FLATE News & Updates
Celebrating Career & Technical Education (CTE) in Florida
On February 1, 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis and Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran announced February as Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month. CTE Programs in Florida’s High Schools & Colleges are developing a skilled, sustainable manufacturing workforce. In Florida, secondary schools in all 67 school districts, 28 Florida colleges, and 48 technical colleges and centers offer high-quality CTE coursework, certifications, skills-based education, and degrees. Currently, there are 17 career clusters throughout the state. The manufacturing career cluster incorporates six career pathways to include: 1) Production, 2) Manufacturing Production Process Development,3) Maintenance, Installation & Repair, 4) Quality Assurance, 5) Logistics & Inventory Control, and 6) Health, Safety & Environmental Assurance.

FLATE, with the Florida Department of Educations and FloridaMakes, continues to support quality CTE programs, providing resources for educators, students, and industry. Educational resources are intended to increase students’ awareness of and interest in careers in the field of manufacturing, integrating the academic and technical skills required in today’s high-technology manufacturing.
A.S. Degree Paths to ET Bachelor's Degrees 
Sharing some interesting data about the world of Community Colleges offering bachelor’s degrees in various Engineering Technology disciplines. According to ASEE, 39 of the 254 colleges and universities award such degrees. In 2020, over 6% of all the B.S. degrees in Engineering Technologies were awarded at community colleges. The numbers might seem small, however in rural areas, community colleges produce about a half of all ET B.S. Degrees. Click below for the breakdown by discipline. We are excited to see the large percentage of Electromechanical Instrumentation and Maintenance BS ET Degrees as many of those are awarded in Florida through the state and community college system through a number of our colleges offering Engineering Technology associate and bachelor's degrees. 
FLATE Secondary Educator of the Year 2013 Award Winner highlighted in the MSSC Community News! 
We are excited to share that one of our past FLATE educator of the year awardees has been featured in this month's MSSC Community News. Bruce (Dale) Toney was teaching manufacturing at Marion Technical Institute (MTI) when he won the award in 2013 and was one of the first Florida high school teachers to adopt the MSSC CPT (Certified Production Technician) credential for his students. After winning the FLATE Educator award, Dale got involved with the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education (FACTE) division for Industrial and Technology Education (FAITE) and has served as president of that FACTE division for several years. FAITE offers professional development workshops and tours annually at the FACTE conference.

Several years ago, Dale moved to Bellview High School (also in Marion County) where he teaches in the Robotics Automation and Design (RAD) CTE program, which is featured in this February MSSC Community News. Congratulations Dale for this recognition from MSSC and thank you for all you do for manufacturing education in Florida. 
Congratulations to Kim Burt on ACTE Fellowship!
The Association for Career & Technical Education's National Leadership Fellowship Program for CTE educators assists individuals in further developing their leadership skills in CTE and their involvement in professional associations. One of our Florida educators is in this year's Experienced Fellows cohort for members with more than 5 years of CTE experience. Congratulations to Kim Burt, Career Education Facilitator for Marion Technical College and FL Association for Industrial and Technical Educators-FAITE Board member, one of ACTE's 2021 awarded fellows! For more information about the ACTE National Leadership Fellowship Program Award visit https://acte.secure-platform.com/a/page/leadership/fellowship.
MSSC Announces 2 New Master Training Centers for CPT+ Certification in Florida 
Last month (January 2022) the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC) announced the list of colleges that will be hosts for the first 12 MSSC Master Training Centers. The goal is to make MSSC CPT+ instructor training more accessible across the country. [CPT+ is the Certified Production Technician and CPT+ is the CPT with hands on practice using the Skills Boss trainer.] Two Centers are in Florida at Hillsborough Community College, Brandon Campus in Tampa, and the Valencia College in Orlando. MSSC’s other training centers will continue to offer instructor training for the MSSC CPT 4.0 and the MSSC CLA/CLT (Certified Logistics Associate and Certified Logistics Technician) for those interested in these certifications. For more about the new MSSC CPT+ Master Training Centers, please visit the MSSC webpage
Upcoming Events
Spring 2022 ET Forum
USF Stavros Center Professional Development
Global Literacies with a Focus on Design Thinking
Two Part Series: February 28 & March 7 - 5:30 PM-8:30 PM
During this two-part workshop series at the Stavros Center (4111 USF Willow Drive, Tampa), guest speakers from business and industry will discuss how they use design thinking in their businesses to solve problems and improve processes. For example, we welcome Ms. Erin Black, VP, Sustainability, Risk Management, and Facilities for Coca Cola Beverages Florida, who will provide examples of design thinking and recent innovations.

