NYSCATE Masthead.png

Enhancing education through the appropriate use of technologies for all educators in New York State. 

February 9, 2024


  • Once again, I had the incredible opportunity to testify at the 2024 Joint Legislative Budget Hearing last week. This is an incredibly humbling experience as I get 3 minutes to testify in from of the Senate and Assembly on why the Governor should fund online PD at no cost for all teachers (along with our partners - BOCES, Libraries, etc). I can be honest and share that it is also the most terrifying thing I have done in my professional career. The funding makes complete sense to me, however making sure all children are properly fed is also important - more important in my opinion. So clearly, I can go on an on about this day and this opportunity - let me sum it up and say - feed the kids first, but then - fund our initiative. Small ask - huge impact!

  • You have heard by now that we are moving the Annual Conference to Turning Stone for 2024. The registration info and hotel blocks will be released between March 1-15 and I will announce when they are open through the INSIDER. The buzz that has been generated already is pretty encouraging, so we are quite excited! With that, many questions were asked about the 2024 STEAMfest and MakerFaire. The goal is to keep that in Rochester for this year. We are in the process of securing dates and locations now and will announce that shortly as well.

  • Taking a huge risk here, however - NYSCATE is very transparent and we encourage open communication. There are many, many events coming up in the Spring all over NYS. We also have the classroom grant openings (see below) and Board of Director elections coming soon. I encourage you all to take some risks - run for the board, apply for a grant, become involved. NYSCATE is made up of tremendous individuals and you are the fuel that keeps us growing and thriving! As always, I welcome your thoughts - both positive and constructive! Feel free to reach out at any time - [email protected].

And this Valentine's month, do not forget your love of NYSCATE! Please consider joining as a Premium Member or an Institutional Member! This year there will be many opportunities for VIP meet and greet events that you will not want to miss as well as prize drawings throughout the month for members that join or renew in February!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Calling all members and sponsors! NYSCATE will be hosting a golf tournament in July, kicking off our Annual Board Retreat. Come out for a day of fun, networking and prizes all while supporting our classroom grant program. Register today as space is limited. Single golfers, foursomes and sponsored teams welcome.

The wheels are in motion as plans take shape for the upcoming Annual Conference. There will be MANY opportunities to volunteer this year and we would love your assistance.

The official theme and logo will be announced in the coming weeks and registration should be open prior to March 15. In the meantime, consider joining us for the golf tournament for a sneak peak at the conference facilities and events.

Select New Premium Members will be eligible to win unique NYSCATE swag this month so sign up today!


Brandon DelCorvo Classroom Grants

Apply today!

The 20204 NYSCATE Brandon DelCorvo Classrooms Grant application is now open! Each year, grants of up to $2,000 are awarded to NYSCATE members for projects consistent with our Mission Statement. Named in memory of Brandon DelCorvo, these grants are intended to support innovative projects that enhance teaching and learning with technology.

We encourage all members to consider applying for a grant. Please click on the button below to access the application. All materials must be submitted by midnight on April 15, 2024. Awardees will be announced on or before June 30 and grants will be distributed in July 2024 to your school district. 

Click Here to Apply

National Education Technology Plan Released on Monday, January 22

Sean McDonough had the opportunity to attend the release of the NETP on Monday at the White House as his role representing NYSCATE on the SEDTA Board of Directors. SETDA and Project Tomorrow were the project leads and the plan. Congratulations to USDOE on an incredible report that includes every states and appedicies for district leaders, school leaders, educators and state leaders.

The full plan can be viewed and downloaded here.

Emerging EdTech - Episode 7- EyeJack

Call for Panelists!!

Focus Group Session - Winter Virtual Sessions

Each year, NYSCATE and our Corporate Council members conduct focus group meetings to discuss key areas in the development and implementation of their various products and services. These council members look for engaged NYSCATE members to interact and provide assistance. 

We will be hosting virtual focus group sessions via Zoom starting in mid-January 2024 to early March 2024. Each session will run 75 minutes and will include 6 to 8 NYSCATE member along with a session facilitator and representatives from the council member company. The sessions will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 pm to 5:15 pm ET.

