February doesn't only award big winners in football and the movies -- there are also stacks of silver available for doing well at your favorite game (that's bridge) this month. February begins with Sectionals in Delaware and ends with STaC week at local clubs (see details, below).
On a more somber note, District 4 will sorely miss Raffles owner Wendy de Chadarevian who passed away in January after a brave battle with brain cancer. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to her family and friends. We miss her already.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Meyer Kotkin
Jeanne Gehret
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
Social, club and tournament bridge partnerships and interactions can involve people of vastly different ages. Sociologists posit that one measure of a community’s health is the frequency and satisfaction of interactions among the different generations of the community. One of my favorite “bridge community pictures” was taken at the Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge three years ago. It shows a youth and a Senior vigorously discussing a hand from the Dupli-Swiss (below). On the left is Michael Haas (Unit 141 [U141]), then 11, but now 14, who recently won the right to represent the United States at the World Youth Bridge Championships in Salsomaggiore, Italy. Congratulations, Michael. I and all of U141 and District 4 (D4) will be rooting for you to bring home the gold.
In 2010, U141 became the first Unit in the country (as far as I know) to allow full time students to play free. In 2014, D4 became the first District in the country (as far as I know) to also allow full time students to play free at all Regionals. Michael has been benefitting from the free entry policy for the last couple of years. At the Lancaster (U168) D4 Board Meeting in November, the D4 board again set a first by extending the full time student free play policy to the District Finals of the North American Pairs (NAP) and Grand National Teams. However, the NAP Flight B and Flight C finals are held at split sites that can charge players extra (above the D4 fees) for holding those events. Michael and his partner Brandon Fong (U141) were going to play at the Shore Bridge Club (U141) in the Flight C NAP Final. Club owner and manager Martin de Bruin (U141), on his own initiative, extended the D4 free play policy and waived the normal club fee thereby allowing Michael and Brandon to play in the D4 Flight C NAP Final with absolutely no entry fee. A very generous, encouraging and thoughtful act by Martin. I am sure I speak for Martin, U141 and D4 when I say we would like to see more full time students come to our tournaments and play free but, alas, we get some response but not the numbers of students we all hoped for. Nevertheless, Martin, U141 and D4 should take nachas and kvell (look it up) that we made it just a little bit easier for Michael, Brandon and a handful of full time students from as far away as Toronto, Sweden and Hoboken to play in D4 events.
You can find many more pictures of our D4 bridge community
on the D4 website, including some that document my weight loss over the years. Thanks to Joann Glasson (U141), our District Director, for compiling a pictorial archive of D4 bridge players but, objectively, the site needs a few more of my Chick Magnet pictures. Just sayin’.
The winners of the three strats of the 2019 yearlong D4 Player of the Year races are in. Dan Boye (U112) is the Dave Treadwell Player of the Year (no masterpoint (MP) limit), narrowly beating out Dave’s frequent partner Rick Rowland (U190). Larry Plotkin (U141) won his third straight Jeanne Fisher Player of the Year award, for players with less than 2,000 MP, beating his frequent partner Steve White (U141). Craig Netzley (U217) won the Jane Segal Player of the Year award for players with less than 500MP, edging Gilbert Deleeuw (U121) who nearly tripled his masterpoint holding during the year. Well done and $100 to all the winners from D4.
I am heartbroken to report that my dear friend, and owner of Raffles for Bridge (U141), Wendy de Chadarevian passed on January 18
after an 18-month battle with a terrible and virulent cancer. I am so proud of the D4 bridge community that gathered together in a December fundraiser for Wendy that provided the funds for full time care for Wendy during the last weeks of her life. To all who generously donated to Wendy, I send the words and thoughts of Minister John Bunyan: "
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you
As always, I welcome all comments and suggestions on any D4 matters and issues. My e-mail is
and my cell is 856.986.5109
From the District Director
"Keep Bridge Alive" is an international movement to spread the word about the game. As an organization we are dealing with an aging demographic and it's up to us to keep the game going for the next generations. We all must get active to spread the word about our amazing game. We all need to get active in promoting the game to friends and family.
The game of bridge is an incredible gift - pass on the word to someone. I have added a new page to the District 4 website that lists upcoming lessons for those interested in taking up the game. If you are a teacher or club owner who is teaching new students how to play, please send me the information so that I can make it available to interested players.