We also welcome Dr. Marilyn Barger and Mr. Michael Kozdras who will discuss the process of designing and the differences between the workplace and the classroom.  In addition to speakers, we will present and work through strategies for creative thinking, critical thinking, and designing. Time will be provided for educators to discuss strategies they have used in their classroom and encourage teachers to bring photos, lessons, and examples of ways in which they help students in their entrepreneurial adventures. The first 20 educators to register AND attend for BOTH sessions will be eligible for a $50 stipend.
National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing Webinar Series for Educators
The webinars will provide an overview of trends and career opportunities in five areas of advanced manufacturing.
  • Supply Chain - February 11th
  • Mechatronics - February 25th
  • Welding - March 18th
  • Lasers - April 22nd
  • Industry 4.0 - May 20th
Who should attend? High school and community college educators and career counselors. educators interested in starting an advanced manufacturing program and educators interested in National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Manufacturing Education grant opportunities.
17th Annual FEEC Conference
University of Central Florida - February 25, 2022
The Florida Engineering Education Conference (FEEC) is for K-12 STEM teachers, administrators, practicing engineers and other (informal) educators from across Florida involved in and/or interested in learning more about STEM education. Registration fee is $20 (includes parking, lunch, and conference materials).
HI-TEC Conference Call for Proposals: deadline for main and poster sessions is March 3rd. Conference registration will open on March 15.
Equity & Excellence: Access in Higher Education Conference
Apply by Feb. 15 for $1,650 Travel Stipend to Attend
The DeafTEC Resource Center is partnering with AHEAD to provide a unique professional development opportunity for faculty and disability services personnel on fostering equitable higher education experiences for students with disabilities.
  • Teams from up to 20 community colleges will be selected to participate in the 45 Annual AHEAD Conference. July 18-22 in Cleveland: Each team will consist of a STEM faculty member and a staff/faculty from disability services
  • Each team member will receive a $1,650 travel stipend to attend the conference
  • Teams will be required to attend a pre-conference and post-conference meeting
Team members will learn from each other about challenges that they face in working with students with disabilities and how they can collaborate to overcome these challenges. After the conference, team members will share their experiences at the conference, what they learned, and how it will impact their teaching and support of student with disabilities, particularly deaf/hh students and student veterans with hearing loss.
MODEX 2022 Student Day: March 30, 2022 in Atlanta
Opportunity for Students/Faculty to Meet Shaq
Student Day at MODEX 2022 is an interactive event for college, university, trade, technical, specialty, and high school students. Students from more than 50 schools come together to connect with the best in the industry through real-world discussions and networking with professionals who can support their career growth. The highlight of the day is the guided tour of the MODEX 2022 show floor, led by industry experts and the opportunity to meet with exhibiting companies who are looking for future employees. Students will also gain a real-world understanding of the products, services, and technologies that enable the supply chain. Shaquille O'Neal is the keynote speaker. Students 16 years and older may attend Student Day, A faculty member is required to attend with students under the age of 18. A limited number of travel grants will be offered, click here to apply.
Exploring Standards Access and Education in ET Programs
Participate in ASEE Research Study, Chance to win $50
Researchers at Purdue University invite you to complete a survey related to technical standards (e.g., ASTM, ISO) integration into ET courses. As an incentive, they are offering a drawing for two $50 Visa gift cards. Two winners will be randomly selected from respondents who choose to provide their name and email address in a separate form linked from the survey. The survey takes approximately 5-12 minutes to complete and will remain open until February 28th, 2022.
Mentor Up Workshop: Advanced Technological Education Grant Mentoring for Two-Year Colleges
Participants will learn about the NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program and how to most effectively apply for grant funding. The virtual workshop will be held June 15, 16, and 17, 2022
  • Eligibility: Full-time STEM discipline faculty involved in technician education programs from two-year colleges. Two faculty per college are eligible for stipends.
  • Each faculty participant will be eligible for a $500 stipend at the completion of the virtual workshop. An additional stipend of $250 will be available upon submission of an ATE proposal in the October 2022 competition.
  • Deadline: April 1, 2022 with preference given to those that apply by March 1, 2022.
Recent FLATE Presentations on Demand
Presented by Dr. Nancy Diaz-Elsayed, Sohan Nagaraj, and Donald McCleeary, researchers at the University of South Florida’s Smart and Sustainable Systems Laboratory (S3 Lab).
ASEE Industry 4.0 Workforce Summit Webinar Series:
Community Colleges and ATE Programs Addressing
Workforce for Industry 4.0
with Dr. Marilyn Barger of FLATE
FLATE & FloridaMakes Sponsor
LIMS Edge Appliance Training by AMI
Watch On Demand
The Learning Integrated Manufacturing System (LIMS) provides the latest Industry 4.0 IoT Edge Platform for developing applications to bring your manufacturing system into your enterprise. The LIMS system includes a complete rules engine, over 50 I/O Interfaces, analytics along with statistics engines, and over a decade of example turn-key applications to get you started.

Watch the LIMS Training Video from the FLATE training meeting at Hillsborough Community College last month (January 2022) for basic instruction on the capabilities of the LIMS box and how to get started using them in your ET Program or manufacturing facility.
Food For Thought
The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2022
The Science and Engineering Indicators report is prepared by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within NSF every even-numbered year. It summarizes key findings from the nine areas including U.S. and Global STEM Education and Labor Force. The 2022 report finds that although some students transition directly from high school to the STEM labor force, the nation’s Science & Engineering enterprise depends heavily on recipients of higher education degrees in S&E fields. The number of degrees in S&E fields across all degree levels increased from 561,000 in 2000 to 1,087,000 in 2019, an increase in percentage share of S&E degrees from 24% to 27%.
Finding the salt-stress tipping point for coastal plants
In a recent study, a team from Duke and North Carolina State University surveyed some 112 understory plants on the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula in North Carolina, making note of where they were found and how abundant they were in relation to salt levels in the soil. The researchers identified a "tipping point" at around 265 parts per million sodium, where even tiny changes in salinity can set off disproportionately large changes in the plants that live there. Above this critical threshold, the makeup of the marsh floor suddenly shifts. Plants such as wax myrtle, swamp bay and pennywort are taken over by rushes, reeds and other plants that can better tolerate salty soils. The hope is that monitoring indicator species like these could help researchers spot the early warning signs of salt stress.
FLATE Resources