What's New In Facilities

February, 2024




Princeton Geo-Exchange in The New York Times

The New York Times recently investigated how universities are cutting carbon emissions and prominently featured Princeton's geo-exchange system. The article features Energy Plant Director Ted Borer and touches on Princeton's journey to net-zero emissions.

“This moment is singular,” said Borer in the article. “This is when we’re switching to something that doesn’t require combustion.”

Read the full article: To Slash Carbon Emissions, Colleges Are Digging Really Deep (no subscription required)

Progress Towards Reducing Campus Carbon Emissions: Update from ED Thomas Nyquist

In 2015, at the start of our campus master plan, a committee of faculty members and Facilities staff recommended that the campus be net carbon neutral by 2046. They stipulated that the university cannot use offsets to achieve this goal and we cannot wait for the next generation to act. Their recommendation was based upon scientific research that showed that global emissions of greenhouse gases must be reduced starting now and all global emissions must be eliminated by 2050.

This campus emissions recommendation was the most significant input into our analysis for our next generation heating and cooling plant. Read more about our progress with the recent completion of two new energy plants.

2023 Facilities Award Winners

After much deliberation, five staff members have been named Facilities Award winners for their work in 2023!

Robin Perkins, Operations Vice President’s Award (center left, pictured above)

Lynn Barbour, Office of Capital Projects Excellence Award

Grant Peatman, Operations Excellence Award

Patricia Devine, Office of Capital Projects Core Values Award

Karen Fanning, Office of the Vice President Core Values Award

Read more about the winners and see photos from the award announcements on Inside Facilities!

New Faces in Facilities

Meet the New Faces

Facilities welcomed many new team members recently.

Featured left is Christine Koye, Lead Custodian, Building Services, and right,

Patrick O'Brien, Senior Project Manager, Capital Projects.

Tania Althoff Elected AIA Central New Jersey President

Tania Althoff, project manager for design and construction in the Office of Capital Projects, has been elected as the 2025 president of the Central New Jersey section of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Read more about her role as President-Elect.

Black History Month Events

February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the achievements, triumphs, struggles, and history of African Americans.

Facilities will be hosting a speaker event with local historian Shirley Satterfield on March 14, titled, The African American History in Princeton, NJ.

There are numerous other lectures, tours and events happening in the community throughout the month

Women in Construction Survey

If you're a woman working in construction in Facilities, tell us about yourself by taking this quick survey.

You don't have to wear a hard hat to work in construction. Many of us support construction projects in key areas like architecture, project management, billing, procurement, impact coordination, and more!

Complete a 5-question survey to be featured.

Bring Your Child to Work Day 2024!

Bring Your Child to Work Day (BYCTWD) is scheduled for Thursday, April 25. The full day of activities is open to children age 8-15 and will introduce them to the range of skills and knowledge within the Facilities organization.

Spots are limited for participation. If you're interested in registering your children, please fill out a lottery form by Friday, March 25 at noon. Employees will be notified of lottery results well in advance of the program date.

Save the Date: Chili Cook Off Feb. 22

The Chili and Cornbread Cook Off is returning on Thursday, February 22, to the MacMillan Large Conference Room. Sign up to enter your best recipe or come by to vote for your favorite!

Owner of a Healthy Heart

February is Heart Health Month, and a perfect time to think about that fist-sized pump in our chests that propels vital oxygen and nutrients throughout our bodies 100,000 times per day.

Here are some tips from My Health Coach about protecting a healthy heart.

Princeton Writes Prize

The Princeton Writes Prize is designed to encourage and recognize outstanding writing on the part of University staff.

Essay submissions are due by March 4, 2024.

Important Dates & Helpful Events


Bias, Power, and Privilege


President's Town Hall


Chili Cook Off

>>> For more important dates and professional development opportunities, visit the Facilities Events page.

OneRespect: Call for Participants

Custodians from all areas of campus are invited to be featured in the next round of OneRespect posters.

To participate, you'll take some quick photos, have a short talk with a student, and sign off on the final poster.

Email Frances Hannan ( if you're interested!

The Link Up

Helpful links from across the campus community

Fill out your insider profile and upload your photo.

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