Coming Soon: February
Health Observances
With more than a half-dozen health observances, February is a great time to invigorate your outreach efforts and inspire your clients to protect their health.
To help you prepare, we’ve compiled a list of important February awareness events, along with a list of relevant health promotion materials.
Motivate people to adopt healthy habits that can help prevent heart disease with this awareness event. Pamphlets such as Eat for Your Heart make an effective addition to your campaigns.
What better time to promote safer sex than February, when romance blooms as thoughts turn toward Valentine’s Day? 
This February 7 event is designed to increase awareness, initiate conversations and spotlight the work being done to reduce HIV in Black communities.
Wearing red on this February 4 observance helps raise awareness of women’s heart health. To support your campaigns, consider our pamphlet Women and Heart Disease: What You Should Know.
One in three teens in the U.S. will experience physical, sexual or emotional abuse from someone they’re in a relationship with before they become adults, according to love is respect, a project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. This event is dedicated to preventing dating violence.
This February 24 observance encourages smokeless tobacco users to kick the habit. Our pamphlet The Health Consequences of Spit Tobacco can be a helpful addition to your campaigns.
Sponsored by the American Dental Health Association, this event highlights the benefits of good oral health for children. Our pamphlet Brush, Floss, Smile can help.
Remind people that lifestyle changes can greatly reduce cancer risk. Check out our pamphlet Preventing Cancer: 9 Ways to Reduce Your Risk, an excellent way to reinforce your outreach efforts. 
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