Here are two videos created by the ACBL to promote our game:
The first is by Zach Grossack, the youngest ever Grand Life Master:
The second is by Jeopardy James, who is making brige his new hobby:
Enjoy the videos and share them with a friend that might be interested in taking up the game of bridge.
If we all do our part, this game that we enjoy so much will continue for years to come.
Feb. 2
Feb. 6
Feb. 7-9
March 13-15
March 23
March 27-29
March 28-29
April 15
April 17-18
April 18-19
April 24-26
March 30 - April 5
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
Four times a year we have the opportunity to hear from Marti Ronemus and now Marti would like to hear from you! The story below may inspire you to share your own -- or perhaps you simply enjoy hearing what brought others to the (bridge) table.
Dear New Players—
I’m always interested to hear how people find their way to our Alternative Universe. One little story shows that Fate is real. Bridge has some outstanding "top athletes," and one of these is Zia Mahmood. He once gave a wonderful lecture: "1700 Is Just Another Number." Since I’m always looking for reasons (excuses?) to bid more with less, I just loved it. But I digress.
When Zia was 24, he had returned to Pakistan from living in London and became interested in a young woman he knew only slightly. Finally she agreed to meet him, but the bad news was the venue was a bridge party. He had, of course, told his date that he could play.
To avoid disaster, he dove into Alfred Sheinwold’s Five Weeks to Winning Bridge for three days, and to his surprise, found the book interesting. Of course, he performed embarrassingly badly at the party -- but became sufficiently intrigued by the game that his attention was diverted from the girl and that was almost the last he saw of her! He plunged into bridge and today is one of the world’s finest players.
His strong feeling is that age really doesn’t matter when you begin to learn bridge. The three most important talents are a logical and clear-thinking mind, card sense, and a positive mental attitude. Ideally, a mixture of Solomon, Nick the Greek and Muhammad Ali! You can read more about his adventures in the bridge world and lots of bridge also in his wonderful book
Bridge My Way
, published by Matt Granovetter.
Now, this doesn’t mean that if you aren’t logical and clear-thinking, you can’t play bridge. I know dozens of people lacking those qualities who have great fun every day.
Enough of great players and back to us. A very good friend of mine told me about how she got into the game. “It happened that I first discovered tournament bridge because an NABC was held down at the Sheraton in Washington D. C. No one from my neighborhood would go with me but I was excited and went alone. Back then they held an Individuals Game on the first day and you didn’t need a partner. The way it is set up is this: You and three other people are assigned a table, you make the hands, hastily try to decide on what conventions you are playing (not a problem--I didn’t know any), play with your assigned partner, then W, S and E rotate around the table so everyone has a different partner. You do this one more time and then everyone leaves the table and moves to four different tables and repeats the process. So even if you do badly with a partner, they don’t have to play with you again. Perfect! How hard can it be?! has always been one of my mottos. And it wasn’t. It was great! At least for me.
“I was breathless at the sight of what seemed like 1000 bridge tables on the convention floor. Wow! There was a pounding in my ears, my heart was beating erratically, but I cheerfully took my place. Things seemed to go all right to me, except for one partner who got angry. I doubled a 3♥ contract, thinking she could take it out or leave it in. Unfortunately she wasn’t aware of my inner thoughts and they made it.
‘Why did you double?’, she raged.
‘I thought you would take it out if you couldn’t stand it,’ I explained.
‘I didn’t know we were playing Responsive Doubles!’ she yelled.
(Oh my gosh, I didn’t know what that was...) ‘I thought everybody played Responsive Doubles!’ I replied.
“I was disappointed to see I was bottom of section that afternoon (I thought I’d played very well...), but I raised that to just below average that evening. A triumph!”
I remember back to my first NABC at Lancaster. As we waited to start it, everyone was nervous, like horses before a race. I guess something was amiss at the Director’s desk because they left us at the starting gate for what seemed like an eternity. Finally my left hand opponent, a very nice lady, blurted out, “If a nuclear bomb were to hit now and bury us all, the archeologists digging us up in a thousand years would wonder what activity we were engaged in and probably decide this was a penal colony and this was a form of torturous punishment!”
