News flash: The D4 website has been massively overhauled and now has a completely new web address! Thanks to hard work by many devoted volunteers, this new site is a breath of fresh air. Don't forget to bookmark the new link, found here.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.
Jeanne Gehret
Betsy Cutler
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
♥️ We Love Our Volunteers ♥️
Did you know that District 4 is 100% staffed by volunteers? Volunteering is a great way to support the organization that brings us the wonderful game of Bridge, and opportunities abound! The District, as well as each of our 8 Units, is always looking for passionate volunteers to provide support and guidance for administrative, membership and tournament functions. If you love the game of Bridge, I urge you to consider becoming a volunteer.
Some recent changes have occurred within our District volunteer ranks.
· Janet Johnson (U141) has transitioned out of her multi-year stint as our 4Spot Editor and District Constant Contact Email Administrator. I appreciated her high level of commitment to publishing our monthly newsletter. She was patient with last-minute submissions and changes, and worked tirelessly to keep it fresh and interesting for District 4 members. She is looking forward to having more time to devote to teaching bridge locally. While I will miss Janet as a District volunteer, I am pleased she will continue utilizing her love of Bridge and patience to help grow our members. Thank you Janet!
· Susan Morse (U141) has joined the District 4 volunteer ranks, taking on the role of 4Spot Editor. In addition to being a talented Bridge player, Susan is also an accomplished writer, editor and actor. Thanks Susan, for taking on this role. I look forward to working with you, and also seeing how your artistic flair influences the 4Spot pages!
· Jim Patton (U112), also new to the District volunteer crew, is our new District Email Administrator. His responsibilities span both Constant Contact and Pianola communications, with a focus on District contests (i.e. GNT/NAP) and Regional Tournaments. Jim serves as a Unit volunteer, and I was pleased he agreed to fit this District work into his busy schedule. His existing expertise with Constant Contact and attention to detail make him an excellent fit for this role. And although not familiar with Pianola email services, Jim felt it was a natural fit and happily has taken on this function as well, freeing up time for Joann Glasson (who was our Pianola email guru for many years) to focus on her new role as ACBL President. Thanks, Jim, for giving your time and talents to D4!
In Other District News….
· New District 4 Website!! Have you taken a look yet? - Click here
Launched in early January, our new website is up and running. It was designed and developed by an all-volunteer team, and I hope you find the site easy to use and navigate. More about our volunteers….
o Website Developer: Todd Thorsen (Unit 168) – In addition to obtaining our domain name and creating the basic layout of the site, Todd also imported pictures, files, and information from our old website. Most importantly, Todd manages site security and has automated the display of ACBL information for us. When you look at the D4 tournament calendar, or Player Milestones, these are all Todd’s great work, which saves countless hours of manual website maintenance.
o Webmaster: Brandon Fong (Unit 141) – Brandon volunteered for the position of Webmaster because he wanted to volunteer and was willing to learn. I’m really jazzed about Brandon taking the step to volunteer! He was instrumental in refining the look of the website and linking data to various menus. Brandon is currently a high school senior, and I look forward to him contributing to District 4 for many years to come!
This competition is online (on BBO), so it couldn’t be easier to take part in this District competition for a chance to represent D4 at the Summer Nationals in Providence, RI.
· Flight A & Flight C, February 26-27, 2022
· Open and Flight B, April 9-10, 2022
Until next month, be safe and well!
I welcome your comments or suggestions (
From the District Director
ACBL Board
The ACBL held our first special board meeting of 2022 by Zoom on January 17th and two important issues were on the agenda.
NABC Schedules
Starting with the Providence NABC, all NABC and NABC+ events will be held on a 10 and 3 schedule. It is very likely that all regional events will be held on that schedule as well with some games at 7:30 in the evening for working players.
Philadelphia pioneered this schedule years ago at the 2012 NABC and Danny Sprung and the Competitions and Conventions Committee have finally put forth this schedule for all future NABCs.
