The Land Trust is incredibly honored to have received a generous
$20,000 grant
from the
Terry Thomas Foundation
This grant will directly fund education outreach items for local children, school groups, colleges and universities, and the entire community. Those items include binoculars for the Coastal Ecology Lab at Cannon's Point Preserve and interpretive signage for Guale Preserve, formally known as Musgrove.
Binoculars will enhance the "outdoor laboratory" experiences for all school groups utilizing the lab and the more than dozen interpretive signs will educate visitors about the environmental, geographic, and historic features of the Preserve.
The Land Trust is grateful for the philanthropic spirit of Terry Thomas, Susan Goodhue (pictured above), and the entire Terry Thomas Foundation team for investing in this community, believing in the Land Trust's mission, and helping us achieve our goals.
Have you noticed the significant progress made at
1810 Frederica
? With new exterior finish,
roof, and continued interior improvements, this space will be a stunning location for Land Trust offices and events.
A tip of the hat to our contractor,
Shelley Renner
, and her highly skilled crew.
Landscape architect,
Roger Steffens
is hard at work developing the landscape plans. We are looking forward to seeing his designs.
A special thanks to our board member,
Jay Buchert
, who put his life’s work as a builder to use as our one-man construction
supervision committee.
The estimated completion
of the renovation is
late spring/early summer
Earlier this month, local
Boy Scout Troop #248
volunteered their time cleaning up Land Trust property trails.
The Troop's
Senior Patrol Leader, Calan Mackinnon
, strongly believes the environment should be protected. He says his favorite part about trail clearing is "making a difference on the nature trail and helping others enjoy the outdoors."
Will Bristol
, the Troop's
Life Scout
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
says, "Conservation service projects, like the one we did with the Land Trust, are cool because we get to do things that will help other people experience nature's beauty right where we live."
Thank you, Troop #248 for your hard work and dedication!
To learn more about the Coastal Georgia Council of the Boy Scouts of America, click
In the fall of 2017,
Dr. Owen Burney
from New Mexico State University and the rest of the maritime forest restoration team at
Cannon's Point Preserve
collected numerous acorns from beneath the sprawling live oaks at the site of the old Taylor's Fish Camp.
These acorns were brought back to a lab where they were grown under the care of Dr. Burney. Over the last year, they have sprouted and turned into
3ft. tall live oak saplings
- perfect for planting!
In celebration of
Georgia Arbor Day
, these
"Legacy Oaks"
were planted around the old Taylor's Fish Camp and throughout the southern area of the Preserve.
We are excited to watch these trees grow today, tomorrow, and for future generations.
1% for St. Simons NEW Business
We are thrilled to announce our newest 1% for St. Simons Partner,
Del Sur
Thank you for your dedication to land protection.
Don't miss their
Launch Party on March 25th
Thank you to
1% for St. Simons
business partners!
To learn more about this program and how you can participate, please click
The Traveling "Partner of the Year" Award
Since being honored at the Golden Isles CVB Celebration in January,
1% for St. Simons
Partner of the Year" Award
has been on the move!
The award's first stop was
Barbara Jean's Restaurant.
Jim and Barbara Barta were the
program pioneers and
the award with pride.
The award's current home is
Georgia Sea Grill.
Community-loved owner, Zack Gowen, is one of the founding program partners.
Be sure to check out the award
this week.
Keep up with our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts
to find out
where the award will go next
National Invasive Species Awareness Week
and according to the US Department of Agriculture,
an invasive species is:
1) non-native to the ecosystem under consideration and
2) whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health
These can be plants, animals, and other organisms. Some of the most common invasive species in coastal Georgia are large leaf lantana, chinese tallowtree, salt cedar, flathead catfish, island apple snail, lionfish, Cuban tree frog,
feral hog, red imported fire ant and
ambrosia beetle.
For more information about
invasive species in coastal Georgia, click
We are always eager to partner with businesses that share the Land Trust's goal of creating a community culture of conservation.
One such partner is
Wendy Barnes Design,
whose mission is to
"inspire champions for our planet's vibrant wildlife through colorful
and sustainable-minded gifts that give back."
Wendy Barnes'
Live Oak
has now gone live! You can purchase these beautiful reusable straw cases and other sustainable items in the Live Oak pattern TODAY.
Remember: With every item sold
in this Live Oak pattern,
10% is donated to the Land Trust
Check out Wendy Barnes Design
Thank you
to everyone who came out to celebrate the launch of J.McLaughlin's February catalog! The donations received from this event are truly humbling.
And thank you to J.McLaughlin for choosing the Land Trust as its coastal Georgia nonprofit recipient!
Does the success of a place sometimes threaten its very existence? That is one of the questions videographers George Crain and Lance Lipman ask in
“St. Simons: Surviving Success,”
a documentary that has been more than two years in the making and includes interviews with SSI residents from across the island.
The full documentary will be debuted
at our annual Live Oak Society Reception
on March 16
Watch the 2-minute trailer
Become a member of the Live Oak Society
A special
to all of our Live Oak Society Reception sponsors.
March 2
: Coastal WildScapes Annual Fundraiser - Starlight and Spartina. Register
March 8-10:
Little St. Simons Island and Benjamin Galland Photography Workshop. Register
March 16
Live Oak Society
Reception at The Cloister.
March 21
: Evening of Fire Cooking with Little Raccoon Key and Del Sur. Click
for details.
March 25
: Del Sur 1% for St. Simons Launch Party
March 30
: Coastal WildScapes Spring Native Plant Sale. RSVP
April 12:
Coastal Georgia Tourism Conference. Register
April 13-14
: One Hundred Miles Choosing to Lead Conference. Register
January 18, 2020
: 20th Annual Oyster Roast