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Howard Kahlenberg
I am sorry to report the passing of Tony Colombet. Tony was a frequent and well-liked player in the games at the Bridge Club of Center City. This past year Tony took to online play and, in fact, played in an online game with his regular partner, Don Root, the night before his unexpected death (they won). Tony loved bridge and loved being a part of the bridge Community. And the bridge Community loved him back.
Hopefully, everyone is staying safe and is either vaccinated or on the verge of getting vaccinated. There will be no Spring Nationals, and surely not face-to-face bridge for a while, but it seems rather likely that will be sometime in 2021.
Congratulations to 2 new Life Masters this month:
Mark Beifermanhaines of Palmyra
Alan Shapiro of Aurora
New Ruby Life Masters (1,500 points) – Mark Bolotin, Helen Leibowitz-Hoyer, and Siddhi Vasa
New Silver Life Masters (1,000 point) - Bill Kutrzyba
New Bronze Life Master (750 points) – Suzanne Moses, James Schmerl, and Alan Shapiro (looks like he had a good month!)
New Advanced NABC Master (300 points) - Robin Siegel
New NABC Masters (200 Points) - Steven Angstreich, David Chinn, Leslie Heselton III, and Becky Levinson
New Regional Masters (100 points) – Bernice Koplin, Rene McMenamin, John Roberts, Thomas Turner, and Nancy Young
New Sectional Masters (50 points) – Dick Linden, Elisa Lock, Ryan Lock, Robert Ludlow, Dennis Parenti, and Anna Swartz
New Club Masters (20 points) – Martin Abrahamson, Barbara Binis, Carol Chiodo, Alice George, and Nancy Rauscher
New Junior Masters (5 points) – Pamela Di Donato, Stacie Driscoll, John Evans, Judith Frankel, Teresa Peirce, and Nancy Wolcott
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Jeanne Gehret
Check back next month for news about Unit 168. In the meantime, stay healthy!
Unit 190: Delaware
Ala Hamilton-Day
Want to win a Door Prize?
Thanks to all who have been participating in the three separate flights of the Winter 2021 Delaware State Championship Tournament on Saturdays at 10 AM, in January and February. It has been great to "see" so many of our bridge community on BBO. Players outside of Unit 190, who have played in Delaware club games in a period prior to the pandemic, are also eligible to participate. If interested, please pre-register well in advance to confirm eligibility! Come join in the fun!
For those of us who don't know everyone or don’t remember faces they haven't seen for close to a year, we are trying to connect faces to the BBO IDs. So here is the deal: send a selfie or other recent picture of yourself to Soley Kristjansdottir (, together with your BBO username. By submitting a picture, you agree to have it posted or linked on the Unit 190 website with your name and BBO ID. We will post your picture AND you’ll be eligible for a door prize of 25 BBO dollars in each subsequent Saturday session in which you play. One prize will be awarded each Saturday for each flight to a player who played on that Saturday in that flight, and whose selfie was received by midnight the night before.
Some photos have already been submitted. You can see them here. We look forward to “seeing” you online at future tournament sessions, at 10:00 EST each remaining Saturday in February on BBO.
RUBY LIFE MASTER: Leon J. Tomaszewski
EMERALD LIFE MASTER: Francis A. Taylor, Jr.
For news and information about the fabulous Team games, pictures of players, the Door Prizes, the Delaware State Championship Pairs, the Shuffles games on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30, the February Dummy and other happenings, check out the Unit 190 website and the February Dummy, links below:
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Check back next month for Unit news. In the meantime, stay well!
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