The reasons given for this change are:
1. The entire bridge world outside of North America runs on a daylight schedule.
2. In North America, sectional and regional tournaments have almost all successfully transitioned to this schedule.
3. At an NABC, local players don’t want to drive home at rush hour or close to midnight.
4. The aging demographic prefers a daylight schedule.
5. Economics of holding any events at 1 and 7:30 - Austin numbers show that the 1 and 7 regional events are not well attended.
6. It requires 2 extra director sessions to hold regional 1 and 7 events– not economically feasible when moving towards smaller NABCs.
7. Philadelphia NABC ran successfully on 10 and 3 schedule. In cities like Philly, where parking is very expensive, locals can use the train for the earlier schedule.
8. Players like a short lunch break between sessions and then a civilized dinner after the session where they can drink wine and discuss the hands.
Institute for Bridge Arbitration (IBA)
AJ Stephani, Mark Friedlander and others on their committee are putting into place a new arbitration process to handle high-level cheating cases.
The Institute for Bridge Arbitration is an independent organization whose mission will be to recruit expert bridge players who are willing to donate some of their time to serve as arbitrators in bridge cheating disputes. The IBA will train the volunteering experts to be arbitrators in complex disputes and has established a working relationship with the American Arbitration Association (and its affiliate organization, the International Centre for Dispute Resolution) so that when “bridge cheating cases” go to arbitrations administered by these organizations, the AAA will choose the arbitrators to decide them from the roster of trained bridge experts that IBA will make available to them. It has been relatively inexpensive to establish the IBA; everyone working for or with IBA would be volunteering their time and would be reimbursed only for out-of-pocket expenses, which should be fairly nominal.
This innovation is an exciting first step in streamlining how the ACBL handles bridge cheating. It will begin work with major cases reported after February 1, 2022.
Stay well and please contact me anytime with any questions or concerns.
Feb. 18-20
March 18-19
March 26-27
April 1-3
April 29-May 1
May 2-6
Coming Soon! Grand National Teams, a grass roots event where teams compete within each of the ACBL’s 25 Districts for a chance to represent their District at the Summer Nationals. This year, the Summer Nationals will be in Providence, Rhode Island, July 13-24.
*Masterpoint Limit as determined by ACBL records as of 8/7/2021
Registration closes 2 weeks prior to each event.
Late registrations will not be accepted unless it allows for a better movement.
1st place (all Flights): $2000
2nd place (Flights B and C only): $1200, if at least 8 teams enter those flights
(NOTE: stipend is awarded to offset travel & lodging costs and will not be given in the unlikely event National finals are held online)
A seminar has been developed for Flight C players or anyone wishing to learn more about team events. Presentations will be given via Zoom by expert players from District 4. This seminar is scheduled for Sunday, January 30 at 7 pm.
Contact District 4 GNT Coordinator
John Dickenson
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen:
January, April, July, October
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
February, May, August, November
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
March, June, September, December
For Novices Only: Marty begins art classes and quickly identifies a helpful parallel for bridge students.
“So, how about taking some painting lessons with me,” asked my friend Edith (Edith McMullin who developed Easybridge! and was the ACBL Novice/Intermediate Coordinator and Tournament Director for many years).
“Oh, I don’t think so,” I said somewhat regretfully, as painting has always been something I wished I could do. “It might be fun, but I have no talent, have never taken a lesson and I’m sure I don’t have any real ability.”
“Well, that’s never stopped you from playing bridge, has it?” she said. (Edith takes no prisoners!) “We go on Thursday. Be here at 9.”
Thus began a new Life Adventure. After a year, I am more convinced than ever that I have no real talent. But you know what? I don’t care. The process of painting is what’s important, not the product. Interestingly enough, I’ve been whisked back to my old times as a Novice bridge player, which has been hugely beneficial to my own teaching. I’ve studied under two painters in two different classes, and I’m going to tell you a little about each of them.
You’ll see how it applies.
The first is a teacher who is quite well-known and for good reason. He is a fabulous technician and produces truly lovely works. They dazzle the eyes. He begins a class by putting up a slide of a lovely scene and the people in the class reproduce it as best they can (did I mention this is watercolor?). He walks around the room, advising and critiquing. He places a heavy emphasis on the structural sketch done before the painting begins. At least half of the two-and-a-half-hour class is devoted to the sketch.
