News and Updates - February 8th

  • Collection of Old Blessed Palms
  • Ash Wednesday, February 14th
  • Lent Guidelines: Letter from the Bishop
  • Stations of the Cross, February 16th
  • Children's Liturgy of the Word
  • World Marriage Day & National Marriage Week
  • Youth Ministry Update
  • SVdP Food Collection Thank You
  • Vincent's Legacy Furniture Donation
  • SVdP Cars Needed
  • Exodus & Exile
  • Emergency Closing Information
  • Chat with Father Mike
  • Young Adult Retreat
  • Dana Catherine, A Night of Worship
  • Weekly Collections and Mass Intentions

Mass Times


5:00 pm


8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

Visit our Website

Collection of Old Blessed Palms

St Catharine’s is collecting old palm to burn in preparation for Ash Wednesday.  If you have old blessed palms in your home, and you wish to dispose of them, please bring to church, and place it in a basket in the gathering space this weekend. Should you wish to dispose of it yourself, you may bury it or burn it and spread the ashes outside. Please remember that Palm from Palm Sunday is blessed and considered Holy. 

Ash Wednesday, February 14th

Saint Catharine, Holmdel

9am Mass

6pm Prayer Service

7:30pm Prayer Service


St Mary, Colts Neck

12:00 noon Mass

4pm Prayer Service

5pm Prayer Service

Lent Guidelines: Letter from the Bishop

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

During the days and weeks of penance that lie ahead --- from Ash Wednesday, February 22, 2023, until Holy Thursday morning, April 6, 2023 --- the Catholic Church throughout the world commemorates the penitential season of Lent ending with the Sacred Triduum of Holy Week. The model Jesus gave us for “these forty days” was his own experience in the desert and the temptations that followed him there where he encountered Satan face to face. And yet, Jesus, there in the desert --- alone, fasting and in intense prayer --- beat back the devil and triumphed over temptation, as strong and as unrelenting as it was throughout those forty days.

We enter the desert of Lent like Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, to face our devils, our temptations head on. But we are not alone. The Lord Jesus Christ is with us. And so, too, is the Church, the entire community of faith observing Lent. Here is what the Catholic Church in the United States requires of us as baptized Catholics:

1. The days of FAST (only one full meal) and ABSTINENCE (no meat) are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. No dispensations are granted on these solemn days except for reason of sickness or those provided in canon law below. ALL OTHER FRIDAYS OF LENT are days of ABSTINENCE.

The pastor of a parish has the faculty to give a dispensation to individual parishioners in his parish and the Diocesan Bishop alone has the authority to dispense groups of Catholics but only for a serious reason.

2. Those who are automatically dispensed from fast and abstinence regulations outside the age limits noted below include: the physically or mentally ill, especially individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Also included in the dispensation are women who are pregnant or nursing. In all cases, common sense should prevail, and ill persons should not further jeopardize their health by fasting.

Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to FAST (only one full meal) as above. From the age of 14, people are also obliged to ABSTAIN (no meat): this obligation prohibits the eating of meat, but not eggs, milk products or condiments of any kind, even though made from animal fat).

The obligation to observe the laws of fast and abstinence is a serious one for Catholics. Failure to observe one penitential day in itself is not considered a serious sin. It is the intentional failure

to observe any penitential days at all, or a substantial number of penitential days, that must be considered a serious matter.

The obligation, the privilege really, of receiving the Eucharist at least once a year --- often called “Easter duty” --- for those in the state of grace should still be fulfilled during the period from the First Sunday of Lent, February 25-26, 2023, to Trinity Sunday, June 3-4, 2023. However, the Church’s law does permit this precept to be fulfilled at another time during the year when there is a just cause.

I want to encourage all Catholics, especially those who are conscious of serious sin, to go to confession and to make use of the sacrifices and traditions that have always been part of our Lenten practices in the Church.

We do, indeed, fast and pray with the Lord Jesus and with our fellow Catholics. May this Lent be a time of penance leading to grace and joy for us all at Easter.

Sincerely yours in Christ,


Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M.

Bishop of Trenton

Stations of the Cross, February 16th

Stations of the Cross – St. Catharine

Friday evenings at 7:30 pm

February 16

Children's Liturgy of the Word

World Marriage Day & National Marriage Week

In observance of World Marriage Day (Sunday, February 11, 2024) and National Marriage Week (February 7-14, 2024), the Diocese of Trenton honors all Catholic married couples with a special web resource to enhance their marriage in three important ways: 1) Reconnect with Your Spouse, 2) Make Your Marriage Even Better, and 3) Serve Others in Your Marriage. 

