2023 Award Winners at our

Chamber Annual Members Meeting

We had another great get-together recently at member Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center for our Annual Meeting. The highlight every year is our presentation of member and community awards. While all of our members are deserving of recognition, it is gratifying every year to be able to highlight specific examples of excellence within our Chamber community, as well as exceptional individual contributions to our area.

For more details about our five Chamber Award Winners, along with the prestigious A. William Kany Jr. Award Winner for 2023, PLEASE CLICK HERE

Welcome Chamber of Commerce New Members this Past Month

Please join us in welcoming the following new members who joined this past month:

Atlantic Coastal Print & Signs - This Biddeford-based business provides printing services, banners, signs, direct mail campaigns, and more.

Charcutemarie - This woman-owned catering company provides custom charcuterie boards & spreads for weddings & events.

Dirigo Conservatory of Movement - This new dance studio in Dayton has a mission to lead the area in movement education, focused on quality age and ability-appropriate movement education for all ages.

Edelweiss Pastry Shop - This new Swiss-style bakery recently opened in the heart of downtown Biddeford on Alfred St., offering pastries, coffee, and a wide variety of chocolates and other treats.

Mariner HR and Business Consulting - This Saco-based consulting practice offers practical HR and business solutions expertise to help companies large and small take their business to the next level.

The Language Partners - This company provides certified interpreting and translating services to businesses throughout Southern Maine and beyond


Monthly Member Spotlight:

Empeople Credit Union

We are thrilled to have two interns helping us out here at the Chamber. University of New England Junior Morgan Diefenbach is our Spring Marketing Intern. She is a captain of the Women's Soccer team and is a business major with specific interest in sales and marketing. And Nilson David is an Angolan-born new Mainer helping us out with his expertise in communications and PR through his Fedcap program participation.

We all met recently with the team from Empeople Credit Union to learn more about their business focus and 2024 priorities. Here is a recap of that discussion for our January monthly member spotlight:


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