E-Newsletter - February 5, 2022
Our Church doors are open to welcome you in person.

Morning Service 9:15 a.m.
Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m.

Rev. Fr. Hrant Kevorkian, Pastor
My Weekly Offering for Sunday, February 6

Tithing or giving a weekly offering is one of our customary Christian practices that is freely given by the faithful based on their financial abilities. This is an expression of thanksgiving, praising God, and showing our love for God and His Church.

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Let's Read the Bible! Readings of the week.
  • Monday, February 7 - No Readings
  • Tuesday, February 8 - No Readings
  • Wednesday, February 9 - No Readings
  • Thursday, February 10 - No Readings
  • Friday, February 11 - Jonah 1:1-4:11
  • Saturday, February 12 - (Sts. Sarkis the Captain and his son Mardiros and his 14 soldiers) Proverbs 3:13-17; Isaiah 41:1-3; Ephesians 6:10-17; Luke 21:10-19
Bible Readings for Sunday, February 6, 2022

Fourth Sunday after Nativity (Eve of the Fast of the Catechumens)

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth. Avoid profane chatter, for it will lead people into more and more impiety, and their talk will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have swerved from the truth by claiming that the resurrection has already taken place. They are upsetting the faith of some. But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord turn away from wickedness."
In a large house there are utensils not only of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for special use, some for ordinary. All who cleanse themselves of the things I have mentioned will become special utensils, dedicated and useful to the owner of the house, ready for every good work. Shun youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Have nothing to do with stupid and senseless controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kindly to everyone, an apt teacher, patient, correcting opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant that they will repent and come to know the truth, and that they may escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will. 


Աշխատէ որ Աստուծոյ աչքին ըլլաս այնպիսի մշակ մը որ իր գործերուն համար ամչնալիք բան մը չունի, որպէս մէկը՝ որ ուղիղ կերպով կ՚ուսուցանէ Աստուծոյ ճշմարիտ պատգամը:
Հեռու կեցիր հաւատքի ճշմարտութիւնները խեղաթիւրող պարապ վիճաբանութիւններէ, որոնք հետզհետէ մարդիկը Աստուծմէ հեռացնելու կը ծառայեն միայն: Այդպիսի խօսքերու ձգած թոյնը քաղցկեղի պէս կը կրծէ մարդս: Այդպիսի խեղաթիւրող վիճասէրներ էին Հիմենոս եւ Ֆիլետոս, որոնք ճշմարտութենէն շեղեցան եւ շատերու հաւատքը քանդեցին, ըսելով թէ մեռելներու յարութիւնը արդէն տեղի ունեցած է: Բայց Աստուծոյ դրած հաստատուն հիմը կանգուն կը մնայ: Անոր վրայ գրուած է. «Տէրը կը ճանչնայ անոնք որոնք իր են», եւ, «Ով որ Տիրոջ կը պատկանի՝ թող հեռու մնայ անիրաւ գործերէ»:

Մեծ տունի մը մէջ միայն ոսկիէ եւ արծաթէ անօթներ չեն ըլլար, այլ նաեւ փայտէ ու կաւէ անօթներ: Յստակ է՝ թէ առաջինները թանկագին են, իսկ միւսները՝ անարժէք: Արդ, ով որ ինքզինք մաքրէ նման մեղքերէ, Տիրոջ համար թանկագին անօթ մը կը դառնայ, մաքուր եւ պատրաստ՝ ամէն տեսակի բարի ծառայութիւն մատուցանելու:
Երիտասարդական ցանկութիւններէն փախիր, եւ արդարութեան, հաւատքի, սիրոյ, խաղաղութեան ու սրբութեան հետամուտ եղիր, անոնց պէս՝ որոնք մաքուր սրտով կ՚աղօթեն Աստուծոյ: Յիմար եւ անօգուտ վէճերէ հրաժարէ՛, գիտնալով որ անոնցմէ կռիւներ կը ծագին: Աստուծոյ ծառան պէտք չէ կռուի, այլ պէտք է հեզ ըլլայ բոլորին հանդէպ, կարող ըլլայ Աւետարանը սորվեցնելու, ներողամիտ ըլլայ՝ որպէսզի քաղցրութեամբ խրատէ հակառակողները, որովհետեւ Աստուած միշտ ալ առիթ կու տայ որ անոնք դառնան իրենց սխալէն եւ ճշմարտութիւնը ճանչնան, եւ զգաստանալով՝ դուրս գան Սատանային որոգայթներէն, որոնց մէջ բռնուած՝ անոր կամքը կը կատարեն:


When Jesus realized that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, he withdrew again to the mountain by himself.
When evening came, his disciples went down to the sea, got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. The sea became rough because a strong wind was blowing. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were terrified. But he said to them, "It is I; do not be afraid."  Then they wanted to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat reached the land toward which they were going.

