Hemp Alerts & Happenings
A monthly newsletter brought to you by the Colorado Department of Agriculture.
Hemp Application: Felony Convictions and Criminal History Background Checks
As of January 2022, all Key Participants identified in an application need to complete criminal history background checks. This means you need to PLAN AHEAD and allow for time during the application process to be fingerprinted.
In the USDA’s Final Rule: “[A]ny person convicted of a felony related to a controlled substance under State or Federal law before, on, or after the enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill” is prohibited from participating in the production of “hemp for 10 years following the date of conviction. An exception applies to a person who was lawfully growing hemp under the 2014 Farm Bill Before December 20, 2018, and whose conviction also occurred before that date.” (p. 58526 of IFR)
The hemp program will review the criminal history of each Key Participants as defined in the USDA’s Final Rule.
Key Participant (Criminal History Check required): A sole proprietor, a partner in a partnership, member of an LLC, or a person with executive managerial control in a corporation. Note: For Institutes of Higher Education, such as Universities, the hemp program has identified the Key Participant as the Lead Researcher for the Research Project.
Additional Contact(s) (No Criminal History Check required): Additional Contacts are not required to get criminal history background checks. Additional Contacts are non-executive managers or staff such as farm, field, or shift managers, office staff.
Additionally, “[a]ny person who falsifies any information submitted to this program will be ineligible to participate.”
Click here to read the USDA Final Rule.
Hemp Samples Must Be Taken Prior to Harvest
Remember that before you harvest your hemp lot(s), it needs to be sampled. Authorized samplers will be collecting the samples. Please click here to view the list of authorized samplers and click here to view the certified labs. Hemp registrants will pay the authorized sampler and certified labs directly. The hemp program will email the registrants a compliant letter if the sample results are compliant. If your sample results are non-compliant, the hemp program will email you with instructions on what to do.
On Thursday, February 17, 2022, from 2:00 pm-4:00 pm, the Cross-pollination Workgroup will be meeting. More information and the meeting link can be found here.
On Tuesday, March 15, 2022, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, the Hemp Advisory Committee (HAC) will conduct its regular meeting virtually. Please remember, the HAC and hemp staff will hear your comments at the end of the meeting, if there is time. Neither the HAC nor the hemp staff will answer questions. Click here for the agenda and to access the Zoom link.
In April, the hemp program will host its symposium virtually. Click here for updated information.
Colorado Green Business Network
The Colorado Green Business Network (CGBN) is a voluntary program that encourages, supports, and rewards organizations that go beyond the requirements of environmental regulations and move toward the goal of true, operational sustainability.
We provide free technical assistance, connections to resources, and recognition, in order to support organizations throughout the state in increasing the efficiency and sustainability of their operation through assessing opportunities for growth, recognizing success, and providing connections to like-minded businesses throughout the state.
Our upcoming February launch event is designed to help organizations understand a bit more about the resources we offer. This annual event is a really fantastic place to meet current program members, as well as to hear about the changes to our program and get some questions answered about your application at our in person and virtual application "clinic".
We've officially opened registration for both in person and virtual attendance, with the links included below. Our in person event is dependent on low COVID numbers at the end of February and will require attestation of vaccination to attend, but we do have a virtual option as well.
Our launch event will be taking place at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on February 24th, from 9AM to 12PM.
In addition to recognition, we also offer free opportunity assessments, which are on site visits that we do to help businesses identify easy, high impact changes that would help the organization to save money and resources in their operation. This is something we do at no cost for all sizes and types of businesses, so it's always a great option to offer to folks you work with, or to consider for your office space, if you think it might be helpful! You can find out more about what we do here.
Cross- Pollination Survey
HB21-1301 requires The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) and Colorado Department of Revenue’s Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) to facilitate a stakeholder work group to study and recommend options for minimizing cross-pollination between cannabis plants. To help inform their recommendations to the General Assembly, the Work Group asks that you fill out the Survey of Hemp Registrants and Regulated Marijuana Licensees regarding cross-pollination.
***For questions please reach out Brian.Mitchell@state.co.us
Required: Farm Service Agency (FSA) Lot Numbers
Hemp registrants need to create a farm record with FSA and receive a farm number from FSA. After you plant, you then contact FSA to report your hemp acreage and to get your FSA lot number(s) for each of the hemp lots you planted. Then in the planting report section of your account on the Hemp Online Portal for each hemp lot you planted, create a planting report and enter the FSA lot number (farm number - tract - fieldsubfield) that corresponds with that hemp lot. Read more about what FSA requires here.
305 Interlocken Parkway
Broomfield, CO 80021