The drawing was the hardest for me. I honestly can’t draw and don’t have much interest. I just want to get started putting the gorgeous colors on the paper and watching what happens when they start blending. (Sort of like lecturing to you new bridge players when all you really want to do is get your hands on the cards.) But I draw, with many sighs and a flurry of erasure droppings.
One thing that bothered me a lot in that class was that the instructor thought nothing about taking our painting or drawing away from us, and “fixing” it, to show us how to do something better. Now, my work is pretty terrible if I am honest, but it is MINE and it made me mad when he did that. My work was always vastly improved, but ... not mine anymore. Does that make sense?
It seemed very important to him that we recognize his excellence. I got the feeling that I’d never be good enough to continue. I wasn’t really happy and not having as much fun as I thought I should.
I was ready to quit, but I kept hearing mention of a Debi Watson who teaches at the York (PA) Art Association, so I signed Edith and me up.
What a world of difference! Debi begins each class with a demonstration of a technique, illustrating a concept of how we can get an effect from our papers, brushes and colors. Then we each work independently on a project of our own choice. Debi doesn’t insist on sketches (“I don’t teach drawing, I teach painting.”) and since we are each working on separate subjects, there’s a lot of excitement seeing what others are doing.
Her own work is not only exquisite, but filled with joy and the unusual. She downplays her own excellence, telling us “Oh, you’ll be able to do that in no time. Meanwhile, I really like how your colors blend in that corner of your work. Which blue did you use?” She has no need to impress us with her excellence; rather, she wants us to see how far we’ve come and what is possible.
The most important lesson as a bridge teacher I’ve learned from Debi is that you don’t have to be a GOOD painter to enjoy painting. And thank heaven that’s true in bridge also. If we had to be good to enjoy this game, there would only be 20 people the world!
So here’s to you...beginning a new Life Adventure. May your guides enjoy giving you the gift of fearless fun, and may you realize it isn’t how well you play the game, but how much you enjoy it.
Points Schmoints! Not to brag or anything, but I was with the majority on this one. How about you? Check here to read Nick and his February gang's sage opinions.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans
Unit 112 lost one of our favorite directors in December. Mary Lou Lawson ran a 499’er game for over a decade at the Century Club in Rochester. Mary Lou was a very good bridge teacher, accredited by the ACBL, and beloved by her students. She taught for forty years, mostly in adult education programs. She worked hard for new players. Her game was solely for 499’ers. She ran an I/N tournament every spring. The bridge community has lost a good friend and good teacher with her passing
Covid continues to take it toll on F2F games. While no games were suspended in the month, the games held were smaller as players became more cautious. Our spring sectional, scheduled for March 26-27 in Henrietta NY, remains on the books. With tournament turnout down 70% in January from two years ago, all options are open at this point.
Congratulations to these Unit 112 bridge players that advanced their rank in January:
· Mac Beckwith of Fairport, NY achieved the rank of NABC Master
· Reid Holter of Fisher, NY achieved the rank of Sectional Master
· Ruth Sklarsky of Pittsford, NY achieved the rank of Junior Master
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Doreese Torrey
Hello Unit 120!!
Did you know:
February is probably one of the most mispronounced words in the English language. The “r” in February has been dropped so that it is almost always pronounced Febuary – without the “r." Perhaps this is because placing the “r” sound in the word makes it slightly more difficult to pronounce, and since laziness tends to get the upper hand when we speak, Febuary has become the common pronunciation.
February’s meaning might best be kicked off with a quick look at the study of word origins of the month's name. The word February is born from the Latin word Februarius, from Latin februare meaning to "purify" or "expiate.".
February has twenty-eight days {unless in a leap year} because, to the Romans, the month was an afterthought. In the 8th century BCE, they used the Calendar of Romulus, a ten-month calendar that kicked the year off in March with the spring equinox, and ended in December.
By the way, the chance of being born on Feb. 29 (this date only occurs on a Leap Year) is 1 in 1,461.
Now on to some well-deserved recognition for the Unit.
