E-News - February 2019
O ur Envision project is underway! Thank you for your prayers, your giving, and your patience as we continue this exciting project. Several Sunday School classes and ministries have graciously relocated so that the construction can proceed. Many of you have generously agreed to park in different locations, to enter the church at different entrances, and to “pardon our dust” as the construction process continues. Thank you for all you are doing to allow the progress to continue.
Thank you for all your responses to the “What’s your One” challenge. Several of you have indicated you are prayerfully seeking what God wants you to do in 2019; some of you have already indicated great ideas the Lord has placed on your heart. I believe God is going to do some exciting things at NHBC in days ahead as you allow God to lead you to one new mission or ministry in the next year. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do through you!
` Vaughn Weatherford
Stepping Out Testimonies
Many of our membership are “stepping out” into the community. This focus each month will allow you to hear from them, know how you can pray for that outreach and perhaps be inspired to join in as well.
Another Christmas has been celebrated with family and friends. Gifts delivered, opened with smiles and tears of joy all around. When we think of delivered, the thing that comes to mind is the delivering of something we can physically touch, hold or see. We get enjoyment and satisfaction when we deliver things to places such as Ronald McDonald House, Blessing box, schools, and other community projects. We feel the joy in our hearts when we see the happiness and heartfelt thanks of kindness.
Another type of delivery is one that touches the heart in ways beyond words. A visit to a homebound, nursing home, or hospital to deliver a kind word of encouragement and a prayer can mean more to a person than any tangible gift. Just to see the tears of joy makes you feel good inside and thankful for what God does for us each and every day so that we want to share the blessings with others that they can also receive a blessing. I encourage everyone to take some time to visit someone and deliver a moment of love. -Gary Dollins


Jerry McCall & Patti Crocker
Belle Bass & Phyllis Sanford
Barbara Fisher & Pat Welch

Men’s Prayer Breakfast
All men of National Heights are invited to a prayer breakfast on February 4 @ 6:30 am at Ziggy’s on North Glenstone. Join us for a time of prayer before you start your day. 
Click the Button Below for the Church Calendar
Care & Share
Care and Share

The Care and Share Ministry to widows of the church community will gather for luncheon on Thursday, February 28 at 11:15 in the Golden Corral North. This is an informal time of sharing and praying together. New members are always welcome to the group. If you need further information, contact Mildred Burns or Phyllis Sanford.
Newsletter deadline
February 18 is the deadline to have articles in for the February newsletter.
Email articles to:
New STEPPING OUT Facebook Page
Keep up with the exciting Stepping Out Ministry and learn ways you can serve by checking out our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/

  • Sunday, Feb 3 Meeting with 5th and 6th grade parents about CentriKid Camp
  • Sunday, February 10 9:45-10:15 - Children’s Breakfast with Parents Preschool - 6th grade in room 521
  • Saturday February 16, Parents Night Out. 6-8 in the Fellowship Hall. Crafts, games, and dinner. PreK - 6th grade.

Beginning in February you will find a list of volunteers on the bulletin board located outside the sanctuary on the south wall. Throughout February volunteers will still be listed in the Vision. Starting in March they will be listed on the Volunteer board only. 
With Deepest Sympathy