So there you have it. Stories about what brought us to this minute. I’d love to hear how you wandered into this universe. Let me know at
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Inverted minors have a loyal following but can cause bidding dilemmas even for
Master Solvers. How would you handle the rebid problem in the following auction? Does your answer differ if you are playing imps?
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Pat Stadelmaier
to our Unit 112 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Nora Shang, Ithaca
Ann Wolfson, LaFayette
Barbara Farrell, Fairport
James Ferrell, Fairport
David Hammond, Geneseo
Annette Lindell, Oneonta
Donald Short, Endwell
Lori Vanderlinde, Fairport
Anita Belucci Weiss, Ithaca
Patricia Coughlin, Oswego
Benjamin Dutcher, Rochester
Judy Newkirk, Canandaigua
Christopher Wolf-Gould, Oneonta
Diane Redfield, Utica
William Redfield, Utica
James Sutter, Rochester
Daniel Sverdlik, Ithaca
Marty Albright, Canandaigua
Judith Dixon, Caxenovia
Nancy Geoca, Webster
Peter Cooke, Florida
Barbara Zukovsky, Oswego
Doug Bradley, Pittsford
Mary Ann Morrow, Fairport
Did you know?
If you are an ACBL member and you play in clubs and tournaments, you are always in two particular masterpoint contests. For points won in clubs, with the exclusion of silver points from STaCs, there’s the
Helen Shanbrom Ace of Clubs
, named after a Grand Life Master who won her category 20 times. For points won in clubs and all sectional, regional and national tournaments, it’s the
, which is named for former ACBL chief William McKenney. Online points do not count for either race.
You compete with your peers in these races – players who started the year with about the same number of points. Even if you have 0 points, you are still competing in the 0-5 points category. The races end December 31. Check our website to see if you are mentioned for our unit and follow your progress. Watch the 4SPOT next month for our top 3 winners in each category.
Looking for Silver Points? Play in the STaCS at your local clubs the week of February 24 – March 1. Check out our website for the STaC games in your area.
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!! January recognition of
achievements was exciting! Please stand and give a rousing applause of congratulations for:
New Ruby Life Master
John J Burns of Clarks Summit, PA
New Bronze Life Master
Life Master
Arthur Kibbe, Clarks Summit, PA
Well Done!!
Did you know??
Anne Pelak took over administration of Unit 120’s website in July 2019. The website was developed under the leadership of the site’s first administrator, Bill Burns. Anne has a long time interest in web development and looks forward to helping cultivate interest in the site as a one stop source for information about all clubs in the unit. Game locations, times, schedule changes, and game results for all clubs are easily accessible on the site. Check it out at
Think Valentine's Day
and you think of candy hearts. Interestingly enough, candy hearts, which were invented in 1847 by Oliver Chase, were first created to be a medicinal throat lozenge. In 1866, brother Daniel Chase devised a way to press sayings into the flat disc shaped “motto lozenges." It wasn't until 1902 they reshaped the discs into heart shaped candies.
Today, almost 100,000 pounds of the candy hearts are produced by the worldwide- known Necco company.
Be a sweetheart and join in the game at your local bridge clubs!!
See you at the Bridge table!
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
The Mid-Winter Unit Game was held Thursday January 9. Alfred and Travis Crump were first overall winners.
Our next I/N Sectional (0-750) will be held Friday March 20 at Sacred Heart Villa.
Sue Wessner will host a bridge cruise November 9-20, 2020.
for more information.
Congratulations to the following on their advancement in the ACBL Masterpoint Ranks:
New Club Master: Diane Raab
New Sectional Masters: Jewel Albright and Sheila Bornstein
New Regional Master: Toeruna Widge
New Life Master: Wally Eckton
New Silver Life Master
: Elaine Van Briggle
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
Thanks for sharing your love of bridge this February!
In Memoriam
We are saddened to report the passing of Boris Heimbach, 86, on December 20, 2019. Boris was a Navy veteran of the Korean War. He worked for Western Electric, Prudential Life Insurance and Jack’s Glass. Boris was a founding member of Bethlehem Steelers Youth Football League and involved in Northwest Little League. When he wasn’t playing golf, Boris was playing duplicate bridge at one of our clubs. He will be missed by the many friends who played with him.