December brought some HOOT HOOT HOORAYS to:
New Silver Life Master: Susan Burrows-Solomon Kingston PA
New NABC Master: Louisa S Stephens Scranton PA
New Junior Master: Carol Kopich Hawley PA
New Junior Master: John A Zaccheo Scranton PA
Not to be outdone, January applause goes to:
New Junior Master: Janet Campbell Skytop PA
Our new ACBL President, Joann Glasson, is highlighted in the January 2022 Bridge Bulletin. In the past, the Board was made up of twenty-five members, however Joanne championed the idea of a smaller, more efficient board which now consists of thirteen members. Let's all thank Joanne for her long service to District 4 and offer her congratulations and support as she takes on her new position.
Stay warm, dry and safe.
See you at the virtual and/or F2F bridge tables.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Carl Ziegler
Check in next month for news from Unit 121.
Unit 133: Lehigh Valley
Lois Fuini
New Rank Achievements
New NABC Master
Lynda Thaler
New Ruby Life Master
Gwen Ritter
“Souper” Bowl Sunday
“Souper” Bowl Sunday Charity Game
WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active Life or online
WHEN: February 13, 2022 at 1 PM
WHO: 0-750 Limited, and Open Games
WHY: Enjoy a game of bridge to benefit the Second Harvest Food Bank. All cash donations and proceeds from the games will benefit Second Harvest Food Bank. Please bring a can of soup or other non-perishable food item for the Second Harvest Food Bank. Cash donations may be mailed to Paul Irvine, 5431 Truth Place, Allentown PA 18106. Please make checks payable to LVBA. Thank you!
COST: $8 per person.
If F2F, vaccinations required, masks optional.
Silver Linings Week-January 17-23
Thanks to all the players who participated in Unit 133 virtual club games during Silver Linings Week. You earned DOUBLE regular club points, which are SILVER instead of black. Congrats to all winners:
Unit 133 Games
Mon, Jan 17 – 12:30pm – 0-750: Barbara and Michael Dopera
Tues, Jan 18 – 7:15pm – 0-1000: Robert Davenport and Nelson Rabenold
Wed, Jan 19 – 10am – open: Jim Kenny and Lee Stanley
Thurs, Jan 20 – 12:40pm – open: Barbara and Michael Dopera
Thurs, Jan 20 – 7:15pm – open: Frank Morgan and Mike Kohler
Fri, Jan 21 - 12:30pm – open: Betsy Cutler and Paul Irvine
Junior Fund Games
Special Junior Fund Games (Jan. 6-9, Thurs.-Sun.) were held in the Virtual Clubs to raise funds for junior bridge initiatives. These games awarded double normal club black points. Thanks to everyone who supported this fundraising initiative.
Unit 133 Winners:
Jan. 6- open - Jim Kenny and Chuck Campbell
Jan. 7- open - Paul Irvine and Philip Geisel
District 4 STaC Games
February 7-13, 2022
All F2F club games are eligible to participate in the District 4 STaC games(sectional tournaments at clubs) this week. The fee for these special games is $7 (except “Souper Bowl Sunday”) due to the unit subsidizing any additional table fees. Please check with your local club manager for information about participation. Vaccinations required, masks optional.
Educational Foundation Week
Join us for any regular scheduled game during Educational Foundation Week to earn double black masterpoint awards while also supporting bridge education and growth. From Monday, February 21 to Sunday February 27, part of each entry fee will be given to the ACBL Educational Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to learning and spreading the game of bridge far and wide.
At this time, we don’t know if these games will be available online or F2F.
All games will pay DOUBLE regular club points, 100% black.You do not need to do anything special to participate in these games. If F2F, vaccinations required, masks optional.
Unit 141: Philadelphia
Jay Apfelbaum
We are starting 2022 with a brand new face-to-face sectional tournament. It will be held at the King of Prussia Bridge Club April 1-3. There will be pair events Friday and Saturday (two one-session games each) and a swiss team on Sunday. There is limited space, so please make your reservations early. That is the way to guarantee your entry. Here is the internet address web page for the club, where you can make your reservations:
Entry fees are $30 per pair per session for Friday and Saturday, $120 per team for Sunday. Friday and Saturday game times are 10:00 and 2:15. Game time on Sunday is 10:00. Just mail in the reservation form with your check (made out to Unit 141) and you are all set. There is a 24-table limit at the club, so get your reservations in early.