We extend our condolences to Katie Mitchell in the loss of her sister, Gloria Faith O’Gorman of Wichita, KS who passed January 16.
Prime Timers
Prime Timers will meet on February 21 at 11am in the fellowship hall. This month Bruce McNealy will be leading the program in the place of Carl. Our program will be the Music Makers from Second Baptist Church with Tom Owens as their leader. They are a group of senior citizens that enjoy doing what they do for the Lord, making music. We want to invite all that can to come. We will start with a short business meeting, prayer requests, then have our entertainment. Following the entertainment we will enjoy a carry-in lunch. Everyone is asked to bring a side dish or dessert of your own choosing. As always we will be receiving can goods and paper goods for Grand Oak Mission. 
~ Carl Rose                                                  Hostesses Are: Carolyn Kane & Shirley Hargis
Women on Mission
Women on Mission will have two work days during the month of February in keeping with the February theme of “Loving Others.” The first work day is Tuesday, February 12 and the second one is Tuesday,   February 26. Both begin at 9:30 in the Fellowship Hall. A coffee/snack/share time at about 10:15 will be under the direction of the hostesses. On February 12 Barbara Vallely and Patti Crocker are the hostesses. On February 26 hostesses are Mildred Burns and Barbara Fisher. Meetings conclude about 11:45.
  Both of the February meetings will be spent making quilts for Grand Oak Mission, our Greene County Baptist Associational Mission Center, located at 2854 W. Grand St. The Center serves a large number of families in various ways during the year. The needs continue to grow. This season of the year there are always requests for quilts and blankets.  Our women make 10 to 12 large quilts and 70 to 80 children’s and baby quilts each year. Darlene Gideon is the quilt chairman in charge of the large quilts and Mary McLemore continues as leader for the children’s quilts. Workers are needed in both groups. Also needed are quilt tops of full and twin size that are ready to be tacked. They are tacked and finished by the group on work days. 
  Also on Work Day, some of our women also work making salvation bracelets. These are used by the several mission teams from Greene County Baptist Association going to Mexico during the summer months on mission outreach.Last year National Heights Church sent over 5,000 bracelets and aim towards that again this year. Doris Whitcher is in charge of the bracelet assembly. All supplies are provided by Women on Mission. Come and participate in the making. You will be a blessing and be blessed as well. 
Attention all Youth - Winter Jam Concert
Thursday, February 28 the youth will be attending the Winter Jam Concert at the JQH Arena. The cost is $10. Meet at the church at 5 PM. We will return to the church around 11 PM or arrangements may be made to pick up the students earlier at JQH. Students need to eat beforehand or bring money for concessions.
Youth Afterwards Sunday’s 7:00 - 8:30
February 3 - Super Bowl Party 
@ Robb & Pam Chandler’s.  
Meet at church @ 5:00 pm, 
return around 9:30 pm.  
World Changers 2019

Chesapeake, VA - July 13-21, 2019
Still spots left
$75 non-refundable deposit 
Questions? Just Ask!
Monthly Activities
February 28 - Winter Jam
March - Spring Break Activities
April - TBA
May - TBA
June - Movement on Tuesdays 
Thank you for your support of the NHBC Blessing Box ministry during 2018! There are two boxes, one by the Norton entrance to our church, and one at the West Kearney McDonald’s. Keeping these boxes stocked daily means filling 14 bags each week. Each month we will focus on one particular item, but all throughout the year, items needed are non-perishable foods (nothing with nuts), paper products and socks of all sizes. During cold months, there is a special need for hats, gloves and scarves. You may leave items in the blue wagon in the hallway located by the Fellowship Hall’s west entrance. You may also mark a contribution ‘Blessing Box’ at any time throughout the year. This month’s focus is instant oatmeal packets. Watch the newsletter each month for sweet notes left by those who visit the box. THANK YOU for showing Christ’s love to this community!
Youth Garage Sale Scheduled for April 12-13
You can start bringing donations for the sale! The youth will accept all types of items from clothing, to furniture, to household goods, to books and games --but no mattresses or older style TV’s please. If you have items you wish to be picked up, please call Brian Miller at 833-4111 and he will make an appointment to come by and pick up your donation at your convenience. Please do not leave items outside of the garage. Deadline for donations is Monday, April 3. All sale proceeds support the youth ministry.
Being “Active” at NHBC
NHBC has two very active Life Groups. Everyone is invited to come join in the fun and get some exercise at the same time.
Stretching with Scripture meets on Mondays @ 5:30 pm. We will be stretching to Christian music which will include scripture & prayer during class.
Pickleball meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. All ages are encouraged to play!
Check this month’s calendar for the current schedule.

As we begin 2019, once again our staff, families and the children we support are grateful that you continue to make them feel special during a time of unimaginable hardship. Thank you for the magazines, coffee, and crayons you donated. We’ll certainly put these to good use right away. We also appreciate your continued participation in our Pop Tab Program to help our families even more! With heartfelt appreciation we offer our gratitude and wishes for a Happy New Year!
~Ronald McDonald House of the Ozarks 

National Heights Family,
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for both Phillip and myself this last year as we have had some major health issues come up. We are both on the road to recovery and continue to covet your prayers. The Lord has shown his faithfulness throughout this time and I know it is because of all the prayers from you. Thank you for your love and support, it has truly blessed both Phillip and myself.
Love in Christ,
~Phillip and Michelle Miller

Thank you for your prayers, calls and cards during my time of illness.
~Phyllis Sanford

-Thank you.
-God bless you. Have a good day.
-The food bank was empty, but I’m not sad. Someone who needed it more than I got it first. Please keep it up!!