New Rank Advancements
New Junior Masters
Ward Follette
Kimberly Schadt
New Regional Masters
Robert A Dougherty
Sunny Kline
New NABC Masters
Craig Bailey
Beth Dimler
Junior Fund Charity Game
Forty eight players came together at Lehigh Valley Active Life to help support younger duplicate bridge players, up to age 26, offset the costs for the World Youth Championships.
Open Game - 1st Peter Stoyanov and Pat Clarke
2nd Valerie Barber and Mike Kohler
0-299 Game - 1st Diane McGilloway and Sandy Sorenson
2nd E J Krall and Silas Maynard
“Souper” Bowl Sunday”
“Souper” Bowl Sunday Charity Games
Open Pairs and 0-500 NLM Pairs
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life
WHEN: February 2, 2020 at 1 PM
WHO: Open and 0-500 NLM Pairs
If the 0-500 NLM game has fewer than 3 tables, it will be combined with the Open game.
WHY: Enjoy a game of bridge to benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank. Please bring a can of soup or any other non perishable food item. In addition to the food items, all cash donations and proceeds from the games will benefit Second Harvest.
COST: $8 per person
REFRESHMENTS: Please bring your favorite Super Bowl snack to share. Coffee, tea and water will be provided.
February STaC Games
Please join us for an exciting opportunity to play for
Silver Points right at our own home club.
Monday, February 24
Lehigh Valley Active Life - 0-100 Game and 0-750 Game at 12:30pm
Thursday, February 27
Lehigh Valley Active Life - 0-299 Game and Open Game at 12:30pm
Friday, February 28
Lehigh Valley Active Life - 0-2000 Invitational Game at 12:30pm
Fee: $8
Free snacks, coffee, tea, and water will be provided.
Interclub Championship Game
Open Pairs and 0-299 Pairs
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life Center
WHEN: Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 12:30pm
WHO: Open and 0- 299 Pairs
If the 0-299 game has fewer than 3 tables, it will be combined with the Open game. Partners are not guaranteed. For help finding a partner, please contact Betsy Cutler at 610-737-2545 or
, prior to the game.
WHY: Enjoy face-to-face play with the perk of across-the-field scoring through the internet overall rankings at all clubs that participate on the same date. Hand records include analyses on the total number of tricks per contract.
COST: $8 per person
REFRESHMENTS: Snacks, coffee, tea and water will be provided
MORE INFORMATION: If you have additional questions, please email: Betsy Cutler at betsy2955@gmail.com or Lois Fuini at lafuini@yahoo.com.
Club Championship Games
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life
WHEN: Monday, March 9th at 12:30pm
Thursday, March 12th at 12:30pm
Friday, March 13th at 12:30pm
WHO: All games will follow regular formats.
Monday 0-100 and 0-750 games
Thursday 0-299 and Open games
Friday 0-2000 Invitational game
WHY: Earn extra points for the same cost!
COST: $7 per person
REFRESHMENTS: Snacks, coffee, tea and water will be provided
MORE INFORMATION: If you have additional questions, please email: Betsy Cutler at betsy2955@gmail.com or Lois Fuini at lafuini@yahoo.com.
Unit Team Games
Open and NLM Teams
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life Center
WHEN: Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 12:30pm
WHO: Open and NLM Teams
If the NLM game has fewer than 3 tables, it will be combined with the Open game.Partners are not guaranteed. For help finding a partner and/or team, please contact Deb Butz at
, prior to the game.
WHY: According to the ACBL, team games in both clubs and tournaments are the fastest growing games in the Duplicate Bridge arena. This local game will provide the opportunity for players who have never tried this format before and for more experienced players to improve their team game skills. In addition,everyone has the chance to earn extra points. To make this experience more rewarding, we will have a short FREE mini lesson at 11:45am to discuss the differences in strategy and scoring in team games.
COST: $8 per person
REFRESHMENTS: Free snacks, coffee, tea and water will be provided.
MORE INFORMATION: If you have additional questions, please email: Betsy Cutler at betsy2955@gmail.com or Lois Fuini at lafuini@yahoo.com.
Unit 133 Spring Sectional - April 24-26
Please join us for our Spring Sectional in Allentown at Lehigh Valley Active Life for an opportunity to earn Silver Masterpoints. Enjoy a pleasant atmosphere, friendly people, delicious free lunches, fabulous snacks, and great bridge.