If you are interested in participating in a focus group session, please complete this form asap so that we can review your information to match the company needs of our corporate council members. If selected for a session, you will be notified by email for your session(s). NYSCATE will award you a $25 Amazon gift card for each session you attend. For additional information, please contact Sean McDonough at [email protected].

Click Here to Sign Up as a Panelist


February 29, 2024

8:00 am - 12:00 pm


Download Flyer

We've officially launched the Generative Age series as a podcast!

Tune in at your convenience to explore the rapidly evolving world of generative AI and its impact on education.

Next Sessions in Live Series:

February, 12, 2023. Ken Shelton-AI bias and discrimination

6-7 pm

No Cost, Registration required

Apple Podcast

$199 For the Entire Series

(Get the recording if you missed a session!)


$35 per session

4:30 - 5:30pm

February 13: Prompt Engineering: Writing the perfect AI prompt to get the best response

March 19: Navigating the intersection of AI and ELA

For more information or to Register

It's not too late to Join in!


For More Information or to become a Maker

Digital Pathways 2024

WNYRIC - West Seneca

We’re looking for great sessions, and we know you or your staff are incorporating technology in your district in engaging and exciting ways. Others would love to hear and see what you’re doing.

Submit an RFP
Become A Sponsor

Save the Dates!

Submit an RFP

EmpowerED: Using Technology to Engage all Learners!

June 27 8:30am-3pm

June 28 8:30am-2:15pm

Foxlane High School, Bedford, NY

Are you unable to attend ISTE this year? No worries – we've got the perfect solution for you! Join us at EmpowerED, the ultimate regional event brought to you by the Bedford Central School District, The Bedford Staff Development Center, PNW BOCES, LHRIC, and NYSCATE!


NYSCATE Encourages YOUR Participation

in Annual Speak Up Survey

NYSCATE is a proud Champion Partner with Project Tomorrow and fully supports our members’ participation in the annual Speak Up Research Project for Digital Learning. The national Speak Up is the first survey designed to help students, teachers, administrators, and families share their ideas directly with local, state, and national policymakers. Speak Up provides all those interested in supporting educational technology with a mechanism for expressing their views.

Since 2003, Speak Up has collected and shared the views of more than 5.4 million students, teachers, administrators, and families from across the country. By participating in Speak Up, you are expressing your views to a wider audience of policy makers —and contributing to the national dialogue about how best to prepare students for the future.

The online survey is open to students, educators, and parents/guardians; it’s quick and easy to get involved. All participation is 100% confidential. Surveys take about 20 minutes to complete. Deadline to complete this year's survey is May 31, 2024.

To preview any of the surveys, click here

Let's make sure New York's voice is heard loud and clear this year!

Click Here to Learn More

Get Google Certified!

Take a deep dive into your G Suite with this full-day professional development opportunity. Explore various Google Applications that will assist in transforming your classroom as well as other aspects of your professional life. Basic knowledge and understanding of Google is recommended but not necessary to participate in this learning opportunity. This is a preparatory class for the Google 1 Exam.

Google 1 Training Dates:

February 10, 2024. 9am-3pm

March 4 & 5, 2024. 4pm-7pm

Google 2 Training Dates:

April 20, 2024. 9am-3pm


NYS Winter Cohort

February 29 - May 15, 2024

For more information or to Register

Learn Something New in 2024!

Self-Paced Professional Development for Educators

Learn at your own pace, anytime, anywhere. These courses have been created by NYS educators for NYS educators. Learn how to engage your students in learning and provide real solutions for your class.

We have courses that support the NYS English language learner requirements, courses that support the CS & DF Standards, and courses that support teaching and learning.

Contact [email protected] for large bundle pricing information.

For more information or to register

Corporate Council Connections

News you can use from our Council members

Bluum to host webinar on

Research on the Impact of EdTech

February 22; 1:00 pm ET

Step into the future of education with Emily Cook, Bluum's VP of Education Services, as she unveils groundbreaking research from Bluum on the tangible effects of educational technology in our classrooms.

Join us for a compelling session where we bridge this gap with cutting-edge research. You'll gain insights into how scientific methods can quantify the influence of edtech, ensuring your investments genuinely enhance learning and accessibility.

Click Here to Register

PC University joins Corporate Council

NYSCATE is pleased to welcome PC University to our Corporate Council for 2024!!

