Yamuna Body Rolling for the Pelvic Floor
The Pelvic Floor plays an important role for the triggering of almost all movements as well as for balance and posture. Its our support for the inner organs and helps with breathing. Many believe that many back, knee and foot problems can be healed through conscious training of the pelvic floor. Generally the female pelvis is more flexible and the male pelvis is stronger. We need to build up strength for women and increase flexibility for men. Our goal is flexible strength!
In this class we'll use the two Yamuna Black Balls to work through seated and lying down exercises to reach our pelvic floor flexible strength goals.
Yamuna Body Rolling: Save Your Feet!
Keep your feet in tip-top shape with techniques you can do at home. Learn to address pain and dysfunction associated with hammer toes, plantar fasciitis, foot injuries, running and other workout related foot issues, and more!