Friday, April 24th and Saturday, April 25th
10am and 2:15pm - Stratified Open Pairs and 0-500 NLM Stratified Pairs
Sunday, April 26th
10am- Stratified Open Swiss Teams two session playthrough with lunch break, or
10am - Single Session, 0-500 NLM Stratified Swiss Teams
Lehigh Valley Active Life
1633 West Elm Street
Allentown PA 18102
Fee: $12 per player per session ( $16 for unpaid ACBL members)
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Howard Kahlenberg
I am sad to report the passing of Wendy de Chadarevian. Most of you know Wendy as the owner of Raffles bridge club. Wendy did an excellent job of running the club, and most important, making people feel welcome there. She always had a smile on her face and mentored a great many new players.
I will remember Wendy as a friend and a long-time partner. Although we didn’t play together as much as either of us would have liked (it was always the other one’s fault, of course), the “General Approach” section of our convention card summarized it best: “Fun, Fun, Fun; Long Last Names.” At the end of every session with Wendy, no matter the results, we would turn to each and say “But we had the most fun.” Which we had. I miss you, Toots.
Thanks to everyone who braved the 50-degree temperatures to come to our January Sectional. We have another
Sectional at Bala on March 13-15
. On Saturday afternoon, for a little change of pace, we will be having separate A/X and B/C/D pairs, in addition to our regular non-Life Master game. And of course, Dupli-Swiss on Sunday.
On March 23, Joan and Bill Goldstein are running an
I/N 499er Sectional,
also at Bala. Pre-registration is required.
We have two
this month, Donna N Meilinger of Holland (PA, not Europe) and Susan Wilson of Newtown. Congratulations to both of them.
Other folks moving up in the ACBL ranking world:
Sapphire Life Master
(3500 points) – Steve Serota
Gold Life Master
(2500 points) - Deborah H. Wolff, Esquire
Ruby Life Masters
(1,500 points) – Kathy Fisher and Andrew Rosenberg
Silver Life Master
(1,000 points) - Lynne Kupperman
Bronze Life Masters
(750 points) - Lois Davis and Bill Goldstein
Advanced NABC Master
(300 points) – May Sakr
NABC Masters
(200 points) - Sharon Lewinter and Jeanne Thompson
Regional Masters
(100 points) – Ronald Goldsman, Patricia Opderbeck, Andrew Redding, Elizabeth Schwartz
Sectional Masters
(50 points) – Julie Chu, Dena Feinberg, Chris Holroyde, Jim Kane, Christine Kiernan, Lora Lavin, Jane Pelullo, Tedd Stickel
Club Masters
(20 points) – Stuart Burd, Andrew Carr, Joanna Church, Nancy Craige, Susan Diederich, Francine Fineman, Barbara Frieman, Harry Hoff, Sandra Myer, and Charles Schelke
Junior Masters
(5 points) - Howard Braithwaite, Angel Farrell, Hank Goldring, William Jannarone, Peter Marco, Anna Swartz and Richard Vitti
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Jeanne Gehret
to these Unit 168 members on their new masterpoint rank achievements:
Club Master:
Larien Bieber, Wayne Burke, Maryann Fagan, Jacqueline Page, Raymond Rizzo
Sectional Master:
Dolores Fenton, Nancy Fitch, Jimmie Groves, Terry Johns, Mark Straub
Regional Master:
Cathy Becker, Judith Deichert, Jerry Flury, William May, Cindy Mueller, Mary Wills
NABC Master:
John Dilaura, Raymond Eby
Advanced NABC Master:
Cecile Hund
Life Master:
Rick Sadler
Bronze Life Master:
Irene Appleyard
Ruby Life Master:
William Roeder
News From Harrisburg Bridge Club:
Our February 1 Brunch and Bridge Game will be the ACBL-wide International Fund Game. The entry fee is $10 for players with more than 1000 points, and $5 for players with less than 1000 points. Food time is 10:30 a.m. and game time is 11 a.m. Advance registration is recommended; email us at
or check for the sign-up sheet at the Club.
The monthly Wine & Cheese Open game is Wednesday, February 12 (Happy Birthday, Abe) with refreshments at 6 p.m. and game at 6:30. It’s an extra point, Club Championship with an $8 entry fee.