For over 28 years, PC University, a New York-based company, has been a leading technology integrator specializing in audiovisual, STEAM/ STEM, Classroom Audio and Esports. We customize systems by providing preliminary consultations and onsite visits for projects which involve installations for our customers. We take pride in delivering the best solutions by integrating the latest AV components and software to help educators bring innovation into their classrooms, making it easier to share and collaborate ideas, resolve issues, collaborate as teams, improve teacher performance (through Professional Development), and most importantly, student outcomes.

Click Here to Learn More About PC University

LinkIt: Your Partner to Data & MTSS Success

Would your team like a solution that:

  • Combines all your data in one place
  • Automates and centralizes all your RTI/MTSS processes in one place
  • Saves time for all stakeholders with easy-to-use reports and dashboards that can be shared with colleagues 
  • Integrates easily with third-party systems and assessment publishers. 

LinkIt! offers both a la carte and integrated solutions that can be customized to your district’s particular needs. Contact Dan Gross at LinkIt! to learn more.

Upcoming Corporate Council Webinars

Creative Solutions to Support New York Student Achievement

February 13, 2024, at 3:00 pm ET

Join NYSCATE Corporate Council member Fullmind  (formerly ITutor) as we learn how to use virtual teachers to help meet your students' needs.

This webinar will highlight how New York schools/districts have used part/full-time, state-certified virtual educators to support student learning in a variety of innovative and data-driven ways. We will hear from a variety of sites who have used live, virtual instruction before/during and after the school day to support high-dosage tutoring initiatives, suspension alternatives for at-risk students and other creative solutions for increasing overall student engagement and achievement.

Join Tony Skauge, Sr. Director of Solutions Consulting at Fullmind, as we learn more about creative ways to leverage virtual educators to fill critical needs within your schools/districts. We will also hear from and interact directly with New York school/district leaders about how they have tackled challenges such as access to high-dosage tutoring, suspension alternatives and additional innovative strategies for reaching high-risk learners. And finally, we'll gain virtual education best practices and insights on how to begin to implement virtual education strategies at your respective school/district.

Click Here to Register

Empowering NYS Educators:

Helping Students Organize Their Thoughts and Become Better Writers

February 27, 2024, at 11:00 am ET

Join NYSCATE Corporate Council member Ideamapper as we learn more about mind mapping to help improve you students' writing.

This webinar will dive into an evidence-based practice for building writing skills - mind mapping. This technique involved brainstorming, organizing ideas, creating outlines and writing to produce well-structured documents. It can be used with any age learner and is ideal for independent use by students in upper elementary school through college. A great practice for students who learn differently, or who have English as a second language. This interactive presentation will prepare participants to integrate mind mapping into their daily lessons for all subject areas. We will embrace NYS CS & DF standards as a launching pad for a collaborative "mind map", where we will brainstorm ideas and resources to help educators embrace these new standards within the curriculum.

Join Tom Whitby, Liz Kaplan, and Joyce Whitby of Ideamapper, as we discuss and learn about the following topics:

  • Concept of mind mapping as an evidence-based approach for building writing fluency in all subjects
  • Practice of mind mapping, including: brainstorming, organizing thoughts, re-organizing thoughts, outlining, and writing a finished well-structured document
  • Integration of mind mapping to support new initiatives like the New York State Computer Science and Digital Fluency (NYS CS/DF) Learning Standards
Click Here to Register

Finding, Refining and Recording your Voice -

Be An Author Month

February 27, 2024, at 3:00 pm ET

Join NYSCATE Corporate Council member Book Creator for this timely webinar to celebrate Be An Author Month in March.

It’s time to showcase how literacy can come alive and celebrate Be An Author month during March! Turn your students, and even yourselves, into published authors through reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities across all subjects.

In this webinar with Jon Smith, we will delve into the details of this empowering initiative, exploring how students can unleash their storytelling potential. Join us to discover the significance of celebrating unique perspectives, embracing diverse narratives, and recognizing the profound impact of every student's voice. Let's empower the next generation of authors and storytellers together!

Click Here to Register

NYSCATE is proud to be the state affiliate/chapter member in

New York for these national EdTech organizations.

CoSN_Logo_Aug13_CMYK_SML 2.jpg
SETDA logo.png

National Coalition for Technology

in Education & Training

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