Common Threads
“Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.”

As we prepare ourselves for Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of our Lenten Season, we reflect on these words. We see how fragile life is. Lent is our time that we begin again, as we seek to be reconciled to God.

The season of Lent provides us with the opportunity to redefine our choices, to focus our vision and intensify our relationship with God. This is the path to eternal life: from ashes to Easter.

There is no better time than this season of Lent to reflect deeply upon the state of our souls and to willingly embrace our faith, in all aspects of our lives.

St. Brigid of Kildare has prepared a variety of activities to help you make the most of these 40 days. Please see our Lenten webpage and the information below. Please join us as we prepare ourselves for the Easter Season.  

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
Deacon Don Poirier to Retire in March
After serving St. Brigid of Kildare Parish as a Deacon for 17 years and reaching the diocesan retirement age, Deacon Don Poirier will retire from his Deacon duties in March 2022. Deacon Don and his wife Julie are both founding members of St. Brigid of Kildare Parish, joining the parish when it opened its doors in 1987. During his time here, he has assisted countless weekend and daily Masses, performed over 700 of Baptisms, presided at over 150 Weddings, and assisted at more than 200 Funerals. He oversaw the Jordan Conference, helping prepare young couples present their child to the Sacrament of Baptism. He also served on several Parish Steering Committee special projects.
He also served on several roles at the diocese including temporary assignments as its Finance Director and Director of its Information Technology department. He has also taught over 100 priests, deacons, business managers, principals, and diocesan administrators in a formal course in management and leadership. He has been a mentor to priests and others in the diocese with advise on strategic, organization, leadership, expansion, and business issues in recent years for over twenty parishes.
Deacon Don Poirier and his wife Julie, married for 48 years, will remain members of the parish and continue to live in Dublin. He plans to remain involved in parish life activities and occasionally assist with Mass and sacraments. We are grateful for Deacon Don’s time, wisdom, and dedication to our parish, and wish him the best in his retirement.
Clergy Who Cook
The 12th Annual Clergy Who Cook was held on January 28 at the Josephinum. Clergy from around the Diocese of Columbus served as chefs for the event that benefits the Pontifical College Josephinum. We are pleased to report that St. Brigid was selected as the People's Choice for the event! Deacon Paul Zemanek, assisted by his wife Cathy, cooked and provided over 250 people with a Jambalaya dish. Due to our parish's most excellent generosity, the St. Brigid community donated a significant amount of funds to help support the Seminarians.

Thank you very much for your support of this fun and great cause! Please continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life.
Ash Wednesday Mass Times
March 2, 2022
6:30 AM - Ash Service
9:00 AM - Mass (Saint Brigid of Kildare School children will be in attendance)
12 Noon - Mass
7:00 PM - Mass

Ash Wednesday Food Drive
As in years past, the Social Action Committee will again be collecting non-perishable food items on Ash Wednesday (March 2) and the following weekend of March 5 and 6. Donations can be dropped off at Hendricks Hall around the Masses on those days.

The recipient of the Ash Wednesday food drive is Bishop Griffin Center Food Pantry. This facility serves approximately 200 families every week.  While all items are greatly appreciated, the following are of greater need:
canned tuna, vegetable oil, canned spaghetti sauce, deodorant, body lotion. 
Parish Lenten Activities
Vespers & Penance Service
Vespers and Parish Penance Service will be held Sunday, April 10 at 5:00 pm in the Church. Visiting diocesan priests will serve as confessors. 

Individual confessions will be heard Monday, April 11, from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the Church.

Vespers will be held on Sundays, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10 at 5 PM in the Church.

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross begin at 7 PM in the Church on the following Tuesdays:
March 8, 15, 22, 29, April 5, 12

Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 PM in the Church
Spend a quiet hour together as a family with prayer, reflection and music. 

Collection Drives
Operation Rice Bowl: Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowls promote human dignity and foster solidarity with the poor around the world. Return Rice Bowl donations to the containers in the Gathering Area of the Church on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.