Find all this and more at, and for newly married couples, be sure to visit - what every couple needs to make their marriage extraordinary! (Part of the initiative of the Diocese of Trenton)



Celebrating the Beauty of Catholic Marriage from the Catechism – read more at under “Resources”

1601 "The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament."

Youth Ministry Update

On February 3rd, over 800 teens, which included thirteen from St. Catharine, attended the Diocesan Youth Conference at Red Bank Catholic High School. Our teens were challenged to intentionally live and grow in their faith "On Purpose" through service projects, presentations, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a time for quiet prayer. 

The mass celebrated by Father Martin O'Reilly had two of our teens participating in the liturgy, Felicia Arena and Giuliana Pettinato read the intercessions. Four Youth Ministry Advisors and the RE Coordinator accompanied the teens to this year's conference. This yearly experience brings teens together from around the Diocese to live out our Catholic faith.

Check our website under YM for updated calendar or view it directly HERE.

SVdP Food Collection Thank You

The SVdP food collection this past weekend was a great success, and we extend our deepest thanks to all who supported our mission to assist those in need. Your generosity made it possible to distribute food to over 35 families in need this month.

Check out our new website HERE!

Vincent’s Legacy

Saint Vincent De Paul Legacy Furniture Outreach works with your local SVdP Conferences to serve neighbors in need of furniture and household items. Vincent’s Legacy accepts donated furniture that is in good condition to redistribute to our neighbors in need.

The Furniture Outreach Conference offers many opportunities for you to share your time, talent, and/or treasure. Whether you have furniture to donate, 2—5 hours a month to volunteer, or financial support to offer that will help cover warehouse and truck expenses.

If you would like to make a financial contribution, please send a check made out to Vincent’s Legacy Furniture Outreach Conference, 2201 Marconi Rd, Bldg.9037D Wall Township, NJ 07719, or use the DONATE button on our Facebook page:

Visit our website: or Facebook page: https://www.facebookcom/

If you have any questions, please contact us at: or

SVdP Cars Needed

St. Vincent de Paul has two families who are in need of cars to help in their daily lives.


If you or someone you know, has a vehicle to donate please reach out to Tony DelVecchio at 732-671-1874 or Joe Sparacino at 732-330-0827. Thank You

Exodus & Exile from St. Paul Center

“Journey Home” this Lent with an upcoming program, Exodus and Exile, presented by St. Paul Center, led by Scott Hahn and John Bergsma. 


Exodus & Exile – St. Paul Center (


Free, but see cancellation policy below:

There is no cost to joining the Exodus & Exile Lenten Challenge. You will be receiving a Lent-long free trial of our all-access Gold Membership, which is usually $25 per month. Following Lent (on April 8), we ask for $25 of support per month to continue your all-access status, but you can cancel anytime before April 8, and you won’t be charged anything. Free!

Emergency Closing Information


In the event that Mass, the Preschool, and Religious Education classes are cancelled, and/or the Parish Office is closed due to inclement weather, information will be posted as follows:


  • Updated announcement on the main telephone line, 732-842-3963
  • Notification on the website,
  • Email to all Religious Education families.
  • Brightwheel notification to all Preschool families.


Please note: In the event that a “NJ State of Emergency is enacted, emergency closings for the church will also be in effect.”

Chat with Father Mike

  • Struggling with a life event and in need of spiritual assistance?
  • Want to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance outside the normal Confession times?
  • Trying to find your way back to engagement with the Church?
  • Discerning vocation?
  • Looking to complete your Sacraments of Initiation and wish to chat about the journey?
  • Questions about marriage annulment or marriage convalidation?


St. Catharine is offering the opportunity for parishioners to chat with a priest who is only indirectly engaged with the parish. If interested, please contact Fr. Mike Walsh by phone 732-780-2666 x205 or email

Young Adult Retreat

Young Adult Retreat

February 9 - 11, 2024

Marianist Family Retreat Center

Cape May Point, NJ 08212

Come join other young adults (ages 22-35) married or single, to take a step back from our busy lives. This will be a time to examine your personal faith and your relationship with God, your family members and yourself. Our time will be filled with prayer experiences, peer group discussions, Eucharist and lots of fun!

Cost: $145 per person

Register at: or call 609-884-3829

Some financial aid is available

Dana Catherine, A Night of Worship

Weekly Collections and Mass Intentions

Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship for 1/24/2024 – 1/30/2024

Envelope Collections

$ 11,465.00

Online Donation

$ 5,585.00

Loose Contributions

$ 1,138.00


$ 18,188.00

Total Contributing Households


Avg Donation


Registered Parishioner Families


For Mass Intentions and Weekly Collections go to our Brief Bulletin

Please send communications items to

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