Յիսուս երբ գիտցաւ թէ պիտի գան զինք բռնութեամբ թագաւոր ընելու, դարձեալ լեռը ելաւ, առանձինն:
Երեկոյեան, Յիսուսի աշակերտները լիճին եզերքը իջան եւ նաւակ մտնելով՝ սկսան երթալ լիճին դիմացի կողմը, դէպի Կափառնաում: Երբ մթնցաւ, տակաւին Յիսուս իրենց չէր եկած: Լիճը զօրաւոր հովէն կ՚ալեկոծէր: 
Աշակերտները հազիւ հինգ կամ վեց քիլոմեթր նաւարկած էին, երբ տեսան Յիսուսը, որ լիճին վրայէն քալելով կը մօտենար նաւակին: Բոլորը սարսափեցան: Յիսուս ըսաւ անոնց.- Ես եմ, մի՛ վախնաք:
Անոնք կ՚ուզէին զինք նաւակին մէջ առնել, բայց արդէն նաւակը հասաւ այն տեղը, ուր կ՚երթային:
Schedule of Lenten Services
 Sunrise Service
 Wednesdays 10:30 - 11:30 am
March 2, March 9, March 16, March 23,
March 30, April 6
 Peace and Repose Compline Service
“Khaghaghagan yev Hankestian”
 Fridays 6:30 - 7:30 pm
March 4, March 11, March 18, March 25,
April 1, April 8


The Armenian Church collectively remembers the sons and grandsons of St. Gregory the Illuminator this Saturday, July 24, namely, Saints Aristakes, Vrtanes, Housik, Grigoris, as well as Daniel, who was not related, but was a distinguished and beloved student. All of them continued the work of St. Gregory, preaching the word of Christ at great personal peril.
Gregory had two sons, Aristakes and Vrtanes. Aristakes, the younger son, succeeded Gregory as Catholicos. He represented the Armenian Church at the first ecumenical council of Nicaea in 325. It was at this council that the Nicene Creed, recited to this day during the Divine Liturgy, was written and adopted. Aristakes was martyred around 333 and Vrtanes—at this time over 70 years old—was called upon to become Catholicos and served eight years until his death. Vrtanes had two sons, Grigoris and Housik. Grigoris preached in Georgia and Caucasian Albania (now in present-day Azerbaijan), where he was martyred. Housik was called upon to assume the catholicosal throne. He was martyred in 347. Daniel is included with the sons and grandsons because of his special close relationship with the family. He was chosen to succeed Housik as Catholicos, but never actually served as he too was martyred one year later, in 348.
St. Nerses and St. Sahak were the great-grandchildren of St. Gregory the Illuminator, and the Armenian Church observes their feasts on separate occasions.


Շաբաթ, 5 Փետրուարին, Հայց. Եկեղեցին կը նշէ Ս. Գրիգոր Լուսաւորիչի որդիներուն ու թոռներուն՝ Արիստակէսի, Վրթանէսի, Յուսիկի, Գրիգորիսի եւ Դանիէլի տօնը (Դանիէլ արիւնակցական կապ չունէր, բայց Ս. Գրիգորի ականաւոր աշակերտ մըն էր)։ Բոլորն ալ շարունակած են Ս. Գրիգորի գործը, Քրիստոսի խօսքը տարածելով վտանգաւոր պայմաններու մէջ։
Գրիգոր երկու որդի ունէր՝ Արիստակէս եւ Վրթանէս։ Կրտսեր որդին՝ Արիստակէսը, իր հօրը յաջորդեց իբրեւ Կաթողիկոս։ Ան մասնակցեցաւ Նիկիոյ առաջին ընդհանրական ժողովին (325)։ Նիկիոյ հանգանակը՝ «Հաւատամքը», որ մինչեւ օրս Ս. Պատարագի ընթացքին կ՚արտասանենք, բանաձեւուած է այս ժողովին։ Արիստակէս Կաթողիկոս նահատակուեցաւ 333 թուականին շուրջ։ Վրթանէս, որ այդ ժամանակ աւելի քան 70 տարեկան էր, յաջորդած է Արիստակէսին եւ ութը տարի գահակալած է իբրեւ կաթողիկոս մինչեւ մահը։ Ունեցած է երկու որդի՝ Գրիգորիս եւ Յուսիկ։ Գրիգորիս քարոզած է Վրաստանի եւ Աղուանքի մէջ (մերօրեայ Ատրպէյճան), ուր եւ նահատակուած է։ Թէեւ հոգեւորական չէր, Յուսիկ կաթիկոսական աթոռին կոչուած է ու նահատակուած՝ 347ին։ Դանիէլ կը խմբուի որդիներուն ու թոռներուն հետ՝ նկատի ունենալով անոր մտերիմ յարաբերութիւնը ընտանիքին հետ։ Ան ընտրուած է յաջորդելու Յուսիկին, բայց երբեք չէ ծառայած, քանի որ նահատակուած է 348 թուականին։
Ս. Գրիգոր Լուսաւորիչի ծոռներուն՝ Ս. Ներսէս Մեծի եւ Ս. Սահակ Պարթեւի տօները առանձին օրերու կը նշուին Հայաստանեայց Եկեղեցւոյ կողմէ։
In memory of: Rose Maloian, 3 days
Requested by: Father Hrant and the Board of Trustees of St. Sarkis Church.