Ash Wednesday Food Drive: The Social Action Committee will again be collecting non-perishable food items on Ash Wednesday (March 2) and the following weekend of March 5 and 6. Donations can be dropped off at Hendricks Hall around the Masses on those days for Bishop Griffin Center Food Pantry.  While all items are greatly appreciated, the following are of greater need:
canned tuna, vegetable oil, canned spaghetti sauce, deodorant, body lotion. 

Check our parish Lenten webpage for additional Lenten opportunities that will be added.
Lenten Bible Study
Lent is an important season in the Church’s liturgical year — it is the time when we take stock of where we are in our faith to prepare for the death and resurrection of our Savior. 
Often, we lose sight of the point of this season because we get caught up in ourselves: how hard it is to fast, how we fail at fasting, and just waiting for the season to be over at Easter.

Because of this we often arrive at Easter with our lives no more changed than they were on Ash Wednesday.  

Change it up and make a plan for this upcoming Lent! 

Join your peers this Lent as we prepare for Jesus and experience true transformation in our lives in this powerful season by engaging in daily personal prayer, weekly bible study, and weekly mass.

Spend Lent following the Gospels for each upcoming Sunday so we can better prepare for Mass and grow closer to Jesus each day.  

High School bible study will meet on Wednesdays, March 9 – April 6 in the Massey Teen Room from 7:15-8:30 PM. 

*The HSYM Lenten bible study will be run by a team of HSYM’s dedicated adult volunteers while Laura Ginikos is on maternity leave.

Reach out to Laura Ginikos at if you have any questions.
Corks for a Cause: April 23
Save the date for this year's Corks for a Cause! The annual silent auction and wine tasting that benefits our parish and school's SPiCE (Special People in Catholic Education) program will take place on Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 7 PM in Hendricks Hall. We are excited to hold the event in-person again, but will continue to offer online bidding for guests who do not attend in-person.

Donations Needed
We are looking for donations of silent auction items (e.g. tickets, vacation homes, gift cards, etc.) as well as any bottles of wine valued at $20 or higher for our Wine Grab! If you can donate, please contact Sarah Moore at

We also have several sponsorship opportunities that families or businesses can take part in:

Volunteer Meeting
If you are interested in volunteering or just learning more about ways you can help out with this event, there will be a meeting held on February 22 at 11 AM in the Immke Room of Hendricks Hall.

If you can't make the meeting but would still like to help, contact Sarah Moore at
Adult Faith Formation Lenten Opportunities
with Sister Teresa
Open Our Hearts
Lent is a time to take stock of where we are on our spiritual journey. It is a moment to check our spiritual bearings and take any action that will keep us moving in the right direction.

Take time this Lent to engage with scripture and reflect on different aspects of your spiritual life with Open Our Hearts. Look at how you live out your faith at home, in your parish, and in the world. Connect at a deeper level with the Sunday gospels and take time every day to reflect and pray. 
  • TUESDAY MORNINGS after 9 AM MASS beginning March 8, 2022 through April 14, 2022 in the Berry Room of Hendricks Hall.
  • · TUESDAY AFTERNOONS (Women’s Little Rock Scripture Group) at 1:00 beginning March 8, 2022 through April 14, 2022 in the Carr Room of Hendricks Hall

Each weekly small-group session includes scripture, prayer and reflections along with concrete ways to live out that faith. The book also provides a meditation and reflection question for each weekday of Lent. Please register by emailing Sister Teresa ( no later than February 28 so she knows how many books to order (approximately $10 per book).

