February 2017: What's New
Sibshops Continues to Grow
Sibshops is a national program of workshops for siblings of children with special needs. This unique group gives these kids an opportunity to get together with peers who share similar experiences.  Since Encompass began offering Sibshops last fall, it has grown from 4 to 9 members, and new members are always welcome.

As part of our monthly meeting, we talk about issues, positive and negative, around having a special needs sibling. At our January meeting, the question of the day was "How do you give a 'helping hand' to your special needs sibling?" Then we made an art project--a ceramic Helping Hand bowl.

We are extremely grateful to  Cascade Covenant Church, who is donating space for our monthly meetings starting this month.
Carnation Preschoolers Show Off Their Creativity

This month it was the Carnation Preschool's turn to learn about fashion! These youngsters showed off their handmade creations in a fashion show for their parents and Encompass staff that included hats, capes, dresses, and brand new sartorial creations all of their own!
Erika Hendron, OTD student
Pediatric Therapy Staff Consistently Striving for Excellence 

Encompass Pediatric Therapy staff are truly top of the line, and they only continue to get better. Liann Smith just completed a program through UW Infant Mental Health to become a certified Promoting First Relationships Coach. Encompass will now be offering this evidence-based intervention in Behavioral Health. 

We recently had 11 therapists attend a two-day class called Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Infancy: Assessment and Management.  This class will help therapists expand their repertoire of evaluation techniques and intervention strategies when working with infants who demonstrate feeding or swallowing dysfunction. Wonder if your child has reflux?  Our therapists are trained to help evaluate and treat this diagnosis. 

Lastly, this week the Pediatric Therapy program welcomed Occupational Therapist Doctorate Level (OTD) student Erika Hendron (pictured), who will be here through May 5th for a professional rotation. This will be Hendron's last rotation before her graduation from Creighton University.
Bill Krueger and Chris Cashman to Headline Rise & Thrive Breakfast

It's official! Encompass is excited to present Root Sports Commentator and Early Intervention Advocate Bill Krueger as our keynote speaker for the first annual Rise & Thrive Breakfast. On top of that, we have also booked KING 5's Chris Cashman as our host with the most for the morning's festivities.

To learn more about our headliners, as well as to book your seat today, visit encompassnw.ejoinme.org/rise-and-thrive-2017.
Program Spotlight: CHERISH
by Laura Lewis, Family Resource Coordinator

We value our children, and Encompass understands that foster children are particularly vulnerable and may need some special help. CHERISH (CHildren Encouraged by Relationships ISecure Homes) is an Infant Mental Health program that works in tandem with our Early Intervention program. We provide programming that is specially designed to meet the needs of foster children and their foster parents or relative caregivers.

CHERISH provides prevention and intervention services, as well as family support services. Staff collaboratively support consistent and secure caregiver/child relationships and help problem-solve around common issues of attachment, trauma, development, transitions, and concerning behaviors.

Our numbers have increased largely due to referrals from the Division of Children
and Family Services (DCFS). 
Encompass is very happy to report that we have received funding from Real Networks to continue seeing kids for up to six months after they turn three to help bridge the transition to new service providers and provide ongoing support to foster parents.
Upcoming Events
WORKSHOP: Let's Talk About Advocating for Your Child

Presented by Cathy Murahashi, from The Arc of King County
Monday, February 13, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Carnation Elementary School Library
TOPIC: Healthy Marriage, Healthy Families, Healthy Kids

Tuesday, February 14,  9:30 - 11:00 am
Snoqualmie Valley Alliance
FREE, $5 for childcare
Kinship Connection Meeting

Tuesday, February 21,  11:00 am-12:00 pm
Sno-Valley Senior Center
FREE, lunch provided at 12:00 for $5

Friday, March 3, 2:00-5:00 pm
Cascade Covenant Church
$20 per child (includes supplies and snacks)
WORKSHOP: Handwriting Foundations and Fundamentals

Tuesday, March 7,  6:00-7:30 pm
Snoqualmie Valley Hospital
Parents' Night Out

Saturday, March 11,  4:00-8:00 pm
Encompass Early Learning Center
$20 per child
Summer Camp Registration

Opens Monday, March 13,  8:30 am
Encompass Early Learning Center & online
View 2017 camp schedule and prices  here
Sign Up Starting March 13
Get Involved
Volunteer Corner

We are currently seeking volunteers for the following roles:

Sibshops Mentors - Are you a sibling of a child with special needs? We are seeking teens to be a part of our Sibshops to have fun and interact with elementary kids in similar situations.

Preschool Classroom Volunteers - Have time during the day that you want to dedicate to helping children in the classroom? Volunteers give kids more one-on-one support to hit their developmental milestones, learn about early childhood development, and have their hearts melted by 3- and 4-year-olds.
Rise & Thrive Breakfast

Reserve your seat or find out how to be a table captain for this historic event!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
7:30-9:00 am
The Club at Snoqualmie Ridge

Acknowledgements & Thanks
Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation Awards Encompass $3,000 for Therapy Tools

Recently, Encompass received a $3,000 grant from the Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation to purchase therapy tools for use in our Pediatric Therapy Programs. The Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation supports the Puget Sound Region by making contirbutions to programs providing community services to youth, the elderly and/or disabled, including medical services and research and to organizations supporting education, the environment, museum, and the arts. This year's contribution is their fifth grant to Encompass. We are grateful for their support!
Encompass | 425.888.2777 | info@encompassnw.org | encompassnw.org