The week of February 24 to March 1 is STaC week where all games (except the 0-20/0-200 game on Wednesday afternoon) will award silver points. The entry fee is $9 except for the monthly Swiss Team Game on February 26, when the entry is $10 ($40 per team).
On Friday, February 28, we'll be having a Dinner and Bridge game (with silver points). Appetizers and wine beginning at 5 p.m. Game time 5:45 p.m. Dinner after several rounds; dessert after several more rounds. Chef Bill is cooking up something special, and our volunteer bakers will delight your sweet tooth. Cost is $20; a sign up sheet will be available at the Club.
With Winter upon us, we keep an eye on the weather and cancel games when the forecast calls for snow or if the parking lot may be hazardous due to ice accumulation. To check whether a game has been canceled, you can call the club at 717-737-4461; check the club website at
or check your e-mail for an announcement.
Our topic this month for Bridge Pearls to Master is “Cue-bidding Controls” to be presented by Jan Leuenberger on Friday morning February 14 and again on Wednesday evening February 19. Sign up sheets are at the Club.
Looking ahead, we’ll be offering Bridge Basics 1 with a morning class that begins on March 23 and an evening class that begins on April 7. The 8-week course is FREE (text book charge is $12). This is a great opportunity to introduce your family and friends to our favorite game. Contact the Club for further details.
Wacky Hands & Gadgets -
by Dave Bort
Topics presented in this month’s feature include
Splinter, Italian Cuebids, RKCB
Exclusion Blackwood, Third Round Control Ask
Unit 190: Delaware
Ala Hamilton-Day
Sunday February 2:
Souper Sundae Pre-Game Party
at the Bridge Studio
- This one day sectional comes with a free lunch of pizza and a tossed salad.
- The complimentary lunches include such items as Manicotti, Sautéed Broccoli Rabe, Sausage and Peppers, Hoagies, Pizza, and tossed salads.
March 30 – April 5:
Diamond State
At a new location, the DoubleTree by Hilton at 4727 Concord Pike Wilmington DE 19803. Team events all day, every day; Speaker Series targeting team (imp) strategy; complimentary between-session meals; and the most active and welcoming partnership desk.
Beth Bradley
Cele Mitchell
Cindy Hoadley
Diana R. Erney and Karin Schwenk
Tamara C. Miles
Anna Delapo
Paula Varrassi
Greg Burch
I went to see the Liberty Bell.
It's not all it's cracked up to be.
Calling All Non-Life Masters
If you have less than 500 points and have not attained Life-Master status, we are holding a tournament
just for you. This as a great opportunity for newer players to get some tournament experience and win silver points. The tournament will be held Thursday, February 6 at 10 am, at 1409 Foulkstone Plaza. The cost is $25 dollars for two sessions and a free lunch of pizza and salad will be provided.
If you are an ACBL member, and have less than 5 points,
you get to play for free.
This is a great occasion to test the waters. The tournament will be stratified so that players are competing for points against their own level. If you are interested, please pre-register with the names and ACBL numbers of both partners. Send this pre-registration to Judy Cronin (
) or Brenda Vogel (
). If you are interested in playing, but can’t find a partner, contact Judy Cronin and she will try to find you an appropriate partner.
Mark your calendars for the
Blue Hen sectional on February 7-9. There is no better way to spend a winter weekend. The lunches are complimentary and scrumptious and range from hoagies to manicotti. Check out
Unit 190’s website for details . Importantly, for non-life masters seeking silver points in peer-to-peer competition, the
Blue Hen Sectional
is for you. It follows the Thursday 499’er tourney in Wilmington. Staying put for the Blue Hen sectional is easy! Provided the numbers are sufficient, there will be a 499er stratification in the morning and a 199’er stratification in the afternoon. No matter what happens with the groundhog’s shadow, come on out to a warm and welcoming place in Wilmington!
For news and information about Souper Sundae Pre-Game Party, the 499’er Sectional, the Wilmington Sectional and the Delaware Regional, as well as results from around Unit 190, check out the Unit 190 website and click on the links below:
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Please join us for our next sectional May 29 to 31, 2020 at the Boalsburg Fire Co in Boalsburg, PA.
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