Journey to Jerusalem
Jesus begins his public ministry after his baptism by John the Baptist. Jesus will go to the desert for forty days (a number always referring to a period of preparation for what is to come). In each of the synoptic gospels, but especially the Gospel of Luke, Jesus has now set His face to go to Jerusalem. This will be His final journey, and in that city, He will meet opposition, betrayal, trial, death and, ultimately, resurrection. Chapters 10-19 in Luke are full of statements about “going,” “following,” and being “along the road."
These chapters record more than just Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. Certainly, “the road” (v. 57) refers to the road Jesus walked on, but it is also a metaphor for Christian discipleship. That’s why, as He walks along the road, Jesus is continually teaching about discipleship. He was preparing them and us to take up the mission.  Indeed, followers of Jesus were initially called followers of “the Way” (Acts 9:2). The Journey to Jerusalem is also our journey. We will meet many on the road (including ourselves) as we follow Jesus as his disciples. 
Thursday Afternoons: March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and April 7 at 2:00 PM via ZOOM 
(Meeting ID: 818 0305 9675   Passcode: LENT22)  

We Remember
When someone we love dies we gather as family and friends and have a wake, calling hours or visitation. It is a time when family and friends gather to offer support to each other, to tell stories and share memories about the person who has died. I feel certain that the disciples gathered the night Jesus died to do the very same things that we now do more than 2000 years later. Join me and others, via ZOOM, to hear the words poke from the cross, recall the stories and memories of his time on earth and relate them to our own lives. 
Tuesday evenings: March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5 at 7:00 PM via ZOOM
(Meeting ID: 838 3728 3814  Passcode: JESUS)
First Friday Eucharistic Adoration
March 4
You are invited to spend time in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist on Friday, March 4th for First Friday Eucharistic Adoration following the 9:00AM Mass and concluding at 4:00PM with Benediction.

My sweetest Joy is to be in the presence of Jesus in the holy Sacrament. I beg that when obliged to withdraw in body, I may leave my heart before the holy Sacrament. How I would miss Our Lord if He were to be away from me by His presence in the Blessed Sacrament! - St Katherine Drexel (Feast Day: March 3)
Jesus invites each one of us to spend time in joyful silence with him in Eucharistic Adoration. All are welcome, including families with children. If you wish to sign up for an hour, please use the link below (updated monthly) or email Shelly Cocumelli at
Blood Drive Feb 26
St. Brigid of Kildare is holding a Red Cross Blood Drive:

Saturday, February 26 from 8 AM - 2 PM
Hendricks Hall

The Red Cross is currently facing a dangerously low blood shortage. Please consider donating!

Sign up below, or call 1-800-RED CROSS with the sponsor code: saintbrigid
Catholic Scholarship Opportunities
The Catholic Foundation
The Catholic Foundation’s applications for a scholarship for rising 9th graders will open on January 31 and close February 28.
Knights of Columbus Scholarship
The St. Brigid of Kildare Knights of Columbus Scholarship was established to provide tuition assistance to high school seniors preparing to enter post-secondary school who are: Catholic, a St. Brigid of Kildare registered parishioner, are in need of financial assistance, and in good academic standing.
Father/Daughter Dance - March 25
The annual St. Brigid Knights of Columbus Father/Daughter Dance will be held on Friday, March 25th in Hendricks Hall from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Registration will open at 1:00 pm on February 27th. For more information or details on how to register, please see the event website:

Cost is $25/person and includes dinner, snacks, crafts, entertainment, and more. Space is limited, so please register early. Email if you have any questions.
Vacation Bible School 2022
June 20-24, 2022

Save the date for VBS, scheduled for June 20-24, 2022. More details will be released as they are set.

If you missed the initial planning meeting but are still interested in helping out with VBS, please contact Andrea Komenda at
Catholic Times Sign Up
It’s not too late to sign up for The Catholic Times. For a minimum donation of $17 for a one-year subscription, Catholic news from the diocese will be delivered right to your mailbox. Sign up online at under the Subscribe tab. You may also mail your $17 check payable to Diocese of Columbus – Catholic Times to the Catholic Times Office at 197 E. Gay St., Columbus, OH 43215 or drop it in the collection basket. Sign up or renew right away to avoid missing an issue! Your support and your readership are greatly appreciated.
Family First Lenten Programs
Mom to Mom
This Lent, Mom to Mom will be listening to the Abiding Together Podcast/Lenten study of This Present Paradise by Claire Dwyer. 