In memory of: Jean Kasparian, 3 days
Requested by: Father Hrant and the Board of Trustees of St. Sarkis Church.

In memory of: Joseph and Doris Zakem, 40 days
Requested by: Zachary Zachem. Alec, Kara, Ani, Alina and Haig Sarafian. Raffi, Christine, Danielle, Melanie, and Nicolas Sarafian. Ross and Judie Vartian and family. Drienne Sarafian. Ken and Medina Topalian and family. Dr. David and Cindy Yangouyian. Paul, Chris, and Licia Yangouyian. Harry and Margo Derderian. Bernie and Pat Akkashian. Paul, Kim, Ryan, and Cameron Sirian. Michael, Stephanie, Julian, and Bella Akkashian. Michael and Karen Kazarian and family. Alberta Godoshian. 

In memory of: Harry Koloian, 50 years
Requested by: Richard and Sandy Afetian.

May the Lord illuminate their souls and may they rest in peace.

 If you’d like to request a requiem prayer in memory of your loved ones, and/or would like to sponsor the altar flowers, candles, or incense, please submit your request through the church’s website, saintsarkis.org, or by calling the church office at 313-336-6200 by noon on Thursday.
All Available For You Online...
Do you want to request a Requiem Service for your departed loved ones? Do you have a Baptism to schedule? or a Wedding? or do you want to become a member of the Church?
All requests are easy today by using our online forms. Visit our website www.saintsarkis.org, go to the services tab, and you will be able to fill out any form you need online, or click on of the options on the right.
Online Donations

For your convenience, St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church is now accepting online credit card donations using PayPal which is an easy and secure way to make your donations. To make a donation, please Click Here.

The Armenian Students' Cultural Association at the University of Michigan invites you to our 2022 Hye Hop Fundraiser Dance! This year, we will be donating to the Society of Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR), an organization that focuses on providing humanitarian aid to orphaned Armenian Children. We will specifically be donating to SOAR’s two new initiatives: the Families of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund and the Artsakh Family Restoration Fund. Logistical are detailed as follows:

February 5th, 2022, at 7pm
University of Michigan League Ballroom
911 N. University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Tickets are available to purchase via this link

In order to ensure the success of this year’s Hye Hop, we are turning to the greater Armenian community for their love and support. To produce outstanding results, and to provide a substantial donation to SOAR, the ASCA is asking for any financial donations or silent auction items you may be able to provide. If you would like to donate an item for our silent auction, please email Hye Hop Chairperson, Ariana Nigoghosian ([email protected]), and note the specific item you would like to donate. You may bring the item on the day of the event. In addition, checks may be payable to “Armenian Students’ Cultural Association”; please specify how you would like your name to be listed so that we may acknowledge your patronage. Checks may be brought on the day of the event or sent to prior (please email [email protected] for mailing information).

COVID Safety Policy: Per current University of Michigan Guidelines, and to ensure the safety of Hye Hop for all individuals, it is required that all attendees wear a mask during the event and show proof of vaccination upon arrival (this includes a physical vaccination card or image). Food and beverages will still be served, during which is an exception to such requirements. We understand that this may not be the most ideal situation, however, it is the best way to ensure a safe and successful Hye Hop that is accessible for our organization and students, while also following university protocol. 
The Central Executive is excited to announce that AYF Camp Haiastan Staff applications for the 2022 season are now open!
AYF Camp Haiastan has played a large role in many of our lives, both as young Armenians and AYF members. We encourage all of our members to take advantage of this amazing leadership opportunity, which also serves as a way to give back to the Camp that gifted us many lifelong friendships and memories. We are the current leaders of our younger generation, and we must ensure they are taught to never stop working towards our goal of a united,
free, and independent Armenia.

