Executive Chat

The Two Biggest Reasons to Hire You

by Rebecca Patt, Senior Vice President of Development, Wray Executive Search

For candidates who haven’t been on the job market in a while, it can be confusing as to how to approach an interview. You may be unsure what to talk about and come across as less polished than you could be. If you are feeling disappointed and at a loss because of circumstances with your most recent job, the challenges of getting in a winning mindset for an interview are intensified. Even candidates who are at the top of their game and the hottest thing walking at their current company may not be prepared to ace an interview when a great new opportunity arises.
A couple of simple hints to keep in mind: focus on your achievements and your attitude.
  1. Achievements: Take the time to write down your professional achievements, focusing on the issues that are key to the position you are interviewing for. Don’t make it hard for the interviewer to draw it out of you. Typical issues to consider:
  • How did you make your company money?
  • How did you save your company money?
  • How did you lead others and build successful teams?
  • How did you improve a process or procedure?