This study will challenge you with spiritual inspiration and practical wisdom, revealing how to live in union with God right now, during everyday life.

March 1st - S09 E08: This Present Paradise Part 1 (Ch.1-5)
March 8th - S09 E09: This Present Paradise Part 2 (Ch. 6-12)
March 15th - No Meeting Spring Break
March 22nd - S09 E10: This Present Paradise Part 3 (Ch. 13-19)
March 29th - S09 E11: This Present Paradise Part 4 (Ch. 20-26)
April 5th - S09 E12: This Present Paradise Part 5 (Ch. 27-33)
April 12th - S09 E13: This Present Paradise Part 6 (Ch. 34-38)

Mom to Mom meets on Tuesdays in the Church Basement from 9:45am to 11:15 am. You do not need to listen/read ahead to participate, join when you can. Childcare available! Childcare sign up here!  

You can find links to the podcast, reading plan and where to buy the book here.

Please feel free to contact Erin Heise at or Anne Davis if you have any questions.

Sisters in Christ
This Lent, Sisters in Christ will watch and discuss the video series “No Greater Love, A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion,” by Edward Sri. Experience a deeper understanding and appreciation of God's immeasurable and unconditional love as you draw closer to Jesus.

March 2nd- No meeting- Ash Wednesday
March 9th - The Prayer of the Agony. 
March 16th - Are you the Christ?
March 23rd- Are you the Christ? (repeats spring break)
March 30th - The Trial before Pilate. 
April 6th - The Death of the Messiah.
April 13th - The Seven Last Words. 

Sisters in Christ meets on Wednesdays in the Deacon’s Room from 1:15 pm to 2:30 pm. You do not need to prepare to participate, join when you can!  

Please feel free to contact Cheryl Hohlefelder or Mandy Skinner if you have any questions. 
Spring Sports (Baseball, Softball, Track & Field) Registration Open
SBAA is happy to open up the Spring Sport Registration for 2022.  Offerings for the spring are Baseball, Softball, and Track & Field.  All three are available to boys and girls in the 4th - 8th grades that are students of St. Brigid or parishioners of St. Brigid.

Registration will be open until Friday, Feb 25th, with the first practices to start shortly thereafter.  Please register soon to not miss out on any communication around practices and forming of teams. You can Register at the link below.

Baseball & Softball:
Season will be made up of 8-10 games with a season ending tournament planned for grade 5-8. Registration fees are $160 and include your jersey & St. Brigid hat. Practices will be at Brigid's Green along with about 1/2 of the games at St. Brigid and the rest at other Diocese schools.

Track & Field:
Season will consist of 4 meets + the Diocese championship starting with April 2 until May 14.  Practices will be held at Karrer Middle School or at St. Brigid/Avery Park as needed. Registration fees for track & field are $85.
Protecting God's Children - Updated Sessions
The Diocesan Safe Environment Department will be offering Virtus Protecting God's Children sessions via Zoom 3/17, 4/21, 5/19, 6/16 at 6:00 pm via Holy Spirit Church. Registration is at All potential parent and athletic volunteers are encouranged to register before these sessions fill up. Limit is 50 participants per session. 

Potential volunteers with children and youth must also complete a St. Brigid volunteer application, and submit a signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and submit to a criminal background check.

Full details and forms can be found at or contact Stacey Nerone, Safe Environment Manager at
Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:

  • Easton Matthew Andrews
  • Nicholas Theodore Hartranft
  • Leo Alexander Harness
  • Maxwell Luna Murrey
Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
Deaths of Parishioners
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.

  • Robert Dean Watts
  • John “J.C.” Alcox
  • Patricia H. Byrne
  • June Dorothy Conti
  • Luke Calvan Smith
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017