Dates for the sessions of 2022 camping seasons are:

Staff Week: June 19 - June 25
Teen Session: June 26 - July 9
Day Camp: June 27 - July 1
Session One: July 10 - July 23
Session Two: July 24 - August 6
Session Three: August 7 - August 20

February 11th - Summer & Day Camp Directors
March 1st - Specialty Positions (Nurse, Head Cook, Head Counselor, Assistant Cook, Aquatics
Director, Lifeguard, Armenian School Teacher)
March 14th - Counselors & Staff In-Training (SIT)
For any questions please reach out to U. Kenar Charchaflian at [email protected] or via phone at (508) 520-1312.
Ընկերական Ջերմ Բարեւներով / Ungeragan Cherm Parevnerov,
Հ.Ե.Դ. Ա.Մ.Ն. Արեւելեան Շրջանի Կեդրոնական Վարչութիւն
AYF-YOARF Central Executive, Eastern Region USA
The Armenian Genocide Education Committee (AGEC) of Michigan continues to pursue its mission to facilitate the teaching of the Armenian Genocide in Middle and High Schools across the state, as mandated by state legislation. Our goal is to eventually reach out to all school districts as well as private schools in the state to assist with teacher training and resources needed to teach about the Armenian Genocide in accordance with the requirements of the said law.
The AGEC is seeking volunteers among teachers, school administrators, superintendents, experts in professional development, and other interested individuals with the necessary enthusiasm and contacts to act as ambassadors to connect with districts, schools, and teachers across the state.

Our desire is to establish a network which will help the Committee
a) organize teacher training workshops on the Armenian Genocide, and
b) make teaching resources on this topic available to schools across the state.

If you are interested in attending a brainstorming session via zoom on this issue in the coming weeks, please email Richard Norsigian at [email protected].
You are welcome to share this message with friends and colleagues who also may be interested.
ANC of Michigan supports Sevag Vartanian’s candidacy for the
University of Michigan Board of Regents

The Armenian National Committee (ANC) of Michigan has decided to support Sevag Vartanian, who announced his candidacy for the University of Michigan Board of Regents in December of 2021.

Vartanian is a 1991 graduate of the University of Michigan, where he earned his Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Mathematics. Currently, he runs an asset management firm—Vartanian Capital Management—and works with clients from all over the country.

Vartanian says he is running for the University of Michigan Board of Regents because he wants to see more inclusion on-campus. He is striving for a leadership that takes responsibility and puts an end to the sexual assault scandal by treating victims with respect and dignity. He wants to see more fiscal discipline by re-examining investment options and lowering costs for students.  

Vartanian was born and raised in Dearborn, Michigan. He has been an active member of the Michigan Armenian community for many years. He was a member of the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF), where he met his wife Knar. He is also involved in the Saint Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church community, where he served on the golf outing fundraising committee. His wife is also a Sunday School teacher. “As an Armenian, I saw how my parents came here as refugees and orphans with nothing on their back. It is an extremely honorable accomplishment as a son of an immigrant to have the opportunity to advance in high positions,” stated Vartanian.

ANC of Michigan chairwoman Dzovinar Hatsakordzian applauds Vartanian’s decision to run for the University of Michigan Board of Regents. “I commend Mr. Vartanian for taking this initiative. This is yet another testament to our community’s commitment to Michigan’s advancement. Armenians are an indispensable part of the fabric of Michigan, and they contribute greatly by putting their knowledge and expertise at Michiganders’ service. We wish Mr. Vartanian the best of luck.” 
ARS of Eastern USA Launches "Share the Love" Campaign for the Month of February

To celebrate the month of Love, the ARS of Eastern USA has launched its “Share the Love” Fundraising Campaign to collect donations in support of the “Hot Meal Program” for the Armenian communities of Lebanon and Syria.

Through the Hot Meal Program, volunteers at the Armenian Relief Cross of Lebanon (ARCL) and the Armenian Relief Cross of Syria (ARCS) prepare hot meals for community members who are struggling to put food on their tables. In Lebanon, the ARCL serves 800 meals to community members once a week, and in Syria, the ARCS provides 350 meals to community members, twice a week.
To donate by mail, please make checks payable to the ARS of Eastern USA and mail it to 80 Bigelow Ave. Suite 200, Watertown, MA 02472.
Stay Connected:
St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church
19300 Ford Road, Dearborn, MI 48128