Personally, I am so excited to play that I plan to take a day off from work! See you there.
We have a number of members achieving a new rank. We congratulate them all.
Susan M Grabiak
Stanley Joffe
Susanne Coffin
Lisa A Lamason
Clayton White
Christina Carter
Gail H McConnell
John F O'Rourke
Marc Topaz
Becky Levinson
Pamela Scalamandre
Vincent Coll
Robert W Lowe
David Jungblut
Natalie Weinstein
Jeroo F Dalal
David S Dodgson
Judi Shinberg
Bruce R Schwaidelson
Finally, here are Unit 141's newest members. Please welcome them and help them know they have a friendly home with us.
Bruce M Aronow
Paul S Baron
Deane M Brennan
Robert Bunson
Lucy M Dubas
Deborah Farkas
Sandra Forrest
Cameron Fox
Kathleen Hanley
Andrea Malinowski
Susan Sproch
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
Russell Poppleton
The new and improved District 4 web page (thanks in part to Unit 168 member Todd Thorsen for his efforts on this) has a link to show ACBL rank advancements. All are encouraged to utilize this link to see Unit 168 folks moving up. Congratulations to all the Unit 168 Mini-McKenney winners. A special congrats to Buddy Hano who led all Unit 168 Mini-McKenney players with over 800 points won in 2021.
All players are encouraged to join in for some F2F bridge offered at the Clubs throughout Unit 168. Schedules are available at the Club websites via the District 4 webpage under "virtual clubs.” The Unit 168 Club websites will provide both virtual and F2F schedules.
South Central PA will be hosting some special virtual games in February. See the website for a complete virtual schedule, which includes the following:
· 2/12-2/13 Valentines Weekend 2X regular points 50% red and 50% black.
· 2/21-2/27 Educational Fund Week. 2x black points $7/person.
GNT Flight A (under 6000 points) and Flight C (non life master and under 500 points)will be conducted Feb 26-27 online on Bridge Base Online (BBO). With a little good fortune, ACBL could be paying for at least a portion of your trip to Nationals in Providence, RI. So get your team together and go for it. Full details on conditions of contest are available on the District 4 website.
The Harrisburg Bridge Club (HBC) will be hosting a Sectional on March 18-19. The Unit 168 annual meeting will be held between sessions Saturday. Unit 168 members play all day for free on Saturday only. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. COVID protocols are constantly changing. Check the HBC website, for the latest COVID updates, prior to attending.
Something to ponder. On the auction 1C-2D-Dbl or 1D-2C-Dbl, playing negative doubles, this double implies either both majors or one major and support for the opener's minor. Make sure you and your partner are in agreement as to which one applies.
Let's stay positive and test negative.
Unit 190: Delaware
Tamara Holm & Paula Varrassi
February 18-20
At the “NEW” Bridge Studio
Suite 203 in Building 1403 of Foulkstone Plaza in Wilmington Delaware
Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination Required
Current Covid-19 precautions will be in effect
Due to Covid-19 precautions we will not be able to serve lunch
Check our website for updates
Delaware Clubs with In-Person Games
The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington
Harold Jordon
MOT, Middletown
Cheryl Shields
Monday Morning Bridge Club
Friday Nooners
Clare O’Brien
2022 Delaware State Championship Online Tournament
Our state-wide online tournament in January-March of 2021 was so successful that we're doing it again in 2022. The tournament will be held on BBO at 10:00 on six consecutive Saturdays starting January 8, 2022. The results of all six sessions will be combined to designate state champions in each of three flights: 0-500, 500-1500 and 1500+ masterpoints.
For more details, you can read the flyer by clicking here.
Unit 217: Susquehanna
Jim McKeown
Please join us for our next Sectional, June 3-5, 2022 at the at the Boalsburg Fire Co 113 Pine Street in Boalsburg, PA.
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