Volume 05  |  February 2017
Your monthly news & updates
February is almost over! Can you believe that 2 months of 2017 have already passed? 
Career Cluster:
Agriculture, Food, and
Natural Resources
Careers in this cluster range from raising plants and animals for food or shelter to selling and making products from plants and animals. Other careers in this cluster could be helping ranchers and farmers improve products or working to conserve natural resources.   
Job Spotlight:
Agricultural Engineers
Agricultural engineers work on improving or designing farm equipment and products. They can help farmers work to produce more food while conserving water and soil.  Agricultural engineers may advise farmers on different sources of power.  
Scholarship Opportunities!!
Here are some scholarships that end throughout the month of March so check them out!

College Spotlight:
University of Wyoming
For the month of March the Educational Talent Search Facebook page will be highlighting the University of Wyoming. Check out our page everyday for more information!

Scholarship Tip: Put your name on all pages of the application so that if they get separated they can easily be put