Foster long-term economic benefit
for Minnesota through value-added agricultural products.
Got Biomass?
Check out the updated Midwest Biomass Exchange – a free internet marketplace designed to connect buyers and sellers of woody and agricultural biomass.
Reverse Pitch Event
On March 27, some of the world’s largest and most influential food and agricultural companies will gather to present “reverse pitches” to researchers and entrepreneurs.
2019 New Uses Forum
This special event brings together some of the most knowledgeable voices on topics related to new uses innovation, including development, investment and support.
Ag Innovation News
The newspaper is designed to make research and technical information easy to read and enjoyable for the average user. From an initial subscription list of 4,000, it has grown to reach more than 12,000 print and online readers every quarter, covering AURI’s work in the development of new food products, renewable energy, biobased products and new uses for agricultural coproducts.